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Carmen Roca
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Número preguntas: 69
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What is intelligence from Yela’s perspective?? The capability to understand relationship and patters that are no evident The capability to adapt Habilities that can be used to skillfully perfom diverse activities Intelligence allow us to go further of concrete and actual situations, tackle the past and foreseen the future, give valid solutions based on logic and truth .
Did Yela said that Intelligence allow us to go further of concrete and actual situations, tackle the past and foreseen the future, give valid solutions based on logic and truth? true false.
What are the beginnings of the research on Intelligence? Sir Francis Galton, Alfred Binet and Lewis Madison Terman Piaget Maria Montessori Blonskij .
Speaking of the psychometrical approach, who gave intelligence multiple factors? Galton, Binet y Sperman. Thurstone y Guildford. Vermont B. Cattel. Bronfenbrenner. .
Who did the first test of intelligence? Binet Vermont B. Cattel. Sperman. Guilford. .
Speaking of the cognitive approach of intelligence, who talked about emotional intelligence? Sperman. Gardner. Salovey y Mayer. Sternberg. .
What did Gardner propose in 1983? Gardner proposed a triarchic model of intelligence. Gardner proposed The 7 intelligences theory. Gardner proposed the IQ test theory. Gardner didn’t propose any theory. .
Gardner proposed the 7 intelligence theory in 1983. TRUE FALSE.
How many intelligences did Stenberg define? One, the classroom intelligence. Two, emotional and academic. Three, Academic, Practical and Creative intelligence. Seven, mathematical, musical, kinestesic, linguistic, social, naturalistic and creativity. .
3 intelligences defined by Stenberg. Practical, analytic and pragmatic intelligence Mathematical, practical and physical intelligence. Creative, divulgative and academic intelligence. Academic, practical and creative intelligence. .
Teaching for S.I implies that the teacher: Finds the material which are more appropriate to foster specific abilities ,uses a wider range of abilities than the current system,Helps the student to correct and compensate his/her weakness and to capitalize his/her strengthsIncrease students motivation for learning. Define the problem; Selecting the steps to solve the problem Combination of steps in strategy, Representation of the information, Locating sources, Supervision of the solution,Evaluation of the solution. Redefine problems, questioning and analyzing assupmtions; sell creative ideas, generate ideas, Identify and tackle obstacules, tolerate ambiguity, develop self- efficacy, uncover the real interests, delay gratification. .
In the Triarchic theory of Sternberg, we have three levels of intelligence: Emotional, social and practical Practical,Analytical and creative Practical,Creative and syntactic .
In the Triarchic theory of Sternberg, we have the practical intelligence, what are the three main processes,: Shaping,Changing,adaptation Adaptation, selection, shaping Fading, shaping,selection .
What does Gardner’s Multiple intelligences theory? Intelligence is: "a biopsychological potential to process information that can be activated in a cultural setting to solve problems or create products that are of value in a culture. Intelligence allows us to go further into concrete and actual situations, tackle the past and foreseen the future, and give valid solutions based on logic and truth. Ability to perceive, discriminate, transform and express musical forms. It refers to the ability to use music-related items such as rhythm, timbre and tone. Ability to form a model of oneself as accurate as, and be able to use it to function effectively in the social and individual context .
What are the 8 intelligences: Mathematical,naturalistic,,linguistic, musical, scientific, interpersonal, intrapersonal and logical. Scientific, interpersonal, intrapersonal, logical, symbolic, ethical, natural and linguistic. Corporal,mathematical,naturalistic,viso-espatial,interpersonal,intrapersonal,linguistic and musical. .
The 8 intelligences are Scientific, interpersonal, intrapersonal, logical, symbolic, ethical, natural and linguistic. true false.
What’s the aim of Multimodal teaching? It aims to teach the same content throught different intelligences Facilitate communication of affective state Promote pro-social behaviour. .
Regarding Facets of EI according to Bar-On,according to adaptability, you need to: To be aware of and understand how others feel.To identify with one’s social group and cooperate with others.To establish mutually satisfying relationships and relate well with others. To objectively validate one’s feelings and thinking with external reality. To adapt and adjust one’s feelings and thinking to new situations.To effectively solve problems of a personal and interpersonal nature. To effectively and constructively manage emotions. To effectively and constructively control emotions. To be aware of and understand one’s emotions.To effectively and constructively express one’s emotions and oneself. To be self-reliant and free of emotional dependency on others.To strive to achieve personal goals and actualize one’s potential. .
