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Question bank 2nd hemi

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If you want to come to the most plausible interpretations in the circumstances, two aspects must help you The meaning of the word and the knowledge in the world Common sense and knowledge in the word Common sense and knowledge of the world.
Un eufemismo suaviza una expresión considerada Ofensiva Auténtica Elocuente Irrisoria.
“Bit the dust” is an euphemism meaning Die Bite a pie To fall down Make a joke.
Suppose that a bartender utters the words: “The bar will be closed in 5 min”. Which of the next options represents the illocutionary act? Saying that the bar will be closed in 5 min The bartender intends to be performing this act by causing the customers to believe the bar is about to close, and of getting them to want and to order one last drink. The act of informing the customers of the bar’s imminent closing and perhaps also the act of urging them to order a last drink.
Speech acts refer to the…………………in which statements occur in the…………… act within a given…………. Moments-listening-utter Moments-communicative-context Occasions-communicative-utter.
The devices used by speakers and writers when they knit single sentences together into a coherent and cohesive whole are in: The utterances The discourse analysis The pragmatics .
Pragmatics explains how language users are …………………. apparent ambiguity, since meaning relies on the manner, place, time, etc…………. doing- to avoid lexical errors able to overcome- of an utterance explain- eliminate the sense.
What Gricean maxim is involved if someone is accused of not keeping to the subject? Quality Quantity Manner Relevance .
When referring to “what is said” and “what is meant”. We are referring to Locution and Illocution Direct and indirect speech Locution and peer locution.
When locution and illocution coincide, it is known as Peer illocutionary act Indirect speech Direct speech.
The speech acts categories are: Representatives, commissives, directives, declarations, expressive and verdictive Representatives, commissives, directives, declarations, emotional and verdictive Representatives, commissives, claims, declarations, expressive and verdictive.
Direct speech can be defined as: Repeating the words spoken Reporting the words spoken Quoting someone changing his words.
When quoting someone’s words we must: Transmit the message with almost the same words Transmit the message without changing a single word Transmit the message no matter the words used.
In the example “Could you pass the salt” the speaker intention is not expressed directly, so you would not usually understand the utterance as a question at all. You would treat it as a: Request Affirmative sentence Declarative statement.
How can be defined Discourse Analysis? Language beyond the level of a sentence Language behaviors linked to social practices. Language as a system of thought All the previous ones.
"The pen is mightier than the sword." This is an example of what stylistic device: Metonymy Metaphor Idiom.
"It beats . . . as it sweeps . . . as it cleans!", this is an example of: Assonance Rhyme Alliteration.
The proverbs are related to Semiotic Paremiology Semantics.
For the sociolinguist. What is the meaning of politeness? The way that people choose to speak and how their listeners react to what they say. Being polite means showing good manners Thinking about other people’s feelings Represents the interlocutors’ desire to be pleasant to himself.
What is a face in politeness? It is the public self-image that every person tries to threat. It is the bad image of the other person It is the public self-image that every person tries to protect, and other people’s image of a person. It is the representation of politeness in the society.
In Spanish an example of “cortesía encubierta ”es: Hazme un café ¿Me haces un café? ¿Me podrías hacer un café, por favor? Tengo sueño, necesito algo para despertarme.
Slangs are _________ and _________ that are considered to be very __________. They are more common in ___________ than in ___________. Words, phrases, formal, speech, writing Words, phrases, informal, speech, writing Words, sentences, formal, writing, speech Words, sentences, informal, writing, speech.
The slang : « redneck » refers to : A social awkward person. A studious person with few social skills A studious but socially inept person A lower-class white person from a rural background .
What of the following definitions about repair is the best? It refers to how speakers address the problem in speaking, listening, and comprehending that they may encounter in a conversation It is a subfield of linguistics and semiotics that studies the ways in which context contributes to meaning. It is a group of words in a fixed order that have a particular meaning that is different from the meanings of each word on its own.
What is the correct definition for Puns? It’s a joke A special form of humor based on double meanings Jokes that are based on wordplay which can be really easy to understand Humor based on sight gags, funny facial expressions, or boring visual arrangements.
Carefully read the following idiom and select the type to which it refers. “To burn one’s boats = to make retreat impossible” Transparent Idioms Semi-transparent Idioms Semi-opaque Idioms Opaque Idioms.
An argot is a secret language or specialized vocabulary from a particular field of study, occupation, or hobby; and it could be A phrase or a lexical item An acronym or an abbreviation A numerical or alphanumerical code All answers are correct.
This acronym “ADHD” is an educational argot. Is it formal or informal? What it means? Formal – attention difficulty hyperactivity disorder Formal – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Informal – attention difficulty hyperactivity disorder Informal – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
A twisting word is defined as a phrase or sentence that is hard to speak fast and say correctly, usually because of Alliteration or a sequence of nearly similar sounds Spoonerism and alliteration Repetition of a sound and the influence of the culture.
According to Communication Repair Strategies, when we say “This is where the listener doesn’t understand what the speaker says”, we are referring to? General Inquiry Partial Repetition Specific “Wh” Question Candidate Interpretation.
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