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Preguntas text Diacronía UNED 3

Diacronía y tipología del inglés

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Baugh and Cable cite as evidence of the use of English among Norman nobles the following: (page 117) "The most striking instance is that reported (c. 1175) by William of Canterbury in his life of Becket. On one occasion ______________, wife of a man of Norman descent and mother of one of Becket's murderers, invoked the aid of her husband in an emergency by crying out, 'Huge de Morevile, ware, ware, ware, Lithulf heth his swerd adrage!' The name of the lady who uttered these words was: Joan de Geneville Charlotte Brewer Helewisa de Morville Mary of Shaftesbury.
Choose the correct option: (page 29) Iceland was colonized by settlers from Sweden about A.D. 874 and early on preserved a body of heroic literature unsurpassed among the Germanic peoples. Sweden was colonized by settlers from Norway about A.D. 874 and early on preserved a body of heroic literature unsurpassed among the Germanic peoples. Sweden was colonized by settlers from Iceland about A.D. 874 and early on preserved a body of heroic literature unsurpassed among the Germanic peoples. Iceland was colonized by settlers from Norway about A.D. 874 and early on preserved a body of heroic literature unsurpassed among the Germanic peoples.
Which of the following words is a self-explaining compound? (page61) cyningdom leohtfæt geférascipe wipdrifan.
In addition to the strong verbs that are not found at all after the Old English period, there are about a dozen more that appear only in: (page 158) Layamon or in certain twelfth-century texts based directly on the homilies of lfric and other Middle English works. Ancrene Riwle or in certain twelfth-century texts based directly on the Peterborough Chronicle and other Old English works. Ancrene Riwle or in certain twelfth-century texts based directly on the homilies of lfric and other Middle English works. Layamon or in certain twelfth-century texts based directly on the homilies of lfric and other Old English works.
The changes in English grammar may be described as: (page 154) The fixing of word order The simplification of the case system The massive borrowing of vocabulary from French The general reduction of inflections.
Choose the correct option: (page 385) One of the reasons put forward by Beekes to explain, for example, why the development of Comparative Linguistics did not take place earlier is that similarities between Sanskrit, Greek and Latin were not obvious. One of the reasons put forward by Beekes to explain, for example, why the development of Comparative Linguistics did not take place earlier is that when some change was identified, it was considered a type of decay. One of the reasons put forward by Beekes to explain, for example, why the development of Comparative Linguistics did not take place earlier is that it takes 6000-8000 years when two languages split for them to lose remnants of their common past. One of the reasons put forward by Beekes to explain, for example, why the development of Comparative Linguistics did not take place earlier is that only the Wave Theory could overcome the shortcomings of this method and the metaphor of the Family-Tree.
The words hearty (from Old English) and cordial (from Latin) have both been kept in the English language because: (page 176) They are used with a slight difference in register. They are used with a slight difference in context They are used with a slight difference in specificity. They are used with a slight difference in meaning.
In Present-Day English, nouns sometimes have an adjectival function specifying another noun that follows it. In which of the following options can we find a similar pattern? alde moder forboden eappel makede wei sunne inƷong.
In which of the following options do we find a conditional structure? Nu ic sylle ðearfum healfe mne hta. bute he icostned weoren prie inne compe, and his ohtscipen icudde and ifonded hine seolve; Ðis gre for pe king Stephne ofer s to Normandi and ther wes underfangen. ond onne gehydað heahstefn scipu to þam unlonde oncyrrapum setlap sæmearas sundes æt ende.
To which noun in the sentence below are the adjectives in “reonigmode ræste geliste” referring to? “heah fr la hle beo on wynnum reonigmode rste geliste” haelep heah fyr wynnum.
By about 1250, the strong declension of adjectives had distinctive forms for the singular and plural only in ________. certain monosyllabic adjectives which ended in a consonant in Old English. certain disyllabic adjectives which ended in a vowel in Old English. certain monosyllabic adjectives which ended in a vowel in Middle English. Certain disyllabic adjectives which ended in a consonant in Middle English.
Choose the correct option: (page 384) The second factor that has hindered diachronic linguistics analyses can be found, according to Bynon, in the belief that the way languages are transmitted is responsible for a majority of linguistic changes. The second factor that has hindered diachronic linguistics analysis can be found, according to Bynon, in the belief that diachronic studies use idealizations of a language in order to describe it. The second factor that has hindered diachronic linguistics analysis can be found, according to Bynon, in the belief that the linguistic change is not attributed to the improper learning of the language by children The second factor that has hindered diachronic linguistics analysis can be found, according to Bynon, in the belief that improper learning is counteracted by speakers that consciously struggle to keep the integrity of the linguistic system.
