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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEReview. Selected Topics of Chemistry

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Review. Selected Topics of Chemistry

Organic compounds, Nanotechnology, Redox Reactions, Gases


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The most reactive portion of the molecule , so It is responsible for the physical and chemical properties of that compound. Functional group Hydrocarbon Compound Element.
These are formed when one or more hydrogen atoms from a hydrocarbon are substituted by one or more halogens. The halogens can be F, I, Cl, Br Alcohols Ethers Esters Halogen derivatives.
These are formed when one or more hydrogen atoms from a hydrocarbon are substituted by one or more hydroxyl groups (-OH) Alcohols Ethers Esters Halogen derivatives.
Compound that have carboxyl group (Carbon with double bond oxygen and hydroxil group) Aldehydes and ketones Ethers Esters Carboxylic acids.
Organic compounds that are considered amoniac derivatives compounds (Because they have a nytrogen) Aldehydes and ketones Ethers Amines Carboxylic acids.
Functional group that is formed with a carbonyl group and hydroxil group Ether Carbonyl Amino Carboxyl.
Alcohol also know as wood alcohol, because is obtained by heating wood in the absence of air. Methanol Ethanol Propanol Ethylene Glycol.
Identify the ethanal CH3-COH CH3-CH2-OH CH3-CH2-NH2 CH3-O-CH3.
Are two very similar alcohols in terms of their smell and taste. Methanol and ethanol Ethanol and propanol Propanol and buthanol Ethylene Glycol and glycerol.
The solubility of alcohols decreases as the molecular mass increases, select the alcohol that is more soluble in water Methanol Ethanol Propanol Buthanol.
The boilling point of alcohols increase as the molecular mass increases, order in increasing order of boiling point Methanol, Ethanol, Propanol, Buthanol Methanol, Propanol, Buthanol, Ethanol Propanol, Methanol, Buthanol, Ethanol Buthanol, Propanol, Methanol, Ethanol.
Is produced by fermentation of fruit sugar and starches of various grains such as rice, wheat and barley. Methanol Ethanol Propanol Ethylene Glycol.
Is a main ingredient of alcohol formulation for friction Methanol Ethanol Isopropyl alcohol Ethylene Glycol.
Is a main component of permanent antifreeze, it is used in the manufacture of synthetic fibers, polyester Methanol Ethanol Isopropyl alcohol Ethylene Glycol.
It has such diverse uses as the manufacture of polymers and explosives. Glycerol Ethanol Isopropyl alcohol Ethylene Glycol.
The first compound that was obtained synthetically was Urea Hemoglobin NH2-CO-NH2 (CO(NH2)2) Urea,NH2-CO-NH2 (CO(NH2)2).
Is responsible for transporting oxigen throughout the respiratory system and to the peripheral organs Chlorophyll Hemoglobin Proteins Vitamines.
There are two very similar organic molecules of complex structure, and bothhave in common that they are assential to the development of life processes. Proteins and vitamins Chlorophyll and hemoglobin Aminoacids and hemoglobin Aldehydes and ketones.
Take part in the structure of several biocomposites as aminoacids, proteins and vitamins Amides Amines Carboxyl acids Aldehydes and ketones.
Ester found in the essence of pineapples Ethyl pentyl ester Octyl acetate Propyl acetate Etyl butyrate.
Ester found in the essence of bananas Ethyl pentyl ester Octyl acetate Propyl acetate Etyl butyrate.
Also know as "synthetic almond oil" is used in perfume and flavoring formulas Formaline Ethanal Acrolein Benzaldehyde.
It is used as a preserver of anatomical and biological parts, and in liquid to embalm corpses Formaline Ethanal Acrolein Benzaldehyde.
Is an ether and a toxic gas, is used in the manufacture of ethylene glycol, used as an antifreeze diethyl ether methyl ether ethylpropil ether ethylene oxide.
