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It studies the nature and limits of human ability to produce speech sounds and describes the way these sounds are delivered. Besides, it studies the production of speech sounds. Acoustic phonetics Mixed-ability phonetics Articulatory phonetics.
Identify the words that are pronounced with aspirated initial phonemes: take, cat, keep, pale steak, blow, crab, frog vowel, train, plan, clay.
In imperative sentences, as in the examples: Come here! Close the door! Listen to me!, the intonation is: Rising Falling Neutral.
A standard for teaching pronunciation to non-native speakers of English is: Standard American Standard British Received, or BBC.
This prosodic element refers to the use of melodic pattern of a language and includes rise and fall of the voice when speaking. It is true about: Pitch Intonation Accent.
Classify following organs of speech as articulator alveolar ridge upper teeth tongue.
Choose the couple words that represent minimal pairs: haze - blaze rows- rose hear – hair fair- file nose- noise could–good would–good coat-goat would – wood knot- not sent – scent lake- pray.
Read the conversations. Choose the correct subordinator or transition word for each blank space. Hannah: I always take my own reusable bag to the store. Jessica: I try to do that too, __________ my sister never does. whereas however just as.
Read the context of the paragraph and choose the correct option to complete it. I can't believe you forgot ________ the proposal for the conference. Now we can't present the results of our study until the next year! You should've paid better attention to the deadlines! submit to submit submiting.
Choose the correct option to complete the sentence: Many cultures share similar new year traditions; for example, wearing yellow clothes, eating grapes, _______ debts, lighting candles, etc. getting together giving out paying back.
Select the correct verb forms to complete the statement below: We met our friend Carol, while she ___________ Architecture at Harvard University. By the time we got married, Carol ________ her studies. studies / is completing is studying /completes was studying /had completed.
Read the context of the paragraph and choose the correct option to complete it. I can't believe you forgot ________ the proposal for the conference. Now we can't present the results of our study until the next year! You should've paid better attention to the deadlines! submit to submit submiting.
____ is a kind of secret language, for example, words are created in a kind of code language by “shifting” vowel and consonant sounds jargon slang pig latin .
It is a retelling activity which displays something (a story) that happened. Remember that it is not conceived as the story itself but rather the telling of the story which could be written or spoken. speech narrative interpretation.
What is the difference between Canon and Classic? Canon is a work by a famous author, Classic is on old book Canon is a great work that is worthy to be read by everyone, Classic is popular across cultural groups. Canon is an old written story, Classic is written in old English.
Local dialects or accents are often useful in literature because: It allows the reader to understand sarcasm and humor It allows the reader to know something about the person without having to state it It is more romantic to hear someone speak with an accent .
Which of these are not considered to be a part of language? Using SnapChat on your phone Self-talk and deep thoughts Body language and facial expressions .
Apply syntactic analysis on the sentence: Meg told Jane that her father was sick. The complementizer THAT introduces additional information to the sentence The complementizer THAT can easily be omitted without changing the meaning of the sentence The complementizer THAT cannot be delated because the meaning of the sentence could change. .
Syntax establishes the use of three different types of sentences: simple, complex and compound. In regards to compound sentences, they are formed by two clauses linked by a connector. Hence, their structure would be… One dependent clause, a subordinator, and one independent clause One independent clause, a coordinating conjunction, and one independent clause. One independent clause, a coordinating conjunction, and one dependent clause.
Which of the following is true about universal grammar? It is an explanation of knowledge and learning that is based on the assumption that all learning is first social then individual. It is considered as innatist linguistic knowledge and argues that some grammar rules are hard-wired into the brain. It is an approach that emphasizes how the human mind receives, process, stores and retrieves information in learning and retrieving information.
It refers to the hierarchical arrangement of the constituent words and phrases of a sentence to form well-formed and meaningful structures. It is a formal representation of the grammatical structure of a sentence. Constituency Active clause Construction.
Choose the correct option for each sentence Janice must not have understood me when I said I wouldn't be home for dinner. Janice mustn't have understood me when I said I wouldn't be home for dinner. Janice must not understand me when I said I wouldn't be home for dinner.
According the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (CAH), which of the following may be one of the causes of learners’ errors? Student´s did not practice the correct forms enough to make them a habit Students did not pay close enough attention to the languages structures they were taught. Students transferred knowledge their first language to their new language.