Regarding Facets of EI according to Bar-On,according to self-regard, you need to: To be positive and look at the brighter side of life.To feel content with oneself, others and life in general. To objectively validate one’s feelings and thinking with external reality. To adapt and adjust one’s feelings and thinking to new situations.To effectively solve problems of a personal and interpersonal nature. To effectively and constructively manage emotions. To effectively and constructively control emotions. To be aware of and understand one’s emotions.To effectively and constructively express one’s emotions and oneself. To be self-reliant and free of emotional dependency on others.To strive to achieve personal goals and actualize one’s potential.
What is necessary to teach for successful intelligence Teach our students in a way that allows them to analyze, create and apply the knowledge. Teach our students the basics Teach our students how to be a decent person Teach our students the things that they want to learn as if it were a didactic contract. .
The Psychometric approach to the study of Intelligence main focus was… how to test intelligence study the character study the personality study development of mental illnesses .
The Psychometric approach to the study of Intelligence main focus was how to test intelligence. true/false. .
What are some aspects of an emotionally intelligent class; name emotions and communicate and express moods and feelings. every member of the class is integrated on the group all class members get along, including the teacher there are few to very little arguments on the class .
What is the SICLE program it aims is to provide students with emotional skills that enable them to meet the difficulties of daily life that occur in school it aims is to lessen the school abandonment rates it aims is to provide students with techniques that help them to study in a more efficient way it aims is to help children with learning difficulties .
What is personality a set of individual differences that are affected by the development of an individual a set of genetic characteristic that determine the appearance of some illnesses a set of characteristics that are determined by epigenetics a set of characteristics that are crucial for the cognitive development of the person .
Creativity consists of….. something novel and valuable something spontaneous something unmeasurable something that is totally random .
What is learning? Learning refers to a more or less permanent change in behavior which occurs as a result of practice (Kimble,1961) The process that enables people to modify their behavior somewhat rapidly and in a definite and somewhat permanent way. (Gagné ,1974) An enduring change in the mechanisms of behavior that results fromexperience with environmental events. (Domjan y Burkhard , 1986) Learning is a relatively permanent change in capacity for performance,acquired through experience (Good y Brophy, 1995) All from above.
What is learning as a formal discipline? What matters is to develop mental faculties through the study of formal disciplines (mathematics, literature…) What matters is to foster the spontaneous development (Rousseau) There are none innate ideas. Taubla rasa. Association of new ideas with previous ideas. .
what is learning as a perception? What matters is to develop mental faculties through the study of formal disciplines (mathematics, literature…) There are none innate ideas. Taubla rasa. Association of new ideas with previous ideas. What matters is to foster the spontaneous development (Rousseau).
What is learning as a natural development? What matters is to develop mental faculties through the study of formal disciplines (mathematics, literature…) There are none innate ideas. Taubla rasa. Association of new ideas with previous ideas What matters is to foster the spontaneous development (Rousseau).
What is behaviourism Object of study? condicioning behaviour feelings.
What is a neutral stimulus? Stimulus not linked to a response A stimulus that uncionditionally –natrurally and automatically – triggeres a physiological or emotional response. the unlearned, naturally physiological or emotional occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus (US). Such as salivation when food is in the mouth.
What is an unconditioned stimulus (us)? Stimulus not linked to a response the unlearned, naturally physiological or emotional occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus (US). Such as salivation when food is in the mouth A stimulus that uncionditionally –natrurally and automatically – triggeres a physiological or emotional response.
What is an unconditioned response (ur)? A stimulus that uncionditionally –natrurally and automatically – triggeres a physiological or emotional response. the unlearned, naturally physiological or emotional occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus (US). Such as salivation when food is in the mouth AN ORIGINALLY IRRELEVANT stimulus that after association with an unconditioned stimulus (US), comes to trigger a conditioned response.