Identify the ethanol CH3-CH2-OH CH3-CH2-COOH CH3-CH2-NH2 CH3-O-CH3.
Is the cience that have as objetive the design, analysis and applications of materials with size less than 1 micrometer Biotechnology Nanotechnology Climatology Chemistry.
He is considered Father of the Nanotechnology Richard Feynman Eigler NorioTaniguchi Sumio Lijima.
First Scientist in use the word Nanotechnology, Richard Feynman Eigler NorioTaniguchi Sumio Lijima.
Class of nanoparticles where fullerenes and carbon nanotubes are the largest representatives NPs Metallic NPs based on lipids NPs based on Carbon NPs polymeric.
NPs that posses properties between metallic and non metallic, have application in photocatalisis and electronics NPs Metallic NPs based on lipids NPs semiconductors NPs polymeric.
It is a solid buckyball with spherical particles, based on multiple layers of carbon. Nanotubes or cylindrical fullerenes Mega-tubes Nano onion Ball and chain dimers.
Are special materials that possess sizes less than 1 micrometer, and have structural characteristics. Biomaterials Inorganic materials Nanomaterials Organic materials.
Are the basic criteria that uses for nanomaterials classification. Origin, dimensionality, chemical composition Acids, basics y neutrals Biological, innocuous, infectious Organics, inorganics y mixed.
Scientists that were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics, for the invention of the Scanning Tunneling Microscope in 1982 Harold Kroto, Robert Curt and Richard Smalley Gerard Binning and Heinrich Roher Sumio Iijima and Richard Smalley G. Binning, C.F.. Quate and Ch. Gerber.
Scientist that discovered multiple-walled nanotubes. Richard Feynman Eigler NorioTaniguchi Sumio Lijima.
Are nanomaterials of spheric form whose dimensions are smaller than 100 nm, they are present dimensionality from 0D to3D Nanoparticles Polymeric particles Metallic spheres Flocs.
Are the different physical forms in which can found the carbon in the environment. Ex. crystalline and amorphous. Carbon isotopes Carbon allotropes Solid and gas carbon Natural and synthetic carbon.
It is described as a type of porous sponge with a disordered structure, can be used as support of biologic material Carbon Amorphous carbon Crystalline carbon Graphite.
Branch of nanotechnology wich is responsible of development of circuits and components at nanoscale. Mechatronic Nanoelectronic Industrial design Electronic.
It is responsible of to apply the knowledge of nanotechnology in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of various diseases Nanomedicine Pharmacology Radiotherapy Nanoelectronic.
Nanoparticle type that are form by non-metallic solids and their use in applications such as catalysis and photocatalys Metallic NPs NPs based on lipids NPs based on Carbon Ceramic NPs .
Nanoparticles type that contain a mixture of lipids and metals. It is main application is in cancer treatment. Metallic NPs Lipid NPs Carbon NPs Ceramic NPs .
Allotropic form of crystalline carbon, is the second most stable carbon after graphite and is used in a jewelry. Gold Diamond Silver Ferritin.
Allotropic form of crystalline carbon, is considered the third form most abundant of carbon Sexagesibono Nanoparticles Pentahexane Fullerenes.
Is crystalline carbon allotrope best known and studied, his name is derives from the Greek graphein, which means writing Carbon Amorphous carbon Crystalline carbon Graphite.
They are named cylindrical fullerene. They have one end closed and one open. They main use is in the electronic industry Nanotubes Megatubes Nanoonions Ball and chain dimers.
They are the smallest fullerenes found in nature, are used in the HIV treatment and batteries manufacturing Nanotubes Megatubes Nanoonions Clusters of buckyballs.
Type of nanomaterials that are development for the fuselage of cars, airplanes, ships or spaceships make them very light Nanocomposites Auto parts Coatings Nanofluids.
Property of metallic nanomaterials, such as iron, nickel and cobalt Chemical properties Magnetic properties Physical properties Optical properties.
