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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEteextbook, 2 bachiller,"Goals", unidad 3

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teextbook, 2 bachiller,"Goals", unidad 3

Rescued thoughts

Heriberto Parra.
(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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Número preguntas: 11
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Do you think that the fact that Will Smith is famous, spends all his time signing autographs, on private planes, filming Films or being in concerts taking his family away, A) I do not think so, because as a person you will always see and put the family first B) Yes, because most celebrities do it and it's normal for them C) None of the above.
Why do you think the life of a film actor is very hectic? A) For his fame B) For your work C) Simply by having many things to do D) All the previous ones.
Do you consider that a footballer earns millions of dollars, just for kicking a ball on the court, setting aside whether or not he is very good at playing football? A) Yes, because it is a gift that God has given them B) they deserve it C) No, because it creates a lot of inequality of ecomomia with people who have the ability, but not the resources and it is not fair with all.
Do you consider that famous people are loved and recognized, for recording a Film, playing football or basketball, singing, or simply playing an instrument? A) True, but must with good actions towards the society in which he lives B) False.
Why do you believe that famous people leave their mark on the world? a) For their good and positive actions with satiety b) For his ability to specialize in his branch c) A and B are justifiable and correct.
Do the attitudes that you take before others, you think that A) These are correct B) These are incorrect and I have to change some C) These are correct, even thougt everyone are not perfect .
Do your feelings agree with what you want and do? A) Yes, because I act like I feel B) No, because I have psychological emotional disorder C) All the previous ones.
Do you tend to change your mood very easily? a) Yes, because I remember my depressions and return to my real world b) No, because I have my things in order and my mind occupied, as if to worry about meaningless things.
The physical characteristics of a person, could define what is and feels inside? A) Yes, because they show it with their attitudes and actions B) No, because nobody is a sorcerer or a fortune teller to know them.
Do you think that multiple personalities are something positive for a person? a) Yes, because they can be used in different situations that require it b) No, because a double-sided person is labeled as false.
Do you think that attitudes are a source of appreciation or contempt? A) Yes, because they are the main signs, with which the person is judged B) No, because it is not our problem to please all people C) None of the above.
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