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Teaching techniques

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1. When doing cloze activities students should be able to: Read every word of a paragraph to understand its meaning. Report what they have read. Learn ways in which the context of a reading passage in combination with their knowledge of phonics, syntax and prior knowledge supports their understanding of the text they read.
Which of these advantages DO NOT correspond to the strategy of Bilingual books and labels? They allow students to use their knowledge of the home language to support their understanding of the material studied. They provide the support that the students need to comprehend the complexities of writing. They are great ways to validate student's home language.
The AAA curriculum proposed by Van Lier (1996) is based on three foundational principles: Awareness, Autonomy and Authenticity. Authority, Attention, Alert. All of the above.
Sorting activities are especially appropriate for English language learners because they are given the opportunity to Memorize full chunks of text. Manipulate objects and written symbols to show understanding of concepts. Create very artistic products to develop skills.
Portfolio assessment refers to a system for: Gathering observations, performance samples and work samples; analyzing the contents of the portfolio; and, summarizing the students' progress. Gathering a collection of student work created for the purpose of demonstrating their learning or showcasing their best work. Documenting the growth and accomplishments of students, observing the process of accomplishing academic tasks and evaluating how tasks are done.
Analyze this case: In order to support the comprehension of a tough text, the teacher reads it to the whole class adding visual support, periodic paraphrasing; and/or rewriting. Through this, the students get actively involved in the activity because they are part of it; so they are more motivated to listen carefully as the teacher reads. What strategy for literacy development is the teacher applying? Moving into reading Guided reading Read-aloud plus.
Appropriate assessment strategies for English learners include: Observation, evaluation and portfolio. Observation, anecdotal records and performance sampling. Recording, evaluation and scaffolding.
What is the correct order of the stages of language development? Early production characteristics. Speech emergence characteristics. Preproduction characteristics. Speech emergence characteristics. Preproduction characteristics. Early production characteristics. Intermediate fluency characteristics.
The strategies that support the progress of English learners (Herrell & Jordan, 2004/2005) are: Planning language objectives, building academic vocabulary development into all lessons, building and activating background knowledge. Providing opportunities for extended academic English interaction, integrating vocabulary and concept review throughout lessons; and providing both modeling and feedback related to language usage in both speech and writing. All of the above.
According to Krashen, language acquisition is Comprehensible input. A natural thing. Aunthentic.
Visual Scaffolding is an extremely powerful tool for English learners. Which example belongs to this strategy? The teacher is going to teach little kids a lesson about fruits; in order to do this he brings flashcards showing - some fruits to support vocabulary learning. One student reads and another one listens or takes notes, then they discuss and create a graphic organizer. All of above.
Which of the following devices correspond to manipulatives that can be used in the class? Songs and videos. Maps. Small wooden cubes.
13. Which of the following definition describes Learning Centers? An approach in which the language used in instruction is made more understandable by the display of drawing. Places inside the classroom where the students can engage in hands on activities that allow them to obtain experience using new skills and work co-operatively with other students. It is based on sample language interactions in class.
According to Echeverria, Vogt, and Short (2010) the term that connects language acquisition to the real world and provides students with opportunities to use all the senses in learning is: Realia strategies Collecting and processing words T P R.
What is the main step to implement Learning Centers in the classroom? Identifying skills to be practiced, introducing the centers, documenting the center work, bringing students up to date. Flashing light signals Vocabulary instructions.
Why are Learning Centers effective for English learners? Because they provide additional practice in newly developed skills. Because it allows students to demonstrate their learning in a variety ways. All of the above.
Which of the resources belong to visual scaffolding? Internet images. Resources, illustrations from books. All of the above.
According to Echevarria, Vogt, & Short (2010) The term that connects language acquisition to the real world and provides students with opportunities to use all the senses in learning is. Collecting and processing words. Realia Strategies. TPR Total Physical Response.
The use of gestures, demonstrations and visuals, etc. as explanations are made, are types of scaffolding used by teachers for... Modeled Talk Reading and writing Dancing and singing.
Researchers underscore the fact that using "Modeled Talk" helps lower learner's anxiety because... They enjoy listening to the teacher's perfect pronunciation. They use the directions or content modeled as a reference that shows them what to do. They are not corrected right away.
A good strategy to promote vocabulary building by using vocabulary words in context and showing several contexts in which the words may be used appropriately is... Total Physical Response. Collecting and processing words. Vocabulary role-play.