Properties of nanomaterials that include molecular structure, composition and reactivity degree. Chemical properties Magnetic Properties Physical properties Optical properties.
It is the number of electrons that an atom unevenly loses, gains or shares. Atomic number Oxidation number Valence electrons Mass number .
It is the chemical reaction in which one or more electrons are transferred among the reagents, causing a change in their oxidation state. Chemical reaction Redox Combustion Neutralization.
It is the electrochemical process in which an atom or ion gains electrons. It involves decrease in its oxidation state. Oxidation Reduction Neutralization Hydration.
It is the electrochemical process where an element loses electrons, therefore, it increases its oxidation state. Oxidation Reduction Neutralization Hydration.
When an ion or atom reduces, its state or oxidation number decreases and acts as: Oxidizing agent Reducing agent Basic agent Acid agent.
It is the process through which iron objects are oxidized in presence of oxygen and moisture. Corrosion Reduction Electroplating Galvanization.
It is the process which consists in covering iron with a protective layer of zinc. Corrosion Reduction Electroplating Galvanization.
It is the chemical process by which a substance or body immersed in a dissolution is broken down by the action of a continuous electrical current. Corrosion Electrolysis Electroplating Galvanization.
It is the process through which an object is covered with a metal thanks to an electric current passing by an electrochemical cell. Corrosion Reduction Electroplating Galvanization.
The loss of electrons in a cell indicates that there is an oxidation. This process is carried out in: Anode Cathode Anion Cation.
The gain of electrons in a cell indicates that there is a reduction. This process is carried out in: Anode Cathode Anion Cation.
It is the cell that transforms an electric current into an oxidation-reduction chemical reaction that does not occur spontaneously. In most of these reactions a chemical substance is broken down. Voltaic Electrochemical Electrolytic Electric.
It is the cell that transforms a spontaneous chemical reaction into an electric current. There are some examples as batteries. Voltaic Electrochemical Electrolytic Electric.
It is the chemical process by which a substance or body immersed in a dissolution is broken down by the action of a continuous electrical current. Electrolysis Electrochemical Electroplating Breakdown.
It is a substance that causes oxidation by accepting electrons; therefore, its oxidation state decreases Oxidizing agent Reducing agent Basic agent Acid agent.
It is a substance that causes reduction by losing electrons; therefore its oxidation state increases. Oxidizing agent Reducing agent Basic agent Acid agent.
It is the list in which metals are ordered from highest to lowest according to their reducing power. The main characteristic is that: all the metals above Hydrogen displace it from its combinations. The ones below it does not displace it and the metals between displace each other in downwards: those above displace those below but the ones below can´t displace those above. Activity series of metals Basicity series Electronegativity series Conductivity series.
If we have an element A that reacts to produce hydrogen and an element B that reacts with water vapor to produce hydrogen, then is considered that: a. B is more reagent than A. b. Both elements are equally reactive. c. The above does not indicate reactivity. d. A is more reactive than B. a b c d.
Determine the oxidation number that corresponds to the carbon in a molecule of CO2. -2 +4 +2 -4.
Determine the sulfur oxidation number in H2SO4. +3 -6 +6 -3.
Determine the manganese oxidation number in MnO4-, The ion has negative charge -7 -5 +7 +4.
Balance the following equation and choose the coefficients that belong to a balanced equation by the REDOX method Sn+HNO3----->SnO2+NO2+H2O a) b) c) 1,4,1,4,1 d) e) 1,2,2,4,2 1,3,2,1,2 1,4,1,4,2 2,6,2,6,2.
Balance the following equation and choose the coefficients that belong to a balanced equation by the REDOX method I2+Cl2+H2O----->HIO3+HCl 1,5,6,2,5 1,5,6,2,10 2,4,3,2,3 3,2,4,5,6.
Chemical process in which a chemical species loses electrons Oxidation Compensation Basificación Acidification.
