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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEStudy Guide The Paths of Knowledge Intern Global

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Study Guide The Paths of Knowledge Intern Global

Study Guide The Paths of Knowledge Inern Global CIDEB

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What is Knowledge? The information that a human being obtains from fantasy The information that a human being obtains from reality Information based on the past .
Epistemology on Greek "Knowledge" and "reason" "physis" and "reason" "experience" and "knowledge".
Fundamental elements in the process of knowledge The subject The experience The subject, object of study and the relationship between both of them .
Empiricism Knowledge through the process of experience Knowledge through the process of reason and logic Knowledge based on empiricism .
Rationalism Knowledge through the process of reason and logic Knowledge based on empiricism Knowledge through the process of experience none of this ones .
Skepticism Knowledge through the process of experience Knowledge through the process of reason and logic Knowledge based on empiricism None of this .
Founders of Empiricism John Locke and George Berkeley Rene Descartes and Blaise Pascal David Hume Isaac Newton .
Founders of Rationalism Rene Descartes and Blaise Pascal David Hume John Locke and George Berkeley Isaac Newton .
Founders of Skepticism David Hume Isaac Newton John Locke and George Berkeley Rene Descartes and Blaise Pascal .
What is Analytical Knowledge Knowledge through the process of experience Knowledge through the process of reason and logic Knowledge through the analysis of causes and effects on phenomenon Knowledge based on empiricism.
Francis Bacon Philosopher who enunciated the metaphor "it is not about spiders or ants, but bees" German materialist philosopher who considered that reality is mental and material and that knowledge is acquired between reason and experience.
Karl Marx German materialist philosopher who considered that reality is mental and material and that knowledge is acquires between reason and experience Philosopher who enunciated the metaphor "It is not about spiders or ants, but bees". .
Inductive Method Parts of particular facts to a general conclusion Parts of general conclusion to particular facts.
Deductive Method parts of general conclusion to particular facts Parts of particular facts to a general conclusion.
Physis philosophers means Philosophers of nature Philosophers of physics Philosophers of Gravity.
Thales of Miletus First philosopher of physis, who proposed the arche of all things Philosopher who enunciated the metaphor "It is not about spiders or ants, but bees".
Greek philosophers who proposed the arche as the beginning of all things Anaximenes Heraclitus Thales of Miletus Xenophanes.
1 Empedocles of Agrigento Democritus Robert Boyle Aristarchus Copernicus Aristotle Ptolemy Galileo Galile.
2 Isaac Newton Science Technology.
4 Prehistory Antiquity Middle Age Renaissance Modern Age Contemporaneous XX and XXI Centuries.
5 Scientific Knowledge Philosophical Knowledge Daily Knowledge Mythical Knowledge Religious Knowledge Formal or Pure Science Factual Science Language.
6 Thought Structure Reasoning Judgement Concept Abstraction Thought.
7 o e a i.
8 Argumentation and arguments Conclusion Inferences Inductive Inference Deductive Inference Fallacies.
9 Modern Logic Classic Logic Propositional Logic Quantificational Logic Class Logic.
10 Qualitative Quantitative Method.
11 Independent Variable Dependent Variable.
Steps of Scientific Method according to Galileo. Observation Formulation of a Hypothesis a. Methaphysical Hypothesis. Cannot be verified because they are attributed to unknown forces impossible to verify. b. Deductive Hypothesis. Adress the logical coherence to establish mathematical relationships Experimentation Deduction Analysis and Conclusions Hypothesis.
Steps of the Experimental Scientific Method. Hypothesis Observation Analysis and Conclusions Deduction Statement of the problem Experimentation Formulation of a Hypothesis.
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