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1. there are some characteristics that distiguish subordinate clauses from main clauses; for example, relative and adverbial clauses cannot stand on their own because they do not express full meaning when they are in isolation; in addition they only appear ... a. as interrogative and declarative structures b. as declarative construction c. as imperative and declarative constructions .
2. one of the main characteristics of adverbial subordinate clauses that they cannot function as subjects or objects; however... a. they can be posed as an essential element of the verb phrase b. they can be posed at the begining or at the end of a main clause c. they can occur as the argument of a predicate.
3. in adverbial clauses, each subordinator indicates a different perpective. for example, the subordinator "because" indicates reason. Therefore, what do you think is the perspective of the subordinator. "as if " the sentence "He looked as if he wanted to say something". a. reason b. manner c. purpose.
4. one of the main characteristics of adverbial subordinate clauses is that they cannot fuction as subjects or objects; however, ... a. they can be posed as an essential element of the verb phrase b. they can be posed at the beginning or at the end of a main clause c. they can occur as the argument of a predicate.
5. there are various types of non- finite clauses which are distinguished mainly by what type of finite clause they modify. Thus, the sentence "The man reading the newspaper didn´t hear my song " ilustrates the following structure: a. reduced adverbial nonfinite clause b. reduced relative nonfinite clause c. free participle nonfinitive clause.
6. Indirect questions are a type of structure in which the interrogative construction is a dependent clause that might function as the complement of certain verbs- ask, tell, wonder, know- as it is illustrated in the sentence "she knows how to solve this problem". In adittion, ... a. in indirect questions, the verb is tensed. b. in indirect questions, the verb is unmarked for tense. indirect questions, the main verb goes in the infinitive.
7. In the sentence "we ate dinner where all the locals usually go to", the subordinate clause is : a. a complement clause modifying the main verb and refering to place. b. an adverbial clause modifying the main verb. c. an adverbial clause modifying the main clause and refering to place.
8. In the sentence: solutions that fulfill the complex and often seemingly contradictory requirements of nature and humankind usually require long- term ecosystem research and monitoring. The subordinate clause is: a. ... that fullfil the complex and often seemingly contradictory requirements of nature and humankind usually require long- term ecosystem research and monitoring. b. .. that fulfill the complex and often seemingly contradictory requirements of nature and humankind... c. Solutions require long- term ecosystem research and monitoring. .
9. the sentence "David eats too much trash food, doesn´t she? shows that tag questions can only be attached to... a. embedded clauses b. subordinate clauses c. independent clauses.
10. Read the following paragraph: "Monarch butterflies travel long distances to stay warm. They fly up to 3,000 miles to the same hills, and sometimes, to the same trees looking for safe places. However , their life spain is only a few months. " Now identify the nonfinite verbs in the paragraph above. a. to stay, travel, is b. fly up, to stay, travel. c. to stay, looking .
11. In the sentence "The police found the sculpture stolen from the National Museum", the reduced clause is a. and adverbial non- finite clause of " the police found the sculpture which had been stolen from the national museum". b. a relative non- finite clause of " the police found the sculpture which had been stolen from the national museum". c. a bare- verb non - finite clause of " " the police found the sculpture which had been stolen from the national museum". .
12. these types of clauses are structures in which the verb is not marked according to differences in person and number. a. Non- finite clauses. b. Finite clauses. c. Subordinate relative clauses. .
13. in the clause "Rolling stones down a steep hill is funny". a. the gerund clause is functioning as a adverb. b. the gerund clause is functioning as the subject. c. the gerund clause is functioning as verb phrase. .
14. In the sentence "The boy tried to put the toy on the table". a. both verb forms, "tried" and "to put" , refer back to the same subject, "the boy". b. only the verb "tried " and "to put" , refer back to the subject "the boy". c. the verb "to put" does not have a subject.
15. Semantically speaking , subjects might play various important roles, for example, a subject can performance as the doer of an action, when it is an animate being. In addition, a subject may function as the causer when it affects someone or something, as illustrated in: a. Margaret fixed the table for lunch. b. A big tornado destroyed several houses. c. The window opened suddenly.
16. English grammar is based on a set of grammatical functions, or grammatical relations and a set of grammatical roles. The set of grammatical roles is formed by... a. copula and linking verbs. b. linking and transitive verbs. c. stative and dynamic verbs .
17. Instrument, patient and agent are some of the semantic roles performed by... a. nouns and adjetives b. nouns and pronouns c. verbs and nouns .
18. when doing syntactic analysis , it is neccesary to identify clause constituents regarding both structure and function. Structure refers to the internal syntax of a clause; while, function deals with the external syntax of a clause, that is to say, ... a. how words are put togueter to form pharses, as the relation between subject and verb. constituents relate to one another as the connection existing between subject and verb. c. how pharses and clauses are structured within sentences. .
19. the term... typically refers to the set of personal pronouns in English. It is usually refers to a participant in an event, such as the speaker, the addressee, or others. a. grammatical person b. grammatical subject c. grammatical object.
20. in the passive structure " that novel was written by this old man". the grammatical relation- that novel- shows that kind of relation? a. relation of object b. relation of subject c. relation of predicate.
