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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE¿Que tanto sabes de Inglés?

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¿Que tanto sabes de Inglés?

Preguntas de gramatica, vocabulario y de lectura

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VOCABULARIO. _____to collect the hairs from our animals is a constant disaster. Having Pick up Had Must.
They ____ to collect the excrement of their pets There They Have Has.
GRAMATICA ¿Why pets are aggressive when there are other animals nearby? Animal instinct. They feel jealous. Invade your space. All of the above. .
¿What are the obligations that the possessor must have when removing the animal to relieve itself? Do nothing Collect the excrement Do not take out the dog None of the above .
¿Why is it necessary for a pet to have all of its injections? It is not necessary Anger Safety and protection of the pet None of the above.
¿Why or why is it necessary not to leave the pet alone at home? Hey can die of loneliness. They can be left alone and nothing happens. When dogs are not interacting with people or other dogs, they are not learning or living, they are just vegetating. If you have an animal is to take care of it and not forget it.
¿What does it mean animal abuse? Abandonment. Abuse to the pet. Do not feed the pet. All of the above.
LECTURA. Many dog ​​owners have ever wondered if it is good to let them sleep in our bed or let them do whatever they want at home, in case we lose a bit of control over them. Is that we have always had ideas about what we should do with our pets and one of them is the false idea that we have to master them, that they must obey, right? What does the text mean? We must dominate the animal. Let the animal do what he wants. Let him do what he wants. None of the above.
Dogs that are raised in the street and abandoned are more susceptible to develop attachment with their owner, since this owner provides him with food, shelter and care, something he did not have before and for that reason, he will defend his 'herd' with greater intensity. It is better to adopt than to buy. It is better to buy than to adopt. The dogs of the street are more grateful. None of the above.
_____ have to deal with the behavior of their animals There They Has Had.
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