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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEStage 4. Matter and its transformation

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Stage 4. Matter and its transformation

Test Stage 4


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According to the number of elements that it is formed, the compounds are classified in binary, ternary and polyatomic. Which compound is binary? AgNO3 SO2 Mg(OH)2 NaHCO3.
The following options represents compound in the quotidian life, select a base. CaO HCl KOH NaCl.
Carbon dioxide (CO2), that is present in the soda drinks. Select the option that relationship the compound with the classification. Binary, acid Binary, oxide Ternary, oxide Binary, base.
Sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3, that is present in the dental paste. Select the option that relationship the compound with the classification. Polyatomic, salt Polyatomic, oxide Polyatomic, base Polyatomic, acid.
Potassium hydroxide KOH, that is present in the process to fabrication of the soap. Select the option that relationship the compound with the classification. Binary, salt Ternary, oxide Ternary, base Binary, acid.
Calcium diphosphate diacid is present in the fertiliziers. It is represented with the formula Ca(H2PO4)2. How many hidrogen atoms have in this compund? 40 4 20 2.
Classify the following elements according the number of elements and chemical function. NaHCO3 Polyatomic, salt Polyatomic, oxide Polyatomic, acid Polyatomic, base.
Classify the following elements according the number of elements and chemical function. Mg(OH)2 Polyatomic, base Ternary, base Polyatomic, oxide Ternary, oxide.
Classify the following elements according the number of elements and chemical function. HCl Binary, salt Binary, acid Ternary, salt Ternary, acid.
Classify the following elements according the number of elements and chemical function. ZnO Binary, salt Binary, oxide Ternary, salt Ternary, oxide.
Classify the following elements according the number of elements and chemical function. FeSO4 Polyatomic, salt Polyatomic, oxide Ternary, salt Ternary, oxide.
Classify the following elements according the number of elements and chemical function. NO2 Binary, salt Binary, oxide Ternary, salt Ternary, oxide.
Classify the following elements according the number of elements and chemical function. SnF2 Ternary, salt Ternary, acid Binary, salt Binary, acid.
It is established by sharing of pairs of electrons between two atoms, with similar electronegativities Non-polar covalent Polar covalent Ionic Metallic.
It is established by sharing of pairs of electrons between two atoms, with different electronegativities Non-polar covalent Polar covalent Ionic Metallic.
Tyoe of bond is established by transference of electrons, usually between a metal and non-metal. Non-polar covalent Polar covalent Ionic Metallic.
Is the bond present in materials such as brass, bronze and anothers Non-polar covalent Polar covalent Ionic Metallic.
Then describe the properties that present the compound, according the properties select the bond present. Brass is a solid, conductor of electricity, malleable and have hight fusion point. Non-polar covalent Polar covalent Ionic Metallic.
Then describe the properties that present the compound, according the properties select the bond present. Citric acid is a solid molecular compound and have low fusion point. Non-polar covalent Polar covalent Ionic Metallic.
Then describe the properties that present the compound, according the properties select the bond present. Potassium bromide is a crystalline solid with high fusion point and water soluble. Non-polar covalent Polar covalent Ionic Metallic.
Of the following experimental evidences, which identify the type of chemical bond in the substance? Change of color Electrical conductivity Gas evolution Formation of a solid.
The difference between electronegativities determine the type of bond present in a substance. According the values of electronegativities (H=2.1, Cl=3.0, F=4.0 K=0.8, Br=2.8), determine the type of bond. HCl Non-polar covalent Polar covalent Ionic Metallic.
The difference between electronegativities determine the type of bond present in a substance. According the values of electronegativities (H=2.1, Cl=3.0, F=4.0 K=0.8, Br=2.8), determine the type of bond. KBr Non-polar covalent Polar covalent Ionic Metallic.
The difference between electronegativities determine the type of bond present in a substance. According the values of electronegativities (H=2.1, Cl=3.0, F=4.0 K=0.8, Br=2.8), determine the type of bond. H2 Non-polar covalent Polar covalent Ionic Metallic.
According the properties, the chemical bonds of compounds can be classified in ionic, non-polar covalent and polar covalent. Determine the type of bond with the following properties: -Do not conduce electricity -Insoluble in water Non-polar covalent Polar covalent Ionic Metallic.
According the properties, the chemical bonds of compounds can be classified in ionic, non-polar covalent and polar covalent. Determine the type of bond with the following properties: -Conduct electricity when are molten Non-polar covalent Polar covalent Ionic Metallic.
According the properties, the chemical bonds of compounds can be classified in ionic, non-polar covalent and polar covalent. Determine the type of bond with the following properties: -Soluble in water -Do not conduct electricity Non-polar covalent Polar covalent Ionic.
The substance A is a liquid that do not conduct electricity, is immiscible in water and have boiling point 115°C. What type of bond is have? Non-polar covalent Polar covalent Ionic.
The substance B is a solid that conduct electricity, is soluble in water and have high fusion point. What type of bond is have? Non-polar covalent Polar covalent Ionic.
The substance C is a liquid that do not conduct electricity but is soluble in water and have boiling point 78°C. What type of bond is have? Non-polar covalent Polar covalent Ionic.
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