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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEProgress test Unit 6 5th level

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Progress test Unit 6 5th level



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LOOK AT THE PICTURE AND CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Example: The boy feels excited. No 1. His mum looks worried. Yes No.
LOOK AT THE PICTURE AND CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Example: The boy feels excited. No 2. The sausages look thin and black. Yes No.
LOOK AT THE PICTURE AND CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Example: The boy feels excited. No 3. The sausages are going to taste delicious. Yes No.
LOOK AT THE PICTURE AND CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Example: The boy feels excited. No 4. The kitchen smells clean. Yes No.
LOOK AT THE PICTURE AND CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Example: The boy feels excited. No 5. The cooker feels very hot. Yes No.
READ AND COMPLETE Polly loved pizza. She loved the smell of pizza and the taste of pizza. She loved the sound of pizza when it was cooking. But Polly had a problem. Her parents never changed the toppings on their pizzas. They always had tomato, olives, cheese and onion. So, Polly decided to make a ‘P pizza’. First she looked in the fridge. There were lots of tomatoes but she couldn’t put tomatoes on a P pizza. She didn’t take the tomatoes but she took some potatoes. In the cupboard there was some pasta and in the fruit bowl she found pears, plums and a pineapple. ‘Perfect!’ Polly said. She cut the toppings and put them on the pizza. Then she put the pizza in the oven. She was excited! Later, when the family was sitting at the kitchen table, her parents asked, ‘What has this pizza got on it?’ ‘It’s got food beginning with the letter P on it,’ Polly said. ‘It’s Polly’s perfect P Pizza!’ Then Polly tasted the pizza. Do you think it was perfect? Example: Polly’s ....favourite.... food was pizza. 1. Polly’s parents always put the same _________ on their pizzas.
READ AND COMPLETE Polly loved pizza. She loved the smell of pizza and the taste of pizza. She loved the sound of pizza when it was cooking. But Polly had a problem. Her parents never changed the toppings on their pizzas. They always had tomato, olives, cheese and onion. So, Polly decided to make a ‘P pizza’. First she looked in the fridge. There were lots of tomatoes but she couldn’t put tomatoes on a P pizza. She didn’t take the tomatoes but she took some potatoes. In the cupboard there was some pasta and in the fruit bowl she found pears, plums and a pineapple. ‘Perfect!’ Polly said. She cut the toppings and put them on the pizza. Then she put the pizza in the oven. She was excited! Later, when the family was sitting at the kitchen table, her parents asked, ‘What has this pizza got on it?’ ‘It’s got food beginning with the letter P on it,’ Polly said. ‘It’s Polly’s perfect P Pizza!’ Then Polly tasted the pizza. Do you think it was perfect? Example: Polly’s ....favourite.... food was pizza. 2. Polly didn’t use the __________ she found in the fridge. .
READ AND COMPLETE Polly loved pizza. She loved the smell of pizza and the taste of pizza. She loved the sound of pizza when it was cooking. But Polly had a problem. Her parents never changed the toppings on their pizzas. They always had tomato, olives, cheese and onion. So, Polly decided to make a ‘P pizza’. First she looked in the fridge. There were lots of tomatoes but she couldn’t put tomatoes on a P pizza. She didn’t take the tomatoes but she took some potatoes. In the cupboard there was some pasta and in the fruit bowl she found pears, plums and a pineapple. ‘Perfect!’ Polly said. She cut the toppings and put them on the pizza. Then she put the pizza in the oven. She was excited! Later, when the family was sitting at the kitchen table, her parents asked, ‘What has this pizza got on it?’ ‘It’s got food beginning with the letter P on it,’ Polly said. ‘It’s Polly’s perfect P Pizza!’ Then Polly tasted the pizza. Do you think it was perfect? Example: Polly’s ....favourite.... food was pizza. 3. She found some pasta in the __________ . .
READ AND COMPLETE Polly loved pizza. She loved the smell of pizza and the taste of pizza. She loved the sound of pizza when it was cooking. But Polly had a problem. Her parents never changed the toppings on their pizzas. They always had tomato, olives, cheese and onion. So, Polly decided to make a ‘P pizza’. First she looked in the fridge. There were lots of tomatoes but she couldn’t put tomatoes on a P pizza. She didn’t take the tomatoes but she took some potatoes. In the cupboard there was some pasta and in the fruit bowl she found pears, plums and a pineapple. ‘Perfect!’ Polly said. She cut the toppings and put them on the pizza. Then she put the pizza in the oven. She was excited! Later, when the family was sitting at the kitchen table, her parents asked, ‘What has this pizza got on it?’ ‘It’s got food beginning with the letter P on it,’ Polly said. ‘It’s Polly’s perfect P Pizza!’ Then Polly tasted the pizza. Do you think it was perfect? Example: Polly’s ....favourite.... food was pizza. 4. Polly _______ the ingredients before she put them on the pizza. .
READ AND COMPLETE Polly loved pizza. She loved the smell of pizza and the taste of pizza. She loved the sound of pizza when it was cooking. But Polly had a problem. Her parents never changed the toppings on their pizzas. They always had tomato, olives, cheese and onion. So, Polly decided to make a ‘P pizza’. First she looked in the fridge. There were lots of tomatoes but she couldn’t put tomatoes on a P pizza. She didn’t take the tomatoes but she took some potatoes. In the cupboard there was some pasta and in the fruit bowl she found pears, plums and a pineapple. ‘Perfect!’ Polly said. She cut the toppings and put them on the pizza. Then she put the pizza in the oven. She was excited! Later, when the family was sitting at the kitchen table, her parents asked, ‘What has this pizza got on it?’ ‘It’s got food beginning with the letter P on it,’ Polly said. ‘It’s Polly’s perfect P Pizza!’ Then Polly tasted the pizza. Do you think it was perfect? Example: Polly’s ....favourite.... food was pizza. 5. How many ingredients with the letter P did Polly use? _______ . .
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