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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESETest de la primera unidad de inglés

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Test de la primera unidad de inglés

Evaluación desde uso de verbo "To be" hasta pronombres posesivos


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Número preguntas: 100
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Complete: That __ a beautiful car. And I love __ is / it are / is.
Complete: Come to __ home, we __ gonna have a big party my / are mine / are my / is.
Complete: This __ the way. __ have to go to the bookstore is / We are / She.
Complete: Marcelo __ in the garage, please wait a minute is are.
Complete la conversación: Ana: Never drink beer with soda, ___ say is a bad combination Jorge: well, i prefer with lemon juice and salt, they call __ Michelada they / it we / them.
Elija las posibles respuestas: ___ never get up early, ___ have to put some of __ water in ___ faces They / I / my / their you / I / my / you're They / I / my / them.
Una las preguntas con las repuestas Do you need a new PC? Do we have to be in the Barcelona's stadium? Does he need to be early in the work today? Does it get 4000 °C in the nuclear reactor? Does she have a beautiful car outside? Do they need a new team to participate?.
Una los pronombres con su VERBO AUXILIAR "to be" He She It I You We They.
Una los pronombres con su VERBO "TO BE" en presente simple I He She It We They You.
Una las contracciones correctas I do not I am not We do not She does It is You are You are not.
Una el pronombre posesivo correcto con su traducción My their Them Her His Mine.
Ordene la frase correctamente: I was class in math the.
Ordene la frase correctamente: She part of team was my.
Ordene la frase correctamente: club the They in never were.
Ordene la frase correctamente: You in weren't the class english.
Ordene la frase correctamente: those got you shoes Were.
Ordene la frase correctamente: you do a buy How new house?.
Ordene la frase correctamente: you doing? What are.
Ordene la frase correctamente: they a ball? do When buy.
Ordene la frase correctamente: in I the football was stadium.
Ordene la frase correctamente: bookstore the You in were.
Ordene la frase correctamente: fixed wasn't car The.
Ordene la frase correctamente: ago? student years Was 10 a he.
Ordene la frase correctamente: new school in She was the a student.
Ordene la frase correctamente: bad a choice It wasn't.
Ordene la frase correctamente: the Are you in bus_stop?.
Ordene la frase correctamente: today? they happy Are.
Ordene la frase correctamente: list a in for new are the car You.
Complete: ___ not my phone, that __ in the table Was / was Was / were.
Una el verbo "to be" en pasado con su pronombre I You We They He She It.
Una el verbo "to be" con su correcta contracción Was not Were not Do not Does not Is not Am not Are not.
Una la pregunta con su su traducción What Why How Who Where When Which.
Una la pregunta con su traducción ¿Dónde estabas anoche? Where you find the bus stop? How many pencils you see? Why we need to learn english?.
Una las reglas gramaticales Sentence with verb "to be" Negative sentence with verb "to be" Positive simple answer with verb "to be" Questions with verb "to be" Negative simple answer with verb "to be" Afirmative Sentence with auxiliar verb "to be".
Una el pronombre con el verbo "to be" en presente simple en negación: He She It I You We They.
Una la pregunta con su respuesta: Does he play in the football club? Does she develop apps for Apple devices? Do you have a pencil? Are we going to the stadium? Is she my partner in the workplace? Are they the dancers in this show?.
Una la pregunta con su respuesta: Does he repair cell phones? Does it come with headphones?, i love hear music Are they the actors from The Avengers? Is it the new book from The Harry Potter series? Are you in the rock band? Was he the best player in FIFA World Cup from 2018 Were you the guy who called me?.
Complete: I __ in the store last night, she __ opening the safe, I __ know how much time we took but, we could steal 10.000 USD, what a day! was / was / don't was / were / doesn't were / was / don't.
Complete: Andrea: ____ you in the bus stop? Juan: Yes, I __ Andrea: My friend Ana __ in the bus stop? Juan: I __ remember, but maybe i saw her Andrea: it's ok Were / was / was / don't Were / were / was / don't Was / was / was / doesn't.
Complete: Captian Álvarez: __ you in my squad? Soldier Barrera: Yes, I __ sir Captian Álvarez: __ you know where the soldier Manosalvas is? Soldier Barrera: No sir, I ___ but soldier Barba knows Captian Álvarez: All right soldier, rest. Are / am / Do / don´t Are / is / Do / don´t Do / am / is / don´t .
Complete: Helga: ____ he know the correct number of the parts? Arnold: Yes, he does, but i __ know the number of parts Does / don't Do / don´t Does / doesn´t.