The Behaviorist perspective mentions that Chomsky´s concluded that children´s minds are not blank slates to be filled by imitating languages they hear in the environment. true false .
Clarification requests, Elicitation and Repetition are some techniques that teachers use as Instructional approach. true false.
Fossilization is the term used to describe when some features of learner language stop changing over time? true false.
Analyze the following case. Then, answer the question: In order to support the comprehension of a tough text, the teacher reads it to the whole class adding visual support, periodic paraphrasing; and/or rewriting. Through this, the students get actively involved in the activity because they are part of it; so they are more motivated to listen carefully as the teacher reads. What strategy for literacy development is the teacher applying? Moving into Reading Guided Reading Read-aloud plus.
Analyze the following application example and complete the statement below: Having students talk about their classroom work gives them practice in using academic language, demonstrating their growing knowledge with teacher support and scaffolding. It is an example of the language development strategy…….. Collecting and processing words Reporting back Scaffolding English writing.
Which of the following statements DOES NOT correspond to advantages of using realia in the classroom? Real objects can be seen, felt and manipulated, which is a powerful way to connect vocabulary to real life Real objects are highly effective in supporting comprehension and vocabulary development in older students, especially those who are English learners. The use of real objects conveys meaning in a way that no photograph or illustration can.
Choose the option that best fits the strategy below. The strategy, applied during a course, in which the teacher observes and documents the students’ performance on academic tasks rather than on their fluency in English to identify weak students by using Rubrics and checklists is called___ Portfolio assessment Performance sampling Anecdotal records .
Which strategy uses this example: To show a cup while saying: this is a cup, we use it for keeping liquid Manipulative strategies Modelled Talk Multiple intelligences strategies.
Informal assessment __ is nonjudgmental and ultimate decisions about students’ performance are not made. Here performance is elicited without recording results constitutes a set of procedures constructed to give the teacher and student an appraisal of student achievement. measures what a student has learned by looking back and taking stock of how well that student has accomplished objectives.
If a test is easy to construct, administer, score, and interpret, we speak about its_ reliability practicality validity.
If a test contains natural language, meaningful and relevant topics and contextualized items that replicate real- world tasks, we say that this test is _______ authentic reliable valid .
Analyze the following example and decide to which category of speaking performance it belongs. The task includes interaction and test comprehension but at the limited level of short conversations, standard greetings, small talks, requests, and comments. Intensive Responsive Interactive.
Within the Extensive Reading tasks, a teacher may ask the students to _______ find all phrasal verbs used in a text write a short summary of each paragraph of reading find and circle/underline all irregular verbs .
From the following which one is an example of intensive listening? Listening to news stories and biography information about famous international sports stars. Listening to a radio announcement about an event and filling out a table or a series of blanks with words from the listening English reviews of movies or TV shows that you've seen in your language. .
Social relationships and collaborative opportunities play an important role in supporting teachers in managing disruptive behavior in their classroom. Which is one strategy that teachers can use to decrease misbehavior in class? Counting with therapist’s help and principal intervention to correct students’ behavior and prevent future discipline problems. Setting up good relationships with colleagues, previous students’ teachers and parents for continuous guidance and support. Keeping a record of students’ discipline to find out the specific punishment students who misbehave should be given.
Which of the following question types cannot be used when making students focus on comprehension of the text? Sentence completion Glossing Multiple-choice sentences .
What is the focus of the following activity? The teacher asks students to recall a list of items, actions, or events explicitly stated in the text or the sequence of several actions or events explicitly stated in the text they have already read. Literal comprehension of the text Drawing inferences from the text Responding critically to the text.
When planning a listening and speaking programme for beginners the director should be aware that …. Meaning-focus output is the desire of the students and should be tackled head on at the earliest opportunity there should be regular opportunities for increasing amounts of meaning-focused listening input early in the course fluency will only come from speaking with native speakers – a preference should be given to contracting them to work in the programme.
Creswell identifies and proposes some definitions of the parts of a research. Choose the option that does not correspond to his statements. A research topic is the broad subject matter addressed by the study A research problem is a general educational issue, concern, or controversy addressed in research that narrows the topic. The literature review is the major intent or objective of the study used to address the problem .
EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH Which of these statements is correct? Researchers need to create a budget and obtain advice from other, experienced researchers about whether the anticipated expenses are realistic Regardless of the approach, the amount of time needed for data collection can only be estimated by examining similar studies. The skills needed for quantitative researchers include the ability to write detailed passages and analyzing words from participants in the study. .
Creswell (2012) asserts “The researcher must have access to people and sites and possess the time, resources, and skills to study the problem. The study needs to contribute to knowledge and practice. There also needs to be a match between the research problem and the qualitative approach chosen for the study." ***********************************************************  As Creswell (2012) asserts “The researcher must have access to people and sites and possess the time, resources, and skills to study the problem. The study needs to contribute to knowledge and practice. There also needs to be a match between the research problem and the approach—quantitative or qualitative— chosen for the study. true false.
The importance of knowing how to define a Research Problem lies on the fact that this is the main step to start a successful process of investigation. Once identified the problem the researcher can state through clear ideas at the "statement of the problem". true false.
Creswell (2012) states that a research proposal is a completed study that reports an investigation or exploration of a problem, identifies questions to be addressed, includes the collection and analysis of data, and advances an interpretation of the data. ***************************************************************** - Creswell (2012) states that a research report is a completed study that reports an investigation or exploration of a problem, identifies questions to be addressed, includes the collection and analysis of data, and advances an interpretation of the data. true false.
Choose the option that contains the correct information. Materials development means creating, organizing, or adopting/adapting materials and activities so that students can achieve the objectives of a course. The use of basic or supplementary material as well as technological resources impacts negatively the effectiveness of the teaching learning process. Materials need to have an underlying instructional philosophy, approach, method and technique which suit the students and their needs since some of them are appropriate for all the classes and students' background.
__________ are variables that will significantly impact on decisions about teaching materials. Many teachers are bound by a mandated curriculum defining the content, skills and values to be taught. The resources and facilities Personal confidence and competence The curriculum and the context.
Which of the following statements is true regarding curriculum? Curriculum is a formal document which outlines the aims, the selection and grading of contents, teaching materials, tasks and activities, etc. to be taught in a specific course, unit of study or teaching subject.  Curriculum comprises teachers and students’ believes in terms of their experience and personal view of language, teaching, learning, selectionn of content as well as the influence of social and political contexto on learning outcomes. Curriculum comprises teachers and students’ believes in terms of their experience and personal view of language, teaching, learning, selectionn of content as well as the influence of social and political contexto on learning outcomes. Curriculum is a general plan which comprises educational foundations and guidelines of what, why and how students should learn. In other words it contains, the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes expected to be learned by students. .
Choose the correct option. According to the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (CAH), which of the following may be one of the causes of learners’ errors? Students transfer knowledge from their first language to their new language. Student´s do not practice the correct forms enough to make them a habit Students do not pay close attention to the language structures they were taught. .
.......measure learners’ ability within a classroom lesson, unit, or even total curriculum. Proficiency tests Achievement tests Diagnostic tests .
Its purpose is more notetaking than record-keeping. According to the statement we can point out to: An observation An interview A questionnaire.
Which of the following can be used to check the student’s skill at word recognition? Reading aloud Reading logs Speed reading graphs .
One of the specific characteristics of Qualitative Research is that . we analyze trends, compare groups, or relate variables using statistical analysis. we will include a substantial amount of information in the Literature Review. we need to develop a deep understanding of the central phenomenon.
Which strategy uses this example: To show a cup while saying: this is a cup, we use it for keeping liquid Manipulative strategies Multiple intelligences strategies ences strategies Modeled Talk .
If test measures what it proposes to measure and offers meaningful information about a student´s ability, so this test is: Practical Accountable Valid .
In curriculum design, there are many topics that are addressed in a number of different places within the program requirements while other topics are addressed by specific courses. In order to integrate those topics at a meso and microcurricular level, curriculum designers use as a paradigm for formalizing the integration across the curriculum. environment analysis academic threads learning outcomes.
Choose the option that best completes the following statement: The is the subject matter of the study, the sets for the intent of the study, and the will be answered by the researcher based on data collected in the study. topic/ purpose statement/ research questions Investigation/ topic / instruments Research problem/ topic / research questions.
Needs analysis can play a major role in determining the ..... content of courses, particularly for language items. steps of the environment analysis. number of students for the course.