While working on Vocabulary Role-Plays, students can increase their interaction with the new vocabulary words by: Creating brief videos to illustrate word meaning. Publishing their own picture dictionaries. All of the above.
Knowing the stage of language development at which each student is functioning, and the teacher must know students level of English acquisition are part of Language Framework-Planning Leveled Questions Vocabulary role-play.
"Syntax Surgery" is a strategy that makes syntax visible to the students in order to support understanding and memory because English syntax often differs from the word order found in students' home languages. It promotes vocabulary development through repetition. It helps students understand the way words are pronounced.
Communication Games is the strategy that can be used at any grade level and across the curriculum which Creates the opportunities for students to practice their English communication skills within a low stress environment. Can be implemented without previous practice of the vocabulary needed. All of the above.
Communication Games are proven to give the students the opportunity to practice their English communication skills in a low-stress environment by Providing the students with the authentic reasons to communicate in English. Promoting individuality. Ensuring the complexion of the task.
The Total Physical Response is An approach where gestures, visuals, and demonstrations as explanations are made. An approach used to make students respond to the verbal commands only. An approach where the teacher observes students and note how they interact in English.
In order to use LelLelgsiquestions, the teacher should take into consideration mainly The way students interact in English. The students' level of English acquisition. All of the above.
Analyze the following application example: Having students talk about their classroom work gives them practice in using academic language, demonstrating their growing knowledge with teacher support and scaffolding. It is an example of the language development strategy Collecting and processing words. Reporting back. Scaffolding English writing.
When using syntax surgery, students have to analize sentence without breaking them into small parts Cut the sentences apart to rearrange them into more understandable pieces. All of the above.
1. The AAA curriculum proposed by Van Lier ( 1996) is based on three foundational principles. Which are they? Awareness. Autonomy and Authenticity. Authority, Attention, Alert. All of the above.
The German researcher Leo Van Lier highlights as the most important aspect of effective teaching. Understanding the curriculum. Understanding the learner. Understanding how to evaluate.
Who encourages teachers to provide opportunities for autonomy for the students as teachers make curriculum choices that address the needs of individuals? Krashen van lier Cummin.
Herrera at al. (2010) define metacognition skills as A process by which leamers gain critical consciousness Interpersonal communication abilities Ability to think about (ones) own thinking.
What is the correct order of the stages of language development? Early production characteristics. Speech emergence characteristics. Preproduction characteristics. Intermediate fluency characteristics. Speech emergence characteristics. Preproduction characteristics. Early production characteristics. Preproduction characteristics. Early production characteristics. Speech emergence characteristics. Intermediate fluency characteristics.
Teachers should provide instruction in a way that ensures students are given comprehensible input good grades continuous assessment.
Some forms of Visual Scaffolding are: Beans, beads and other countables. Internet image resources, commercial videos, class-made videos. color transparencies from photos or illustrations. Role-plays, dialogues, interviews and written scripts.
Which of the following definitions describes Learning Centers? An approach in which the language used in instruction is made more understandable through the use of drawings. Places inside the classroom where the students can engage in hands-on activities that allow them to obtain experience using new skills and work cooperatively with other students? Sample language interactions where students can meet each other and perform any activity inside the classroom.
Which of the following statements is false about sorting activities ? Sorting activities strategy provides practice in making decisions and differentiating among concepts. Sorting activitiesstrategyprovides a way for students to manipulate vocabulary and structures needed for verbal interaction. Sorting activitiesstrategyprovides students an opportunity to understand content reading such as science and social studies.
During shared reading the teacher uses in the book to support vocabulary development and to teach problem-solving strategies through think-aloud; and, he/she includes verbal Interactions to favor compression. The author's name. Illustrations The name of the publishing company.
The following are examples of: Working a mathematics problem that Involves reading the problem, setting up an approach to finding a solution, and finding a reasonable solution; Responding to a writing prompt by webbing a short piece of writing; writing a draft of a written piece, working with a peer to elicit feedback on the draft, revising the piece, and working with a peer to edit the piece for mechanics and spelling; Researching a topic of social studies and documenting information gained by completing a data chart Performance sampling Anecdotal records Portfolio assessment.
Repeated reading is an approach that engages students In. writing scripts silent reading solving reading strategies.
Shared reading Is a strategy that the teachers use to read books with the active participation of listeners through predicting, discussing and checking or understanding. the teachers use to help students remember vocabulary in a second language. the teachers use to read books, charts and other texts with students when the text is too difficult for students to read independently.