Which of the following options correctly characterize this second person pronominal form gé : Accusative singular dative plural nominative plural genitive singular.
Which chronicler, being the son of a Norman father and an English mother, in spite of the fact that he spent his life from the age of ten in Normandy, always referred to himself as an Englishman: (page 112) Ancrene Riwle Wulfstan Orderic Vitalis Roger of Wendover.
Which of the following reasons was put forward by John Barton when he wrote a Donet François, a treatise intended for English adults who wished to learn French: (page 147) Their needing it to communicate among themselves. Their needing it to be able to read French literature Their needing it to communicate with their neighbors of the realm of France. Their needing it to keep international relations as it was a language of prestige.
During the latter part of the Middle English period: (page 136) The status of the free tenants more nearly resembled that of the villein The status of themerchant class more nearly resembled that of the labouring class The status of the villein more nearly resembled that of the free tenants The status of the labouring class more nearly resembled that of the merchant class.
Choose the correct option: (page 156) The decay of pronominal inflexions was due in only a slight measure to the weakening of final syllables that played so large a part in the reduction of endings in the noun and the adjective. The decay of verbal inflexions was due in only a slight measure to the weakening of final syllables that played so large a part in the reduction of endings in the noun and the adjective. The decay of verbal inflexions was due in only a slight measure to the weakening of final syllables that played so large a part in the reduction of endings in the pronoun and the adjective. The decay of noun inflexions was due in only a slight measure to the weakening of final syllables that played so large a part in the reduction of endings in the pronoun and the verb.
In which of the following options can we find one (or more) examples of an explicit passive construction? a the suikes undergton at he milde man was and softe and god, and na iustise ne dide. Hr ws Gyperwc gehergod; ond fter m swe rae ws Brihtn ealdorman ofslgen. isse hw-rddene ys hl gewrden foram he ws habrahames bearn a weoren i Brutene blissen inoe.
What is the function of “e” in this clause “e cue him itelle an ies cunnes spelle”? a definite article a personal pronoun an adverb a relative pronoun.
10. In which of the following options do we find a conditinal structure? Nu ic sylle earfum healfe mne hta. bute he icostned weoren rie inne compe, and his ohtscipen icudde and ifonded hine seolve; is gre for e king Stephne ofer s to Normandi and ther wes underfangen. ond onne gehyda heahstefn scipu to am unlonde oncyrrapum setla smearas sundes t ende.
The form dӕs of the Old English definite article corresponds to: (page 55) The genitive case singular of the masculine and feminine genders The genitive case plural of all the genders The genitive case plural of the masculine and neuter genders The genitive case singular of the masculine and neuter genders.
The most influential factor in the rise of Standard English was: (page 188) The rise of the middle class. The influence of the literary work of Chaucer. The prestige of the universities of Oxford and Cambridge The importance of London as the capital of England.
As a result of the sound-changes that occurred in Middle English and the working of analogy, in the adjective: (page 156) The form of the nominative singular was extended to the accusative and dative singular, and that of the nominative plural to the accusative and dative of the plural, only in the weak declension. The form of the nominative singular was extended to the accusative and dative singular, and that of the nominative plural to the accusative and dative of the plural, both in the strong and weak declensions. The form of the nominative singular was early extended to all the cases of the singular, and that of the nominative plural to all the cases of the plural, both in the strong and the weak declensions. The form of the nominative singular was early extended to all the cases of the singular, and that of the nominative plural to all the cases of the plural, only in the weak declension.
Choose the correct option (pag. 389): The Comparative Method is concerned with the reconstruction of an earlier state of a language on the basis of a comparison of unrelated words in different languages or dialects derived from it. The Comparative Method is concerned with the reconstruction of an earlier state of a language on the basis of a comparison of related words in different languages or dialects derived from it. The Comparative Method is concerned with the reconstruction of an earlier state of a language on the basis of a comparison of unrelated words in that same language. The Comparative Method is concerned with the reconstruction of a future state of two languages on the basis of a comparison of related words in those languages or dialects derived from them.
Choose the correct option: (page 161) The gender of Old English adjectives was often determined by meaning. The gender of Old English nouns was not often determined by the declension. The gender of Old English nouns was not often determined by meaning. The gender of Old English adjectives was often determined by the declension.
Which of the following words is an infinitive? (page 56 / 57) feollon gegadereode cunnian drīfad.
In the Peterborough Chronicle ___________________. (page 162) the word order looked much like that of Modern English at a time when the inflectional system looked much like that of Old English. the word order looked much like that of Old English at a time when the inflectional system looked much like that of Modern English the word order looked much like that of Middle English at a time when the inflectional system looked much like that of Modern English. the word order looked much like that of Modern English at a time when the inflectional system looked much like that of Old English.
