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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEReflective teaching in FL classrooms

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Reflective teaching in FL classrooms

Innovation Unit 3


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Número preguntas: 22
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Doing something again and again, usually to improve it.
Meaning the teacher researchers are confident about the accuracy of their data.
A mental model of aspects of the world or of the self that is structured in such a way as to facilitate the processes of cognition and perception.
An acquired deeply integrate habit or skill. Something you can do easily or without much thought because you have done it many times before.
Meaning the information represents what the teacher researchers say it does.
The capacity to reflect on action so as to engage in a process of continuous learning. Adopting a reflective approach shows how much can be learned about teaching by means of self-enquiry, especially considering that we tend not to be aware of the type of teaching practices and behaviors that we implement in class.
Order the model of developing competence by Reynold: Help! Have a go Hit & Miss 'Sound' Relative Mastery Second Nature.
Order the model of developing competence by Atherton: Unconscious incompetence Conscious incompetence Conscious competence Unconscious competence.
Match the ideas with their descriptions: Crucial times for learning Reflection in action Reflection on action.
(Schön) Reflection brings together: certain theoretical knowledge of our subjects that we learn as teacher trainees. Technical rationality Tacit knowledge.
(Schön) Reflection brings together: knowledge from the actual teaching practice. Technical rationality Tacit knowledge.
Which sections compound the model of reflection by Kolb? Concrete experience Reflection Abstract conceptualization Active experimentation Action plan Description Feelings Evaluation Analysis Conclusion.
Which sections compound the model of learning by doing by Gibb? Concrete experience Reflection Abstract conceptualization Active experimentation Action plan Description Feelings Evaluation Analysis Conclusion.
Match the levels of reflection with their meanings: Technical Contextual Dialectical.
The most basic level. It works with minimal schemata to draw on when facing problematic situations. Reflection is done in isolated episodes and as a short-term measure, mainly dealing with the identification of objectives and activities. Technical Contextual Dialectical.
Thinking about the clarification and elaboration of underlying assumptions and predispositions of the teaching practice together with the consequences derived from the strategies employed. Problems arise from personal biases regarding teacher's belief system and the challenging of practices due to the teacher's own pedagogical knowledge and skills. Technical Contextual Dialectical.
The highest level. The questioning of moral and ethical issues in the educational context. Teachers examine norms and rules critically and challenge instructional planning and implementation. Technical Contextual Dialectical.
Match the main parts in reflection (by Richards) with their meanings: The event itself Recollection of the event Review and response to the event.
Match the ideas with the kind of instrument for reflection: Teaching journals Lesson reports.
Teacher-initiated classroom investigation which tries to improve teacher's understanding of the teaching and learning processes and which aims at bringing about change in educational practices.
Put in order the stages of action research: Selecting a focus Clarifying theories Identifying research questions Collecting data Analyzing data Reporting results Taking informed action.
Match the stages of action research with their ideas: 1. Selecting a focus 2. Clarifying theories 3. Identifying research questions 4. Collecting data 5. Analyzing data 6. Reporting results 7. Taking informed action.
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