In order to show students' understanding of concepts, the teacher has them to manipulate objects and written symbols. In this case the teachers is applying the strategy Sorting Activities Cohesion Links Manipulatives.
The following props and visuals give support to . Numbered charts showing sequence to be followed Maps, globes, manipulatives, examples of products to be made Word cards for any vocabulary to be written realia Modeled talk Collecting and processing words.
Sorting activities are especially appropriate for English language learners because they are given the opportunity to memorize full chunks of text manipulate objects and written symbols to show understanding of concepts create very artistic products to develop skills.
Interactive read-aloud is a strategy that uses. Prediction, discussion and checking for understanding Exploration of the structure of text and think-aloud that show how students gain meaning from text All of the above.
The following Is an example of . I went for a walk to the I wanted to a I watched carefully but I was Cloze Syntax Surgery Cognate strategies.
The best process to implement reading strategies into the classroom should be . Beginning with interactive read-aloud and asking students to share reading of texts. Beginning with some spelling and then moving into whole words. Beginning with the students reading the text without help and then moving into group reading.
In the Scaffolding English Writing strategy, they give emphasis to the steps in the writing process, which are: Prewriting, drafting, conferring. revising, editing and publishing. Thinking about a topic, writing about It and reviewing the writing. Modeled writing, shared writing and interactive writing.
This strategy requires teachers to support their students in becoming good writers. Modeled writing. Scaffolding English writing. Interactive writing.
When doing doze activities students should be able to: Read every word of a paragraph to understand its meaning. Report what they have read by writing an essay. Learn ways in which the context of a reading passage in combination with their knowledge of phonics, syntax and prior knowledge supports their understanding of the text they read. .
Visual Scaffolding is an extremely powerful tool for English learners. Which example belongs to this twists to support vocabulary learning One student reads and another one listens or takes notes. then they discuss and create a graphic flashcards showing some organizer. All of above.
Analyze the following case: Mr. Castles kindergarten students know exactly what to expect when he starts singing, "Time to clean up.' They immediately begin to put their materials away. They seem to shift into high gear when they see their teacher pick up a book and go to sit in the rocking chair. They all know its story time. They quickly clean up and go sit on their carpet. They love to hear Mr. Castle read stories. What strategy is Mr. Castle using in his class? Manipulatives strategies. Visual scaffolding Predictable routines and signals.
The use of strategy is suggested in order to illustrate abstract concepts and explain numbers. Non-representative manipulatives. KWL and Data Charts. Culture studies.
This strategy provides a direct connection between instruction and language since it requires the students to use lesson-related vocabulary to review the steps they used in completing an assignment. Sorting activities cloze Reporting back.
The following resources are helpful for Internet Image resources Illustration from big books Parent-take photos Visual scaffolding Syntax surgery Verb action.
Interactive read-aloud Is reading books out loud using . charts and other texts with students facial expressions, different voices for different characters, and gestures graphic organizers to display the main ideas.
Which of the following statements Involves the use of the Modeled Writing? It is used to help the beginning English students to understand written language. It provides the beginning English students with a demonstration that shows how English sounds are represented by symbols. All of the above.
Which of the following statements are advantages of using the Bilingual books and labels strategy? 1) Students learn to value other cultures and languages. 2) They provide a gradual sequential use of writing formats. 3) Students are exposed to multiple ways of expressing thoughts and value systems. 4) They are appropriate for use in bilingual or multilingual classes. 5) They help to teach a wide and complex range of vocabulary. 1,3,4 2,3,5 2,3,4.
Reporting back is a strategy that helps the teacher to prepare the class in advance. can be used as a follow-up alter any active learning experience. involves creating props for the students to report back a story.
When using syntax surgery. students have to Analyze sentences without breaking them finto small parís. cut the sentences apart to rearrange them finto more understandable pieces. All of the above.
A good strategy to promote vocabulary building by using vocabulary words in context and showing severa; contexts in which the words may be used appropriately is Total Physical Response. Collecting and processing words. Vocabulary role-play.
Communication Carnes is the strategy that can be used at any grade level and across the curriculum which: Creates opportunities for students to practice their English communication skills within a low stress environment. Can be implemented without previous practice of the vocabulary needed. All of the above.
Crafts like knitting, tatting, sculpting day, spinning wheel and loom are some examples of games realia leasing centers.
How can English leamers succeed in leaming to write in English? When their teachers provide the support they need to comprehend the complexities of writing. When their teachers provide a gradual sequence by considering their levet of language development. All of the above.