In which of the following options do we have a verb of speaking whose direct object is a subordinate clause? Ant hu inwarliche hit tele hu sunne bigon. Hi hadden him manred maked and athes sworen. Wulfes ic mines widlastum wenum dogode. Hwen u bihaldest te mon u art in Eve point.
Which of the following options contains a phrase whose head is separated from the modifying adjective by the verb clause? gif ic nigne berafode ic hit be fowerfealdum agyfe. Oft an hundes foxes drive e kat ful wel him sulve live. And ure lord was i-leid him don to slepe ine þo ssipe. e he ne kunne wrench bute anne; e fox so godne ne can nanne.
In which of the following options do we find a case of pro-drop? and his ohtscipen icudde and ifonded hine seolve; Leodum is minum swylce mon lac give. And alse þo men, þet weren in þo ssipe, a arn he beforan & stāh up on n treow Sicomorum.
One of the most obvious features of syntactic style in any language is: (page 63) The degree to which grammatical and semantic relationships are expressed by subordinate clauses. The degree to which pragmatic and semantic relationships are expressed by independent clauses. The degree to which pragmatic and syntactic relationships are expressed by adverbial clauses. The degree to which grammatical and semantic relationships are expressed by main clauses.
Which process is not true in relation to in ME pronouns? The remarkable decay of inflections The total absence of dual number The generalization of the accusative it, as objective case. The use of is for all genders and cases of the singular.
Choose the correct option (page 160): For some reason, during the Old English period, the part participle of strong verbs seems to have been more tenacious than the past tense. For some reason, during the Middle English period, the past tense of strong verbs seems to have been less tenacious than the plain present forms. For some reason, during the Old English period, the part participle of strong verbs seems to have been less tenacious than the infinitive For some reason, during the Middle English period, the part participle of strong verbs seems to have been more tenacious than the past tense.
Say which of the following statements is correct: (page 155) In early Middle English, only two methods of indicating the plural remained fairly distinctive in the noun: the –s or –es from the strong masculine declension and the –en from the weak. In early Middle English, only two methods of indicating the plural remained fairly distinctive in the noun: the –s or –es from the weak neuter declension and the –en from the strong. In early Middle English, only two methods of indicating the plural remained fairly distinctive in the noun: the –s or –es from the strong feminine declension and the –en from the general neuter declension. In early Middle English, only two methods of indicating the plural remained fairly distinctive in the noun: the –s or –es from the weak masculine declension and the –en from the strong.
Choose the correct option (page 55): Old English had separate forms for the dual number in the pronoun and was far from disappearing In Old English, the distinction between the dual and the plural was already disappearing from the pronoun. In Old English, the distinction between the dual and the plural was still found in all the pronominal persons Old English preserved the distinction between the dual and the plural in the pronoun and was far from disappearing.
Choose the correct statement: (page 23) By the third century, the Goths had spread from the Vistula to the shore of the Black Sea, and in the following century, they were Christianized by a missionary named Wulfstan. By the tenth century, the Jutes had spread from the Vistula to the shore of the Black Sea, and in the following century, they were Christianized by a missionary named Ulfilas. By the tenth century, the Celts had spread from the Vistula to the shore of the Black Sea, and in the following century, they were Christianized by a missionary named Wulfstan. By the third century, the Goths had spread from the Vistula to the shore of the Black Sea, and in the following century, they were Christianized by a missionary named Ulfilas.
With which king did a fresh invasion of foreigners begin mostly from the south of France? (page 125) Henry III Edward V King John Henry I.
In which of the following options does a clause function as the direct object of a verb of thinking? Wulf is on iege ic on oþerre fæst is þæt eglond, fenne beiworpen. He not ur e imeinde smak weer he shal auor e abak. a hig t gesawon a murcnudun hig ealle. & cwdon t he to synfullum men gecyrde. nawt an uvel ne twa, ah al e wa et nu is ant eaver ete wes ant eaver schal i-wuren, al com of sihe.
In which of the following options can we find two infinitives expressing purpose? e cue him itelle an ies cunnes spelle of halve an richedome e wes inne Kairliune, Mannes sunu cm secean & hl dn t forwear. us eode sunne biforen ant makede wei to uvel lust: And of alle an folke e wuneden er on folde,.
In which of the following options can we identify two clauses of purpose? ӕt hy on ealond sumagum wlīten ond onne gehyda heahstefn scipu to am unlonde oncyrrapum Ac naeles mid alle his werenche. Ne kan he hine so bienche eȝ he bo ȝep an sue snel. ‘Lord, sauve us et we ne perissi’, and et he us delivri of alle evels. Ɖes eappel, leove suster, bitacne alle e ing et lust falle to ant delit of sunne.
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