Complete: Rick: Do ___ have the portal gun? Morty: No, I don't Rick. What __ you mean? Rick: We __ in danger Morty!, we need to go home now! you / do / are he / does / are he / do / are.
Complete: Alberto: I want a new jacket for christmas, __ you have one? Mario: No, I ___, maybe we can find one in Pillaro, they do good clothes with leather Do / don't Does / don´t.
Complete: ___ find a friend, find a treasure Who Why.
Complete: ____ do you live? What Where When.
Complete: ___ color do you like? Which Where How.
Complete: ___ kind of people do you like? What Where.
Complete: ___ do you think is the new teacher? Who Why.
Complete: Carla:I __ like your shoes Andrea: ____ do you mean with that? Carla: _____ are ugly don´t / What / those don´t / Which / That.
Complete: ___ you won a million dollar house? What How.
Complete: Yes, i ___ in the ballet show dance dances.
Complete: You don't ___ how to paint art know knows.
Complete: He doesn't ___ how to paint art know knows.
Complete: She ____ fot the exam this month studies study.
Complete: It ___ like new look looks.
Complete: You ___ in my birthday party were was.
Complete: They ___ 12 beers in 10 minutes drink drinks.
Complete: She ___ a new business starts start.
Complete: I ___ beautiful pants make makes.
Complete: They ____ in the murder case this monday testify testifies.
Complete: They ___ the debt in the bank pay pays.
Complete: She ___ 5000 usd for that car pay pays paies.
Complete: Don't worry, he ___ very well in conferences talk talks.
Complete: We can ___ that bed to the other room move moves.
Complete: He ___ a delicious tigrillo cooks cook.
Complete:That guitar sounds bad, It ___ a new cord need needs.
Complete: She ___ chicha every reunion drinks drink.
Complete: You ___ 10 km everyday run runs.
Una con su correcta traducción: What Who How Where Why Which.
Una el verbo con su correcta conjugación: drink talk move modify pay play cook.
Una los pronombres posesivos con su género Me Him Her You Us Them/their it.
Una los pronombres determinantes con su lejanía: close (cerca), far (lejos) That This Those These.
Una los determinantes con su oración: This That These Those.
Complete: Yes, he ___ a cake for the aniversary makes make.
Complete: Do you ___ about the internet in the school? talk talks.
Complete: Does he ___ for the phone service pay pays paies.
Complete: Does she __ photos with her phone take takes.
Complete: __ he in the tower? Is Are Does.
Complete: ____ they in our english class Was Were Do.
Complete: I__ José in christmas event was were do.
Complete: We __ the first band in this place were was.
Complete: You have ____ experience in __ kind of jobs a bunch of / those a lot of / this.
Complete: See __ shoes, i love ___ in red color those / them that / them.
Complete: i ___ like this pant, please show me __ one in the corner don't / that don't / these.
Complete: take ____ candies, don't worry a a bunch of.
Complete: Look!, is that __ OVNI? or a plane? an a.
Complete: count ___ cows and ___ sheeps those / these that / this.
Complete: take __ hat, ___ pair of boots, and ___ candies, we go to Cotopaxi in the morning a / a / many a / an / many.
Complete: Please Marcelo buy all the food in this list: __ kilogram of rice, half pound of potatos, __ big lettuce for dinner, ___ parsley (perejíl), and __ apple for your brother a / a / a bunch of / an an / an / a bunch of / a.
Complete: take this rifle and shoot ___ targets: 2 red objects, 4 blue objects and __ big yellow, remember to avoid shooting the white, that is not a target those / a that / a.
Complete: you have __ hour to complete the test an a.
Complete: its raining outside, please take __ umbrella a an.
Complete: I __ in the store for 5 minutes, then bought ___ blackberries but i ate them fast, sorry, but i have __ banana for you was / a bunch of / a were / an / a was / an / a.
Complete: look at __ yellow car, its mine, but if you see ___ cars in front of you, ___ are not mine that / these /these that / that / this.
Complete: take __ bottle of oil and put some in the pan, we need to cook those onions a an.
Complete: __ is my dog, __ name is moku This / his Those / his.
Complete: __ name is Pamela, is __ friend Her / my His / mine.
Complete: take ___, i don´t use ____ gloves, becouse i have new ones them / those a / those.
Complete: ___ is __ comic collection, ___ in the next room are Batman comic series and ___ comics in my hand are The Avengers comic series This / my / those / these This / my / these / those.
Complete: Please, choose __ for the principal character as a King of England, choose __ for the character as Queen of Spain, and choose ___ for the soldiers scene becouse you need 10 soliders him / her / them her / him / them.
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