What is a conditioned stimulus? the unlearned, naturally physiological or emotional occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus (US). Such as salivation when food is in the mouth The learned response to a previous neutral (but now conditioned) stimulus (CS) AN ORIGINALLY IRRELEVANT stimulus that after association with an unconditioned stimulus (US), comes to trigger a conditioned response.
what is a conditioned respose (cr)? the unlearned, naturally physiological or emotional occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus (US). Such as salivation when food is in the mouth The learned response to a previous neutral (but now conditioned) stimulus (CS) A response that uncionditionally –natrurally and automatically – triggeres a physiological or emotional response.
What is a positive punishment? giving something to the subject (giving hours of study for punishment) retrieve something from the subject gives you something you did not have in advance that you like (you can go out with your friends).
What is a negative punishment? retrieve something you are better without it (don’t have to do the dishes today.) gives you something you did not have in advance that you like (you can go out with your friends) retrieve something from the subject.
What is a positive reward? retrieve something you are better without it (don’t have to do the dishes today.) giving something to the subject (giving hours of study for punishment) gives you something you did not have in advance that you like (you can go out with your friends).
What is a negative reward? giving something to the subject (giving hours of study for punishment) retrieve something you are better without it (don’t have to do the dishes today.) giving something to the subject (giving hours of study for punishment).
What techniques do we use to create a new behaviour? Shaping Chaining Prompting (clueing) & Fading (attenuation) Teacher’s attention Premark Principle Positive practice Token reward Learning contracts Extinction (ignoring a behaviour ) Differential Reinforcement OR Reinforcement of incompatible behaviour Punishment: time out Cost of response.
What techniques do we use to maintain a behaviour? Shaping Chaining Prompting (clueing) & Fading (attenuation) Extinction (ignoring a behaviour ) Differential Reinforcement OR Reinforcement of incompatible behaviour Punishment: time out Cost of response Teacher’s attention Premark Principle Positive practice Token reward Learning contracts .
What techniques do we use to remove a behaviour? Extinction (ignoring a behaviour ) Differential Reinforcement OR Reinforcement of incompatible behaviour Punishment: time out Cost of response Teacher’s attention Premark Principle Positive practice Token reward Learning contracts Shaping Chaining Prompting (clueing) & Fading (attenuation) .
_______________ suggests that if a person wants to perform a given activity, the person will perform a less desirable activity to get at the more desirable activity; that is, activities may themselves be reinforcers. It is suggested that in order to know what can be used as a reward, we can observe what the person does in his/her free time. premark principle promting and fading shaping.
____________ It consists of removing some positive reinforcer contingently to the occurrence of a certain behaviour; that is, specific amounts of a previously acquired reinforcer are lost due to improper conduct (eg. traffic fines). NOTE: It could be said that it is the inverse of the “Token economy” positive practice cost of response. extiction.
__________ it consists in reinforcing only some behaviours while others are put under extinction (they are stopped reinforcing to extinguish them); or in reinforcing certain behaviours after certain periods of time, etc. teacher would identify a behaviour that's incompatible with, or cannot occur at the same time as, the problem behaviour. The focus is on replacing negative behaviours with positive behaviours. response cost premark principle diferential reinforcement.
_________________ occurs when a specific behaviour stops being reinforced neither punished, thus that behaviour stop having consequences. chaining shaping extinction.
____________ is used when it is difficult to acquire behaviours by successive approximations or chaining. Signals, instructions, gestures or directions are used to initiate the response. The systematic procedure for introducing aids or instigators to learn a behaviour and its gradual withdrawal once consolidated is known as the __________ technique. prompting positive practice social isolation.
________________ It is used when the subject (often children or people with intellectual disabilities) do not know how to perform the behaviour because it is complex. Therefore, a positive reinforcement or reinforcement is not offered when the action is achieved. Instead, the behaviour is broken down into its simplest parts and its learning is staggered, taking in the first place the most elementary and moving towards the most complex. Thus, it reinforces one by one, first the elementary ones and progressively, the most complicated ones, supported by the previous ones. positive reinforcement chaining shapping.
__________ it is the formation of a compound behaviour from simpler ones that already appear in the individual's repertoire, by strengthening their combinations. It is about achieving a functional unit that is composed of pre-existing behavioural sub-units, so that they are subsumed into a new behaviour. Actually, what is built is a ceremony, which, although it is composed of various operations, what matters is its set in order to a specific purpose. shapping chaining extinction.