By applying this strategy, students move from being dependent on the teachers' words to being independent and being able to function on their own-linguistically speaking. Read-Aloud Plus Interactive read-atoud Scaffolding English Writing.
Analyze the following situation? As Ms. Castaño prepares her lessons for the next week, she also gathers concrete objects to support the students' understanding. Besides, her school is near to a little park where she will be able to take the students on a walk to connect language acquisition with the surrounding environment. Which strategy is the teacher applying? Total Physical Response (TPR) .Integratedcurriculum projects. Real Strategies.
Which of the following steps DOES NOT correspond to the Collecting and Processing words strategy? Identity unfamiliar words in reading sections. Identity key vocabulary. Introduce synonyms and add them to the word collection with the original word.
Krashen makes a distinction between language acquisition and language learning. Which of the following alternatives supports Krashen's statement? Students must hear and understand messages. Young children acquire their home language easily without formal teaching. The most important aspect of effective teaching is understanding the learner.
Krashen's stresses that for a student to learn effectively, the students motivation and self-esteem must besupported while anxiety is diminished. Dimensions of language Zone of proximal development Affective filter hypothesis.
Using approaches and materials that add context to the language (props. gestures, pictures) contributes to_ the child's language acquisition . the teacher and authorities just adult learners.
The German researcher Leo Van Ller highlights as the most important aspect of effective teaching. Understanding the curriculum. Understanding the learner.
Appropriate assessment strategies for English learners include Observation, evaluation. repetition, and portfolio. Observation and anecdotal record, performance sampling and portafolio Recording, evaluation. innovation, and scaffolding.
What is the correct order of the stages of language development? Early production characteristics. Speech emergence characteristics. Preproduction characteristics. Intermediate fluency characteristics. production characteristics Speech emergence characteristics. Preproduction characteristics. Early p Intermediate fluency characteristics. Preproduction characteristics. Early production characteristics. Speech emergence characteristics. Intermediate fluency characteristics.
Some forms of Visual Scaffolding are: Beans. beads and other countables. Internet image resources, commercial videos, class-made videos, color transparencies from photos or illustrations. Role-plays, dialogues, interviews and written scripts.
Repeated reading is an approach that engages students in writing scripts silent reading solving reading strategies.
What is the definition of visual scaffolding? An approach in which the language used in instruction is made more understandable. A sample language interaction. A strategy that allows students to improve one specific skill.
Which of the following definitions describes Learning Centers? An approach in which the language used in instruction is made more understandable through the use of drawings. Places inside the classroom where the students can engage in hands-on activities that allow them to obtain experience using new skills and work cooperatively with other students Sample language interactions where students can meet each other and perform any activity inside the classroom.
During shared reading the teacher uses in the book to support vocabulary development and to teach problem-solving strategies through think-aloud; and, he/she includes verbal interactions to favor compression. The author's name. Illustrations The name of the publishing company.
Researchers underscore the fact that using 'Modeled Talk" helps lower learners' anxiety because they: Enjoy listening to the teacher's perfect pronunciation Use the directions or content modeled as a reference that shows them what to do Are not corrected in the right way.
Besideslinedrawings,photographs,maps,andrealia, isanothersupportusedinscaffolding. reading video dialogue.
This strategy incorporates the modeling of fluent, expressive reading of English text with techniques for clarifying vocabulary that helps students make connections between text and personal experience. Moving into reading Read aloud Guided reading.
Analyze the following case: The teacher wants students to write a script about a particular topic, he gives them a week for exploring material and writing scripts; while students read several times familiar texts and material to carry out their scripts, they become more confident and fluent in their English language production. What literacy development strategy is being used? Repetition and innovation Repeated reading Free voluntary reading.
Which strategy uses this example : To show a cup while saying: this is a cup, we use it for keeping liquids Manipulative strategies Verb action Modeled Talk.
Some of the following examples belong to Set place in the room where certain activities occur. Morning sing-in Use of hand signals, light signals realia modeled talk predictable routines and signals.
Analyze the following case: Mr. Sanchez is using story props to teach first graders the use of a Venn diagram. Two hula-hoops are laid on the floor and the students sit around them. In front of each student are three or four props from one of the two versions of Stone Soup that the class has read together in the past few days. Then he explains what a Venn diagram is through several activities where the students interact with the hula- hoops. What strategy is Mr. Sanchez using? small groups and partners manipulative strategies total physical response.
