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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEPresent Simple and Continous A1

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Present Simple and Continous A1

Test para evaluar contenidos del nivel A1


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Número preguntas: 25
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Elije la opción correcta: My name is Hugo. I am name Hugo. My Hugo is name. My name be Hugo.
Where do you live? I am live in London. My live is London. I live in London. I lives in London.
Elije la oración escrita correctamente: Me like coffee. I like the coffee. I like coffee. Me don't like coffee.
Elije la oración escrita correctamente: She lives on your street. She live on your street. She do on your street. She does on your street.
Do you like music? Yes, I does. Yes, I like. Yes, I do. Yes, I am.
Peter and Sidney are ... Australia. from for.
We walk ...... work every day. to by.
We always eat chicken ... Christmas-day. on at.
Let's go out. It ________ (not/rain) now. is not raining is not rainning don't raining rains.
Sandra ______ (wear) jacket today in case it rains. is wearing is not wearing don't wearing wears.
Completa la oración correctamente: Julia is very good at languages. She _________ (speak) four languages very well.
Completa la oración correctamente: Hurry up! My dad ___________ (wait) for you.
Completa la oración correctamente: _____________(you/listen) to the radio? No, I'm not. You can turn it off.
Completa la oración correctamente: _____________(you/listen) to the radio every day? No, just sometimes.
Completa la oración correctamente: Tina isn’t at home at the moment. She ________ (walk) with her mother.
Completa la oración correctamente: Normally I _________ (finish) work at 5.00, but this week I _________ (work) until 6.00 to earn a bit more money. finishes/ works finish/ works finishes/ am working finish/ am working.
Completa la oración correctamente: -My parents _____________ (live) in Bristol. They were born there and have never leave. Where ___________________ (your parents/live)? livees/ do your parents live lives/ are living live/ do your parents live are liveing/ do your parents live.
Completa la oración correctamente: He _____________ (write) a letter to his pen-friend every month. writes is writing.
Completa la oración correctamente: The dinosaur ____________ (think) about their good times together while he ________________________ (fly) through the air. thinks / is flying is thinking / flyes is thinking / is flying is thinking / flies.
Completa la oración correctamente: Mary ________ (listen) to music now. listens is listening.
Ordene la frase correctamente: lives dinosaur. the with fox The.
Ordene la frase correctamente: pair is a My granfather wearing of glasses.
It ________ (not/bark) now. is not barking is not barkking don't barks bark.
Elije la oración escrita correctamente: They look happying. They looks happy. They are looking happy. They look happy.
How often ______________ (your brother / take) a shower? does your brother take is your brother taking .
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