_____________ occurs when a certain stimulus (usually an aversive stimulus) is removed after a certain behaviour. The probability that the particular behaviour will occur again in the future is increased due to elimination or to avoid the negative consequence. differential reinforcement pesponse cost social isolation.
____________ involves temporarily separating a person from an environment where an unacceptable behavior has occurred. The goal is to remove that person from an enriched, enjoyable environment, and therefore lead to extinction of the offending behavior. prompting negative reinforcement social isolation.
When students make a mistake, they should correct it as soon as possible and practice the correct answer. EXAMPLE: Juan ran into the classroom when class had begun. The teacher did not punish him, but made him leave the classroom and knock on the door before re-entering. chaining positive practice shapping.
What is the selective attention? Ability to switch your focus back and forth between tasks that require different cognitive demands. Is the ability to process two or more responses or react to two or more different demands simultaneously. Is the ability to select from many factors or stimuli and to focus on only the one that you want while filtering out other distractions.
What is Alternating attention (shifting attention)? In the ability to focus on one specific task for a continuous amount of time without being distracted. Is the ability to process two or more responses or react to two or more different demands simultaneously. Ability to switch your focus back and forth between tasks that require different cognitive demands.
What is Divided attention:? Is the ability to process two or more responses or react to two or more different demands simultaneousl In the ability to focus on one specific task for a continuous amount of time without being distracted. Ability to switch your focus back and forth between tasks that require different cognitive demands.
what is Sustained attention:? In the ability to focus on one specific task for a continuous amount of time without being distracted. Is the ability to process two or more responses or react to two or more different demands simultaneously. Ability to switch your focus back and forth between tasks that require different cognitive demands. .
What is the short memory or working memory? the memory that collects all the stimulus, although it catches a large amount of information, it retains it for a short time where information is processed to give it meaning (RAMof the computer). Consious. Where thinking occurs. +7 bits of information It can process up to 9 ítems (chunks) at a time The process of breaking the information down into a form we understand is the process of encoding (and we later "decode" the information to recall it).
What is sensory memory? The process of breaking the information down into a form we understand is the process of encoding (and we later "decode" the information to recall it). , the information is more processed. We can retain 5-9 bits of information. the memory that collects all the stimulus, although it catches a large amount of information, it retains it for a short time.
What is encoding? The process of breaking the information down into a form we understand is the process of encoding (and we later "decode" the information to recall it). recuperating information from long-term memory to working memory (remembering). the memory that collects all the stimulus, although it catches a large amount of information, it retains it for a short time.
What is retrieval? recuperating information from long-term memory to working memory (remembering). the memory that collects all the stimulus, although it catches a large amount of information, it retains it for a short time. The process of breaking the information down into a form we understand is the process of encoding (and we later "decode" the information to recall it).
What is cognitive load? The effective use of learning strategies do facilitate autonomous learning (learning to learn). Refers to the used amount of working memory resources. consists of instructions for the performance of a series of operations.
Types of cognitive load intrinsic, germane, excentric. germane, introvert, extrovert. intrinsic, extraneous and germane.
What is intrinsic cognitive load? distracts woring memory from processing new information. REDUCE. complexity of new information. SIMPLIFY. deep processing of new information by integrating it with previous learning. MAXIMISE.
What is extrageneous cognitive load? complexity of new information. SIMPLIFY. distracts working memory from processing new information. REDUCE. deep processing of new information by integrating it with previous learning. MAXIMISE.
What is germane cognitive load? deep processing of new information by integrating it with previous learning. MAXIMISE distracts working memory from processing new information. REDUCE. complexity of new information. SIMPLIFY.
What is Procedural Knowledge? facts that can be stated verbally, such as propositions about persons, places, things, and events. an understanding of when and how to use something we already know, for example, using different strategies in different situations. consists of instructions for the performance of a series of operations.(How to ride a bike).
What is Conditional Knowledge? facts that can be stated verbally, such as propositions about persons, places, things, and events. an understanding of when and how to use something we already know, for example, using different strategies in different situations consists of instructions for the performance of a series of operations.
What is Declarative Knowledge? facts that can be stated verbally, such as propositions about persons, places, things, and events. an understanding of when and how to use something we already know, for example, using different strategies in different situations. consists of instructions for the performance of a series of operations.
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