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Repaso palabras Ingles

epao vocabulario


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Número preguntas: 87
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Significado Lie Mentir, yacer, tumbarse Acostarse , colocar Echar .
Siginificado Lay Reposar , tumbarse Echar, colocar,Apostar.
El pasado y Participio de Lie Laid,Laid Lay, Lain.
El pasado y Participio de Lay Lay, Lain Laid, Laid.
Complete: They ..... all the cards on the table lie lay.
Complete I .... on the couch yesterday lay laid.
I ... my book on your table yesterday lay laid.
Warmly welcome caliente venida calurosa bienvenida.
Fast Todos los anteriores Ayuno, Cuaresma rapido, veloz.
Soon pronto,luego precoz, temprano,prematuro.
He will wake up .... (todavia duerme) soon early.
He will wake up .... (se despertara temprano) early soon.
Jar Jarra Rechinar Todas la anteriores.
Take off Quitar (Quitarse ropa o algo encima) Ponerse Apagar.
Im going to TAKE day Off work. Significado relativo take off Tomarse un tiempo QUitarse un tiempo Despegar .
They took 20% off the shoes (relativo took off) Descontaron Salieron Quitaron.
How do you take off a band aid ? Relativo take off Quitarse Ponerse Estirarse.
We are about to take off. Relativo take off Quitarse Salirse Despegar.
Peter is really goog at taking off Jim Carrey . Relativo take off Imitar Quitar Ponderar.
They took off in a hurry when they heard the news. Relativo take off Botar Sacar (Coloquial ) Irse (coloquial ).
The new perform took off really quickly (Uso coloquial Take off) Tener exito Salir Quitar .
In a hurry apurado , precipitado despacio, ralentizado preocupado.
Did you take the dog out this moorning ? Significado Take out Sacar algo Quitarse algo Despegar.
Arcade game Videojuegos que estan en lugares publico Juegos relacionadocon las arañas Video juego de competencia.
rise ,rose, risen levantar algo por propia cuenta arroz surgio algo (problema ).
stretch, stretched extenderse,extirarse estresado estrecho.
steppe,steppes Llanura, llanura Paso, Pasos salto , saltos.
shores of Orillas de , costas de compartir con medias de .
wise sabio , juicioso , prudente surgir, levantar muñeca .
link, linked el enlace, conectar, enlazado pagina web gustar .
willing complaciente, dispuesto (adjetivo) auxiliar (futuro progresivo) presente de would.
challenging desafiante competidor campeonato.
Me hace reir it makes me laught it does me laught.
Me enseña algo it teach me some it teaches me something.
Puedo moverme cuando juego I can move around when I play I can to move around when I play.
move around a lot moverse alrededor de un monton moverse mucho .
character el personaje , el caracter caracteristica .
as solving como solucionando, resolviendo como ahorrando .
weapons cucharas armas .
shooting balacera, tiroteo el grito .
gun goma de mascar pistola,revolver.
the planner or leader el planificador o lider el avion o piloto .
sinonimo hurt = lastimar , herir harm noisy.
check out cheque protestado verficar, comprobar , examinar estafa .
The guys are out at that gaming expo. Out at Estar saliendo hacia afuera en .
I can't stand No puedo parar No puedo soportar.
I can't stand it No puedo soportarlo No puedo parar .
That's what I like about it Es lo que me gusta Es como de eso .
I hope so ¡ Eso espero tan esperado .
Pick escoger, elegir picar.
En el juego favorito de Jessica In Jessica's Favorite game In the play of jessica game.
A mari le gusta el video juego de su hijo Maria likes her son's video game Maria likes his son's video game.
Improve Improbable, impavido mejorar, superar.
My busy work schedule keeps me from doing thing with my friends stop me from doing (impedir) allows me to do (permitir).
When did you give up playing video games? GIVE UP start (empezar , comenzar ) stop (dejar, renunciar, rendirse).
My little sister always blames me when we have a fight BLAMES echar la culpa, culpar golpear.
My mother limits amounts of money I can spend on new video game LIMITS counts controls.
My mother makes me finish my homework before playing video games asks me to tell me to.
Take a dare Tomar un reto Tomar un descanso .
Dull boy chico aburrido muñeco de niño.
We found out that her story was all made up. MAKE UP inventar maquillar.
Water makes up 60% of the human body componer , compuesto inventar.
You can make up their own characters .Make up formar, crear maquillar.
We had to make up a bed on the floor preparar, hacer maquillaje.
They made it up and lived happily ever after. MAKE UP hacer las pases inventar, componer.
I make myself up every morning for work maquillarse hacer las paces.
Solve solventar , aumentar resolver, solucionar.
Afraid tener miedo , asustado afrodisiaco.
Baker panadero vaquero.
Please go out through the door on your left. GO OUT salir canjear.
Arise , arose , arisen surgir por cuenta propia surgir, levantarse.
Take out sacar algo o alguien invitar a salir todas la anteriores.
I need to take some money out of the bank . TAKE OUT sacar meter tomar.
Ramiro took me out to dinner on saturday . TOOK OUT invitar a salir tomar dinero.
Pot olla, maceta,envasar poner.
When she was young, she smoked pot every day. SMOKED POT fumar marihuana fumar la olla.
Breathed , Breathed Respirar, respiro Alentar alentado.
Turn around dar la vuelta , girarse convertirse.
Back pack mochila billetera funda.
Estanteria shelves, bookshelves furniture.
Niece lindo , bonito sobrina.
sister in law cuñada hermana adoptada.
Fur pelaje forrar con piel animal todas las anteriores.
wrists muñeca ( de la mano) bruja pulsera.
Thumb virus pulgar .
Carmen thumbed the pages of the book THuMBED Hojear pasar las paginas rapidamente con el dedo pulgar romper hacer pedazos las paginas.
What is it ? Wrist glove .
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