21. when doing syntactic analysis of clauses, it is neccesary to identify the constituents of a structure regarding both "structure" and "fuction" . Structure deals with how constituents combine with each other to form grammatical structures; while, functions refers to the role of words and pharses within a structure. For example, function deals with the idea that: a. a noun phrase located before the main verb functions as the subject of the clause. b. the subject of a passive construction appears after the preposition "BY". c. The verb pharse of a main clause must be in the finite form.
22. In the sentence, "every now and then a little light shines through", which word or string of words holds the expletive position? a. every now b. every now and then c. every now and then a little light.
23. agreement is defined as a linkage between different parts of a pharse or clause. According to the definition above, the clause " This child cries all day " shows... a. agreement between subject and object b. agreement between subject and verb in the simple present. c. agreement between verb and the adjective phrase.
24. Read the following paragraph: even though high school and college are both institutions of learning, they different in at least three ways. the first difference between high school and college is their social atmospheres. in high school , homework is required to help motivate students to study. In college most homework consists of studying; very little of it is written and turned in. Now decide what sort of syntactic linkage is illustrated in the first sentence: a. subject- verb agreement as in " they different in at least three... b. subject- object agreement , as in "... high school and college are both institutions. c. subject- verb agreement as in ... "is their social atmospheres.
25. achievement verbs like: stab, catch and wink, among others are perceived as having no duration, in adittion, they might describe a series of repeteated events, as illustrated in: a. they are running b. Carmen was talking c. Sam is blinking .
26. in many western languages like Spanish, grammatical gender is category that affects nouns, pronouns and adjectives; however, gender in English affects... a. nouns and adjectives only b. nouns and pronouns only c. nouns, verbs and adjectives.
27. the notions of number and genre in English are not very productive. In fact, number affects only nouns, pronouns and verbs. While genre affects a small number of nouns and their pronoun and possessive adjective form. as in: a. Samuel works in a hospital . Her job is very hard. b. Samuel works in a hospital . He likes his job. c. Samuel works in a hospital . She likes her job. .
28. Formal agreement is based on grammar structures; while, notional agreement is concerned with... a.constituency b. meaning c. form .
29. in English, as well as in other human languages, the difference word classes and the different types of pharse and phrases that form clauses enable speakers and writers to signal clearly if they are refering , predicating or ... a. combining clauses b. modifying information c. drawing conclusions .
30. indefinite pronouns like someone, everyone, and so on, are frequently used to introduce new entities; however , they are a little difficult for speakers because they don´t identify the person to whom they refer. For this reason, speakers use a particular personal pronoun to refer back to all indefinite pronouns, as in: a. If anyone answer the phone, ask them about the house for rent b. If anyone answer the phone, ask her about the house for rent. c. If anyone answer the phone, ask him about the house for rent.
31. The IT- CLEFT form in English can be illustrated in the sentence "it was Sunday morning when I met Bob for the first time.". This type of construction is used to... a. open a description b. point to a new set of instructions c. open a narrative.
32. In lingustic analysis , the organization of clauses and sentences into a text must meet some demands as signal what a text is about, introduce new entities and ... a. highlights information that the speaker or writer considers important b. provide information about the morphology of words. c. provides certain clues to distinguish clauses from phrases.
33. By definition, a given entity is the person or thing mentoned for a second time in the same piece of discourse. There are several ways to refer back to an entity already mentioned; one of them is ilustrated in: a. Sam moved to Florida, he stated a new life there b. Matha drives this car very fast. Martha is crazy. c. Jane ate a piece of cake .
34. In English there is a small number of distinctions such as: wife/ husband , son / daughter / boy /girl , among others, which illustrated differences in : a. grammatical genre b. grammatical number c. grammatical person .
35. In English grammar clauses like "The meeting begins tomorrow". future events are presented by means of present tense verbs. To do this , the event... a. could reflect the results of a particular action b. should focus upon the consequences of a past event. c. must be part of a schedule or plan designed in advance.
36. ... Is a grammatical device that applies to clauses with transitive verbs ; it presents events from different perspectives. a. constituency b. voice c. mood .
37. The present perfect has four uses; one of them refers to the current relevance of an event , as in " A land slide has blocked the road" ; a second use is resultative, as in: a. I have been at the airport for six hours b. She wrote her research report c. She has written up her research report.
38. In English grammar , adverbs like " enthusiastically" are used with dynamic verbs (e.g. play). only, as illustrated in : a. They are enthusiastically b. They are know it enthusiastically c.They spoke enthusiastically.
39. The perfect aspect sometimes indicates that an event that is over has relevance in the present; also, the perfect might indicate that an event has happened in the recent past. An event that has relevance in the present is illustrated in: a. Paul´s children have played tennis all morning b. They have broken the fence and they must fix it c. Dan Brown has written several movies .
40. Tense, aspect and voice are grammatical devices used to organize texts in a coherent way. Aspect is used to indicate certain ways in which a situation or event is seen or perceived. For example. in " Victoria has studied German". The event signaled by the verb is seen as: a. Progressive b. Completed c. ongoing .
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