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Puerto Espejo School
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Número preguntas: 33
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Match the feeling according to the phrase. You go to the doctor You swim for 5 minutes You receive a toy You lost a toy.
Choose the character that describe the sentence. She is fat and pink Peppa pig Bellota Sophie princess.
Choose the character that describe the sentence. She is short and has black hair Peppa pig Bellota Sophie princess.
Choose the character that describe the sentence. He is tall and has brown hair Hercules Bart Simpson Shrek .
Choose the character that describe the sentence. He is thin and nervous Shaggy Batman Bart Simpson.
Select the best option for the dialogue Speaker 1: May I have your scissors, please Speaker 2: yes, you may Speaker 1: ___________ Thank you Please Excuse me.
Select the best option for the dialogue Speaker 1: oh, I´m sorry, I lost the scissors Speaker 2: ____________? Speaker 1: yes, I´m sorry Don´t worry Excuse me Thank you .
Match the rules in English with the words in Spanish Work in group Control bodily functions Leave toys at home No teasing or bullying others Ask for help when you need it No gum.
Match the verb in English with the verb in Spanish Ask Come Enjoy Fight Know Learn Share Understand Wait Work.
According to the clue, select the word that corresponds: You have an emergency, so you _____ an ambulance Drink Drive Call.
According to the clue, select the word that corresponds: You practice a sport in the pool, so you _____ so much Swim Travel Work.
According to the clue, select the word that corresponds: You have an English exam, so you _______ the day before. Teach Take Study.
According to the clue, select the word that corresponds: You like your family because you _______ it Love Happen Buy.
According to the clue, select the word that corresponds: You log in Facebook and ________ photos and videos with your friends. Know Share Feel.
According to the clue, select the word that corresponds: The meaning for the word tree is: Árbol Rock Tres.
According to the clue, select the word that corresponds: The meaning for the word litter is: Litro Basura Cazar.
According to the clue, select the word that corresponds: The meaning for the word log is: Litro Basura Talar.
According to the clue, select the word that corresponds: A habitat is: An animal A house for plants and animals A group of living things.
According to the clue, select the word that corresponds: An ecosystem is: An animal A house for plants and animals A group of living things and non-living things.
According to the clue, select the word that corresponds: Reduce the use of electricity You Should Not you should You Should not .
According to the clue, select the word that corresponds: Reduce kitchen wastes You Should You not should You Should not.
According to the clue, select the word that corresponds: Use plastic bags You Should Not you should You Should not.
According to the clue, select the word that corresponds: Hunt animals You Should Not you should You Should not .
Decide and choose one of the two options in the following questions: A man recycling glass and paper Positive human action Negative human action.
Decide and choose one of the two options in the following questions: My father logging in the jungle. Positive human action Negative human action.
Decide and choose one of the two options in the following questions: A friend hunting elephants and tigers Positive human action Negative human action.
Decide and choose one of the two options in the following questions: My teacher saving water Positive human action Negative human action.
Decide and choose one of the two options in the following questions: My father turning off the lights Positive human action Negative human action.
Complete with the correct word ______________ is my bedroom. These This Those.
Complete with the correct word Look there! ______________ my teacher on the bus. That is This is These.
Complete with the correct word ______________ are my friends outside. These Those That.
Complete with the correct word ______________ your book over there. That is That are This is .
Complete with the correct word ______________ your bag here! That is That are This is .
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