
Título del Test:
tapaoidos Descripción: tapaoidos Autor: mateo OTROS TESTS DEL AUTOR Fecha de Creación: 31/05/2024 Categoría: Ocio Número Preguntas: 16 |

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What is the regulation regarding Civil Aviation Security in Colombia? RAC 145 RAC 160 RAC 49. 2 What constitutes an act of unlawful interference? Theft of luggage at airports Destruction of an aircraft in service Overloading an aircraft during the flight. 3 What does the term "Prohibited Device"? An item not allowed in carry-on baggage An electronic device posing a danger to flight safety A substance or object that can be transported by air without restrictions. 4 What should be done if a dangerous article or device is discovered in the aviation industry? Handle it with care to avoid accidental detonation Notify your superior and security immediately Attempt to deactivate it personally to prevent further issues. 5 What is the main objective of aircraft sealing? Avoid theft of personal belongings on airplanes Prevent, detect, and deter illicit entries to the aircraft Facilitate access to storage compartments. 6 What records should be kept for perimeter access control of aircraft? Written record of the arrival and departure times of personnel Photographic record of employees entering the security circle Record of the identification documents of people entering the aircraft. 7 What is one of the criteria defining an "approved part" in aviation? Good design quality Maintenance performed according to company standards Compliance with the requirements of Part 21 regulation. 8 What is a Suspected Unapproved Part (SUP)? A part that has been confirmed as not approved and must be reported A temporary designation for a part that cannot be confirmed as approved or not A part that has not been adequately inspected before installation. 9 What is meant by "Operational Safety" in aviation? Protection of confidential information of airlines Reduction and maintenance of the risk of injuries and damages through hazard and risk management Continuous improvement of customer service in the aviation industry. 10 What is a proactive Safety Operational program developed by Avianca? Change management Customer satisfaction surveys Safety Operational audits. 11 What do non-punitive reports in Avianca's Integral Safety policy aim to achieve? Identify employees responsible for incidents and apply sanctions Share experiences to learn from mistakes without punishing employees Discourage employees from reporting safety issues. 12 What is one of the established means to make Safety Operational reports (IRO)? AMOS Online form (AQD) Social media. 13 What must laws and regulations in the aviation industry comply with? They are optional and can be ignored in emergencies They must prevail over any other operational aspect They can be complied with only if they do not affect the flight schedule. 14 What can be reported in an Informe de Reporte de Seguridad Operacional (IRO)? Incidents of passenger mistreatment during flight Any hazard or condition that could generate incidents and/or accidents Complaints about the food served onboard the aircraft. 15 What are "dangerous goods" in aviation? Goods that are expensive and require extra care during transport Goods that can pose a significant risk to health, safety, or property when transported by air Goods that are prohibited for transportation in any circumstances. 16 What was the first edition of IATA's dangerous goods regulations called? IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations IATA Restricted Articles Regulations IATA Regulations for Hazardous Materials. |
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