Analyze the following case: To prepare her second graders for a field trip to the zoo, Ms. Allen brings in photographs of zoo animals. She introduces the animals to the students using the photographs and creates a chart by displaying the photographs and listing key information about each animal, such as the names used for the baby animals, and the animal’s natural habitat. A map of the zoo is displayed in the classroom and Ms. Allen teaches a lesson on asking questions and gathering information during the zoo trip. The class brainstorms questions they will ask the zoo guides about the animals and the students practice taking notes on their information sheets. What strategy to encourage active involvement is Ms. Allen using in her class? KWL and Data Charts Visual scaffolding Preview / Review.
This seating arrangement favors students’ interaction, students engage in the roles of speaker and listener. It provides reassurance for expressing ideas. Orderly rows Circle Horseshoe .
If a test is easy to construct, administer, score, and interpret, we speak about its . reliability practicality validity.
Select the questions that you will use if you are focusing on needs about genres and discourse types as well as sociolinguistic skills What will the language be used to do? / What language uses is the learner already familiar with? Are the learners happy with the course?/ What content matter will the learner be working with? What activities will I get the learners to do today?/ Should learners be doing homework?.
Read the following paragraph. Then choose the option that indicates the type of essay used. There were several reasons behind our decision to move to Flemington. The first occurred about 18 months ago when Mark and I decided to start a family. We were living in a one-bedroom apartment and we knew that we wanted to move into larger quarters before we had a baby. We began to look at houses. Then, much sooner than expected, I got pregnant. Soon after that, Mark’s company announced that they were relocating to Flemington, which was in a less expensive part of the state, about 90 miles south of us. Mark’s company had been good to him, and they were one of the few around with excellent benefits, family friendly policies, and a child-care center on site. With a baby on the way, these things were imperative for us. Since I ran my graphic arts business from home, I wasn’t bound to any particular place, so we began looking at real estate in Flemington and also did some research on their school system as well as the overall community. We were very excited about what we found—reasonable housing costs, great schools, and a lively town. Mark then accepted the relocation offer and we found a beautiful old Tudor house. We’ll be moving about a month before the baby is due. Let’s hope she doesn’t decide to come early. compare and contrast essay cause and effect opinion.
A device used to evaluate open-ended oral and written responses of learners is called Grading Scoring Rubrics.
Read the following statement and choose the information that correctly completes it: There are some measures of central tendency; one of them is the mean, which is the middle score among all scores the total addition of the scores divided by the number of scores the score that appears most frequently in a list of scores.
Which of the following activities can be used to make students focus on extensive reading The teacher asks students to a book of their preference, then he/she asks them to provide the meaning of words in L1 or L2 in the margin next to the line containing an un known word. The teacher gives the learners the name of something, and they must describe it using the plan. He gives a few new words if they are needed in the description. The teacher gives the students several sentences that contain the main ideas if a story. Each sentence can become the main sentence in a paragraph. Then the students add description and more details. .
Which of the following examples will you use as a source of information for investigating learners´ lacks in order to designing an English course? The scope and sequence of English books Analysis of learners' assignments The educational and public policy.
limits the topic of the paragraph to one definite idea or one aspect of the topic that represents a particular idea, feeling, or opinion. It must not be too broad; it must be specific enough for the subject to be discussed within one paragraph. The controlling idea The topic sentence The concluding sentence.
Informal assessment . measures what a student has learned by looking back and taking stock of how well that student has accomplished objectives. constitutes a set of procedures constructed to give the teacher and student an appraisal of student achievement. is nonjudgmental and ultimate decisions about students’ performance are not made. Here performance is elicited without recording results. a powerful application of context-embedded academic language that serves to support English learners in successful classrooms participation Modeled talk Vocabulary role-play Total physical response. a powerful application of context-embedded academic language that serves to support English learners in successful classrooms participation Modeled talk Vocabulary role-play Total physical response.
measure learners’ ability within a classroom lesson, unit, or even total curriculum. Proficiency tests Achievement tests Diagnostic tests .
Which of the following statements is a correct definition of strategy? A strategy is a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a very specific aim. A strategy generally involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilizing resources to accomplish the actions. A strategy is a careful plan or method for achieving a general goal usually over a short period of time.
Giving clear instructions is vital for students. Which of the following is the best way to make sure teacher’s instructions were Asking students to provide with some examples Waiting for students’ questions after giving the instruction. Receiving tasks the way they were understood. .
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