Chemical process in which a chemical species gain electrons Oxidation Reduction Basificación Acidification.
The pressure exerted by each gas in the mixture is its partial pressure. This fact was discovered by: John Dalton Albert Einstein Robert Boyle Jacques Charles.
Relate the statement with the mathematical formula The volume of a gas is directly related to the number of moles of the gas if the pressure or temperature does not change. a b c d e f.
Relate the statement with the mathematical formula The pressure of a gas is directly related to its absolute temperature when the volume and gas quantity remain constant. a b c d e f.
Relate the statement with the mathematical formula The volume of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature when the pressure and gas quantity remain constant. a b c d e f.
Which are the constants in a Boyle's Law? a) Constant volume and moles b) Constant temperature and moles c) Constant pressure and moles d) Constant temperature and pressure e) Constant moles a b c d e.
Which are the constants in a Charles´s Law? a) Constant volume and moles b) Constant temperature and moles c) Constant pressure and moles d) Constant temperature and pressure e) Constant moles a b c d e.
Which are the constants in a Avogadro's Law? a) Constant volume and moles b) Constant temperature and moles c) Constant pressure and moles d) Constant temperature and pressure e) Constant moles a b c d e.
Which are the constants in a Combined Gas Law? a) Constant volume and moles b) Constant temperature and moles c) Constant pressure and moles d) Constant temperature and pressure e) Constant moles a b c d e.
Are the four general variables that using in the gases study Pressure, volume, temperature, quantity (concentration) of gas Volume, oxidation, reduction, absorption Electric conductivity, Heat conduction, brightness, oxidation Precipitation, malleability, reduction, kinetic.
Law that established that the gas volume is directly proportional to the temperature. Therefore, at a high temperature the gas occupies major volume. Boyle´s Law Newton´s Law Charle´s Law Dalton´s Law.
Law that established that "the total pressure of a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the pressures exerted by each of the gases that compose it" Boyle´s Law Newton´s Law Charle´s Law Dalton´s Law.
A tank possess a volume of 5 L of nitrogen at 2.3 atm of pressure. Later the pressure decreases at 1.5 atm. Calculate the new volume of gas in the tank. **Use the mathematical formula that applies to the problem 800L 7.6L 2.5L 0.13L.
A sample of gaseous carbon dioxide present a temperature of 30 °K and pressure of 1.3 atm, later the pressure increases at 6.4 atm. Calculate the gas temperature when the pressure increases. **Use the mathematical formula that applies to the problem 64 °K 147.7 °K 273 °K 0 °C.
A gas sample occupies 12L at a pressure of 1.2 atm. What will be its volume if the pressure increases to 2.4 atm and the temperature is constant? **Use the mathematical formula that applies to the problem 6 L 0.167 L 24 L 0.042 L.
An oxygen sample occupies 10L at a pressure of 15 atm. At what pressure will it occupy 250 L if the temperature does not change? **Use the mathematical formula that applies to the problem 0.6 atm 275 atm 166.67 atm 1.6 atm.
What pressure exerts 0.411 mole of Xe in a 1L flask at 20°C? (Consider the Xe as ideal gas) R=0.082 atm L/mol K **Use the mathematical formula that applies to the problem 9.8 atm 0.101 atm 0.674 atm 1.48 atm.
In the atmosphere the oxygen fraction is 0.2094. Calculate the partial pressure of oxygen in the air when the atmospheric pressure is of 760 torr. **Use the mathematical formula that applies to the problem 159 torr 0.2094 torr 6.28 x10-3 torr 4.78 torr.
It is the movement of a substance from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Diffusion Expansion Compression Resistance.
____________________happens when we squash something to make it smaller. The atoms in a gas have lots of space between them and move about easily Diffusion Expansion Compression Resistance.
Gases _________, completely and uniformly, filling the volume of any container Diffused Expand Compressed Resist.
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