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Sintax and teaching

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Syntax is a branch of linguistics that deals with the structure and function of phrases, clauses and sentences. Therefore,this science has to do with: … the structure of words. the structure of essays and composition how words are put together to form phrases, and how clauses and sentences are formed.
One important distinction between ‘heads’ and ‘modifiers’ is that.... t the modifier controls the head of any phrase. the head controls other clauses in any structure. the head controls the modifiers in a clause.
Traditionally, a complement is a constituent of a clause, noun phrase or adjective phrase that is used to predicate a description of the subject or object of a clause. It includes the direct object, indirect object, predicative complement and oblique object. On the other hand, an adjunct is an optional part of a sentence that can be removed without affecting the meaning of the clause; for example, the phrase “in Geneva” in the clause: Manuel visited his friend in Geneva She lives in Geneva Christian is in Geneva right now.
Complements can take different forms. For example, they can appear as: adjectives, adverbials, nouns, among others nouns, gerunds, articles and among others infinitive verbs, nouns, adjectives among others.
Each phrase in English has one essential element, which determines the type of phrasal structure. For example, if the headword is a noun, then the structure containing it is a noun phrase. Therefore, conjunctions, nouns, verbs, and adjectives can function as the head of a phrase. nouns, verbs, adjectives and prepositions can function as the head of a phrase. nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs can function as the head of a phrase. .
It can be defined as a necessary constituent (word or expression) that completes the meaning of a phrase or clause. This constituent is known as: Adjective Complement Modifier.
In the clause “Sam hunted a rabbit in that hill yesterday”, the noun phrase “a rabbit” completes the meaning of the verbal form “hunted”; while, the word “yesterday” adds extra information to the clause. Therefore, the word “yesterday” is … a complement a noun an adjunct .
In the clause “Two of my school colleagues play soccer in this park”, the subject is formed by a head word and its modifiers. The head is the word: Two School Colleagues.
In English, non-copula constructions are built around transitive and intransitive verbs, while, copula constructions are built around the verb BE and few other verbs; in addition, only non- copula constructions with transitive verbs can have a direct object, as illustrated in: The president sent a message The president looks sad The president is very conceit.
According to phrase structure rules in English, a phrase is a string of words which expresses meaning as illustrated in the structure: He and his family live in Miami Lives in Miami He lives with his family in Miami.
Verbs that express movement as the verb GO in the clause “James goes to the beach on holidays” usually are followed by: prepositional phrases of place like to the beach as the complement of the verb prepositional phrases of direction like on holidays as the complement of the verb prepositional phrases of direction like to the beach as the complement of the verb.
There are different... in English; they are used in speech and writing to ask questions, give commands, or make statements. structural patterns modifiers adverbial structures .
The structure “Victor plays the piano beautifully”, illustrates an English clause, which, according to the rule, contains basically: a noun phrase referring to the person performing an action or event, and a verb phrase referring to the action being performed. a verb phrase followed by a noun phrase a phrase referring to an event or action and a phrase referring to the person performing the action or event.
In the clauses (a) Maria finished the term paper for this coming week and (b) ‘Maria finished it’, ... both expressions the term paper for this coming week and it are recognized as noun phrases. only the string of words the term paper for this coming week is recognized as a phrase the word it functions just a pronoun, not as a noun phrase. .
In English, phrase structures are meaningful strings of words that form constituents;then phrasal constituents of different types form larger structures known as: clauses phrases sentences.
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