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SOPS4 Descripción: B737 NG Autor:
Fecha de Creación: 30/08/2022 Categoría: Arte Número Preguntas: 39 |
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External Air Cart Use: The BAT switch should always be _____ when using the airplane air conditioning system since the protective circuits are DC. This ensures protection in the event of loss of AC power. ON OFF. Ground Conditioned Air: If the APU is supplying air to a Pack at the gate and then preconditioned air is applied, the APU BLEED air switch must be turned OFF and _____________. air conditioning PACK switch(es) must be turned OFF. air conditioning PACK switch(es) must be turned ON. Manual Pressurization: Switch actuation to the manual mode causes an immediate response by the outflow valve. Full range of motion of the outflow valve can take up to ___ seconds. 20 40. Al hacer un despegue sin Bleeds del motor (BLEEDS OFF) y solo con Bleed del APU, en qué momento después del despegue se activa el segundo Bleed? When CABIN rate of CLIMB indicator stabilizes (Cabin Pressure) When duct pressure indicator stabilizes (Air conditioning pressure). ALT INTERVENTION: If the airplane is 50 nm or less from T/D, if a lower altitude is selected, an early descent will be started. a CRZ descent will be started. Leaving the SERVICE INTERPHONE switch ___ inflight can result in static noise which may interfere with communication through the Service Interphone. ON OFF. The intentional pulling and resetting of a circuit breaker is _________ due to potential impact on multiple aircraft systems. prohibited allowed. Any CB that is confirmed to have tripped, should NOT be reset by the crew. After Block Out and Before Takeoff From Takeoff to Block In. From Takeoff to Block In, One reset of a tripped circuit breaker may be attempted after a cooling period of approximately 2 minutes when Called by a Non-Normal List or necessary for the safety of the flight Never. Battery Start: When the APU is inoperative, it is preferred that engine _____ be started at the gate. 1 2. Engine Crossbleed Start: Use caution to avoid jet blast damage to other aircraft, vehicles, structures, or personnel. Thrust above ____ N1 also increases the potential for engine FOD. 45% 65%. Early Descent: For a PATH DES, this will result in a ________ rate of descent until the planned path is intercepted. For a SPD DES, this will result in an idle thrust normal rate of descent. 1000 fpm 2000 fpm. Transferring fuel with passengers onboard is prohibited, unless the fuel quantity in the tank from which fuel is being taken is maintained at or above _____ pounds. 2000 1675. Cual de las siguientes NO es una consideración de despegue en pistas contaminadas: For wet runways,assumed temperature method is allowed provided performance accountability is made For runways contaminated by slush, snow, standing water, or ice, reduced thrust using assumed temperature method is not allowed Takeoffs are not recommended when slush, wet snow, or standing water depth is more than 1/2 inch (13 mm) Takeoffs are always performed by the captain. Icing conditions exist when ___ (on the ground) or ____ (in flight) is 10°C or below and visible moisture (clouds, fog, rain, snow, sleet, ice crystals, and so on) is present. OAT / TAT OAT / SAT. Do not use engine or wing anti–ice when OAT (on the ground) or TAT (in flight) is above ____. 10°C 5°C. Use of wing anti-ice above approximately _____ may cause bleed trip off and possible loss of cabin pressure. FL350 FL250. En condición de turbulencia severa en DESCENSO, se utiliza un set de potencia de acuerdo con: .76 Mach/280/250 knots. FMC recommended thrust settings. En condición de turbulencia severa en CRUCERO, se utiliza un set de potencia de acuerdo con: .76 Mach/280/250 knots. FMC recommended thrust settings. Si un CB se salta más de 1 vez, es posible resetearlo hasta 10 veces no se debe intentar resetearlo nuevamente. Si el ZFW real de la aeronave, y el EZFW del plan de vuelo operacional OFP difieren en más de 4000 Lb, se solicita un nuevo plan de vuelo operacional (OFP) a despacho No se pide nada adicional. Si al cierre del vuelo, hay una diferencia de MÁS de 4 pasajeros entre el Loadsheet (final de peso y balance), y la cantidad real de pasajeros abordo Se solicita un nuevo Loadsheet (peso y balance) a despacho Se hace corrección manual. Aproximadamente, a qué distancia se hace el Approach Checklist 25 NM antes de aterrizar o 6000 ft AGL aprox 10 NM antes de aterrizar. Aproximadamente cuántas millas antes del TOD se pide el Descent Checklist 30 NM 10 NM. En una aproximación ILS, cuando se engancha el G/S... la velocidad pasa a MCP SPD y debo controlarla en el MCP el autothrottle pasa a N1 en el FMA. ¿Cuando se hace el flujo de aterrizaje? Con el último set de Flaps En el TOD. En aproximación ILS, cuando ya se ha enganchado el G/S: se selecciona el missed approach altitude en el MCP se selecciona mínimos hasta estar 300 ft por debajo del missed approach altitude. Cuales son los grados máximos de pitch recomendado para no golpear la cola del avión en rotación? 11° 20°. En el CDU se debe ajustar la altitude del FAF con una restricción A (At or above) Hard B (At or Below). El after Takeoff Checklist se realiza después de: retraer Flaps y verificar luces de indicación gear up. Para determinar la distancia de frenado al aterrizaje, se tiene en cuenta el peso estimado de landing, de la siguiente manera: ZFW + Combustible estimado por el FMC al aterrizaje ZFW + Combustible total al iniciodel vuelo. El ajuste de velocidad al aterrizar sin A/T debe ser de: Al menos VREF+5, o la mitad del viento de frente, MÁS la suma total de la ráfaga, sin exceder nunca VREF+15 TRUE FALSE. ¿Cuándo se considera que las predicciones de performance del FMC no son confiables? Cuando la configuración del avión no es normal (Tren abajo, Flaps, etc) En vuelos de más de 6 horas. Whenever the possibility exists for adverse weather and terrain/obstacles near the intended flight path, one pilot should monitor the weather radar display and the other pilot should monitor the __________. terrain display. predictive windshear. Engine out taxi is not authorized at ____ with only 1 engine generator. With the loss of the engine generator you only have BATT power remaining. night winter. Single engine taxi should not be accomplished when ________ exist or are anticipated. Do not single engine taxi on slippery, icy, or contaminated surfaces. icing conditions drizzle. La velocidad máxima de Holding hasta 14000 ft es de: 230 kt 240 kt. Should be used for wet or slippery runways, when landing rollout distance is limited (Runways with 7000ft or less) or at airfields with an elevation of 5,000ft. or more. Autobrake 3 Autobrake 2. For normal landings a minimum setting of _______ should be used per company policy. Autobrake 3 Autobrake 2. |
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