Traditional, syntactic, semantic. and graphophonic are types of Read, Pair. Share Cloze Cohesion links.
Vocabulary Rote Play is used to: Encourage learners to make connections Create animated computer dictionaries All of the above.
Why is Visual Scaffolding an important strategy? It allows students to improve one specific skill. It allows students to hear the word and connect it to visual images which are being displayed.
The following is an example of ____ I went for a walk to the _____ I wanted to _____ a ______ I watched carefully but I was ______ cloze syntax surgery contante strategies.
when doing doze activities students should be able to: Read every word of a paragraph to understand its meaning Report what they have read by writing an essay Learn ways in which the context of a reading passage in combination with their knowledge of phonics, sintax and prior knowledge supports their understanding of the text they read.
Analyze the following case: Mr. Castle's kindergarten students know exactly what to expect when he starts singing. 'Time to clean up: They immediately begin to put their materials away. They seem to shift into high gear when they see their teacher pick up a book and go to sit in the rocking chair. They all know its story time. They quickly clean up and go sit on their carpet. They love to hear Mr. Castle read stories. What strategy is Mr. Castle using in his class? Manipulatives strategies. Visual scaffolding Prediclable routines and signals.
Some of the following examples belong to Set activity at the beginning of the school day Consisting use of modeling and contextualizing of oral directions Set place to submit assignments and get materials Predictable routines and signals Realia Sorting activates.
Activities are based on written text in which some words are left out and blanks are inserted Cloze Reporting back Verb action.
Which of these statements is false about shared reading? Shared reading incorporates the modelling of fluent, expressive reading of English text with techniques for clarifying vocabulary. Shared reading is used by the teacher when the students cannot understand a text by themselves. In shared reading students and the teacher read the text aloud together.
Modeled writing shows the students how to move their hand when drawing symbols English sounds are represented by symbols they are doing in spelling.
Which of the following statements involves the use of the Modeled Writing? It is used to help the beginning English students to understand written language. It provides the beginning English students with a demonstration that shows how English sounds are represented by symbols All of the above.
The total Physical Response is a. the use of gestures, visuals. and demonstrations as explanations are made. (6)used to make students respond to the verbal commands only. an approach where the teacher observes students and note how they interact in English. an approach where the teacher observes students and note how they interact in English. used to make students respond to the verbal commands only.
31 How can your students Identify some cognates? With the use of bilingual dictionaries LatinandGreekroots All of the above.
Analyze the following application example: Having students talk about their classroom work gives them practice in using academic language, demonstrating their growing knowledge with teacher support and scaffolding. It is an example of which language development strategy? Collecting and processing words. Reporting back Scaffolding English writing.
using___________with learners is an important part of providing lessons in the zone of proximal development. It requires planning to find ways that encourage participation without producing stress. Checking for understanding questions Bilingual books and labels Repeated reading.
Knowing the stage of language development at which each student is functioning: and, the teacher must know students level of English acquisition are aspects of Language Framework- Planning U. Leveled Questions Vocabulary role-play.
Crafts like nitting, tang, sculpting clay, spinning wheel and loom are some examples of games realia visual images.
Communication Games are proven to give the students the opportunity to practice their English communication skills in a low-stress environment by Providing the students with the authentic reasons to communicate in English Promoting individuality. Ensuring the completion of the task.
How can English learners succeed in learning to write in English? When their teachers provide the support they need to comprehend the complexities of writing. When their teachers provide a gradual sequence by considering their level of language development. All of the above.
The following activities are useful for applying strategy. Inquiry and elimination Barrier games Rank ordering Learning centers Communication games Sorting activities.
Which of the following statements DOES NOT correspond to advantages of using realia in the classroom? Real objects can be seen, felt and manipulated, which is a powerful way to connect vocabulary to real life. Real objects are good to learn grammar and encourage students to use it in speaking tasks. The use of real objects conveys meaning in a way that no photograph or illustration can.
Match the descriptions with their corresponding steps for the writing process a. Prewriting b. Drafting c. Revising d. Editing 1.Students make changes to their written piece based on comments and suggestions. 2.Students draw, list, graph ideas for the piece to be written, and create a plan. 3.Students write a rough draft based on the prewriting plan. 4.Spelling, punctuation, capitalization errors are corrected. a-2; b-3 ; c-1 ;d-4 a-2; b-4 ; c-1 ;d-3 a-2; b-1 ; c-3 ;d-4.
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