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Applied linguistics is usually defined by linguists as the academic discipline that is concerned with the relation of knowledge about language in general to decision making in the real world, and it is because it ________________. Offers solutions to language-related problems Represents one of the requirements for students previous to become efficient teachers Expands the knowledge about the world languages .
The discipline that deals with language acquisition, language comprehension and language behavior is called _______________ Psycholinguistics Sociolinguistics Descriptive linguistics.
Choose the response that is NOT related to psycholinguistics, the field that deals with how: Human languages influence each other Our brains process language in speaking, reading, and understanding People produce and acquire first, second / foreign language .
Bargaining in Italy is appropriate at outdoor markets and with street vendors. In stores, you can politely ask for discount if you want to bargain. Take your time 12. _______________ Show your admiration for the object by picking it up and pointing out its wonderful features. 13. _______________. Make your own offer. Then end the bargaining politely if you can’t agree. Choose the sentences that best completes the excerpt above 12. make conversation if you speak Italian 12. make conversation, if you speak Italian 12. you would make conversation, if you speak Italian.
Bargaining in Italy is appropriate at outdoor markets and with street vendors. In stores, you can politely ask for discount if you want to bargain. Take your time 12. _______________ Show your admiration for the object by picking it up and pointing out its wonderful features. 13. _______________. Make your own offer. Then end the bargaining politely if you can’t agree. Choose the sentences that best completes the excerpt above 13. if you heard the price, look sad 13. when you hear the price, look sad 13. when you hear the price you would look sad .
A pattern or manner of pronunciation that may differ according to geographical region or socio-economic status of the speakers is known as ________________ Dialect Accent Code switching .
Language behavior analyzed and described by psycholinguistics, involves activities that deal with: Speaking, listening, writing, language production, and gestures Language functions and their manifestation in communication Variety of manner of speaking of language .
“I am ain’t ready for this situation” This example corresponds to ______________: Non-standard Language * Slang Standard language.
“It is a system that contains patterns of prosody, paralinguistic, and sound symbolism. It is a mental phenomenon. Lexicon and grammar constitute its main elements”. This description corresponds to ______________________. Language Utterance Communication.
The author of Universal Grammar Theory was:_______________ Noam Chomsky Jan Piaget Frederick Skinner.
Applied Linguistic is known as a language-related problem solving discipline because it Provides an insight in how languages are learned, taught, and used in different contexts Contains several branches and applications that make it versatile and practical for educators Explains language functions from scientific point of view and adapts them to the teaching-learning purposes.
Applied Linguistic is defined by Guy Cooks as “the academic discipline concerned with the relation of knowledge about language to decision making in the real world”, it is due to that fact that it: Offer solutions to language – related problems Expands the knowledge about the world languages Represents one of the requirements for students previous to become efficient teachers.
Applied Linguistic is known as “language-related problem solving approach”. Choose the option that does NOT fit the category of language-related problems: Scientific description of the world language and their variations Use of dialects, registers, language variations Translation, interpretations, language usage in general, literary genres and styles.
The notion of _______________ is necessary for areas of across-cultural communication for correct use of language in general, because it is considered the goal of language education, and it is necessary element in efficient classroom practice. It refers to Communicative competence Universal Grammar theory Input Theory to language learning.
When English language is used in regional or national administration, in mass media, in educational system as a means of instruction, and it is taught to immigrants, it is known as a: Native Language (ENT) Second Language (ESL) Foreign language (EFL).
Choose the response that is NOT related to psycholinguistics, the field that deals with how: Human languages influence each other People produce and acquire first, second/foreign language our brains process language in speaking, reading, and understanding.
The ability to treat language as an object is called: Metalinguistic Awareness Linguistics Discourse analysis.
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