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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEEnglish - 7º ano - 1º Bim - 2019

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English - 7º ano - 1º Bim - 2019


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Número preguntas: 24
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FOODS (comidas) Match the pictures to the words: (Relacione as imagens com as palavras:) bread cake lettuce.
FOODS (comidas) Match the pictures to the words: (Relacione as imagens com as palavras:) rice beans tea.
FOODS (comidas) Match the pictures to the words: (Relacione as imagens com as palavras:) pasta beans tea.
FOODS (comidas) Match the pictures to the words: (Relacione as imagens com as palavras:) pasta salad fruits.
FOODS (comidas) Match the pictures to the words: (Relacione as imagens com as palavras:) pasta fruits salad.
FOODS (comidas) Match the pictures to the words: (Relacione as imagens com as palavras:) onions cake bread.
FOODS (comidas) Match the pictures to the words: (Relacione as imagens com as palavras:) onions French fries salad.
FOODS (comidas) Match the pictures to the words: (Relacione as imagens com as palavras:) salad lettuce beans.
FOODS (comidas) Match the pictures to the words: (Relacione as imagens com as palavras:) bread pasta cake.
FOODS (comidas) Match the pictures to the words: (Relacione as imagens com as palavras:) onions tea milk.
FOODS (comidas) Match the pictures to the words: (Relacione as imagens com as palavras:) onions salad lettuce.
FOODS (comidas) Match the pictures to the words: (Relacione as imagens com as palavras:) milk tea lettuce.
OBJECT PRONOUNS Link the object pronouns: I You He She It They.
OBJECT PRONOUNS Complete these sentences with object pronouns: (Complete estas frases com pronomes objeto:) Iron Man is great! I love _________.
OBJECT PRONOUNS Complete these sentences with object pronouns: (Complete estas frases com pronomes objeto:) Where's my pencil? I can't find _________.
OBJECT PRONOUNS Complete these sentences with object pronouns: (Complete estas frases com pronomes objeto:) Lucas and Rafael are at home. Let's call _________.
OBJECT PRONOUNS Complete these sentences with object pronouns: (Complete estas frases com pronomes objeto:) Marina and I can't play the guitar. Can you teach _________.
OBJECT PRONOUNS Complete these sentences with object pronouns: (Complete estas frases com pronomes objeto:) Peter, where are you? I can't see _________.
COUNTABLES AND UNCOUNTABLES Complete with "some", "a lot of" and "any": (Complete com "algum/pouco", "muito/cheio/lotado" and "nenhum":) There are _________ persons in the bus.
COUNTABLES AND UNCOUNTABLES Complete with "some", "a lot of" and "any": (Complete com "algum/pouco", "muito/cheio/lotado" and "nenhum":) There is _______ soda in the cup.
COUNTABLES AND UNCOUNTABLES Complete with "some", "a lot of" and "any": (Complete com "algum/pouco", "muito/cheio/lotado" and "nenhum":) There isn't ______ money in my pockets.
COUNTABLES AND UNCOUNTABLES Complete with "some", "a lot of" and "any": (Complete com "algum/pouco", "muito/cheio/lotado" and "nenhum":) There are _________ persons in the train.
COUNTABLES AND UNCOUNTABLES Complete with "some", "a lot of" and "any": (Complete com "algum/pouco", "muito/cheio/lotado" and "nenhum":) There is ______ food in the dish.
COUNTABLES AND UNCOUNTABLES Complete with "some", "a lot of" and "any": (Complete com "algum/pouco", "muito/cheio/lotado" and "nenhum":) There isn't _____ popcorn in the paper bag.
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