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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEHow much Spanish Language do you Know?

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How much Spanish Language do you Know?

A Basic Spanish Vocabulary test (Systax and use of language)

Israel Olivo
(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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Número preguntas: 40
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Do you know what the question " Qué?" means? What? Who? Whose? .
Do you know what the word " tornarse" means? to take to become to care.
Pick the meaning of the word "precio" bravery cost position.
Check the synonyms of the word "valor" (Different Contexts are permited) Value Strenght Cost.
Check the synonyms of the word "fallar" (Different Contexts are permited) Fail Miss Land.
What are the possible meanings of the word "casa" ? (Different Contexts) home house place.
Do you know what the question "Quién?" means? What? Who? Whose? .
Do you know what the question "De Quién?" means? What? Who? Whose? .
Do you know what the question "De Dónde?" means? From? When? Whose? .
Do you know what the question "Cuándo?" means? From? When? Why? .
Do you know what the question "Porqué?" means? From? When? Why? .
Do you know what the question "Cómo?" means? How? Who? Why? .
Do you know what the question "Qué tanto?" means? How much? How many? What? .
Do you know what the question "Cuántos?" means? How much? How many? What? .
Pick the meaning of the word "largo" loud long deep.
Pick the meaning of the word "florecer" bloom flower grow.
Pick the meaning of the word "lanza" spear throw shot.
Pick the meaning of the word "globo" global balloon ball.
Check the synonyms of the word "Dudar" (Different Contexts are permited) to Hesitate to Harden to Doubt.
Pick the meaning of the word "vista" view to look image.
Do you know what the question "A Quién?" means? Who? to Whom? Where? .
Pick the meaning of the word "aterrizar" to land to walk to arrive.
Check the synonyms of the word "género" (Different Contexts are permited) gender genre sex.
Pick the meaning of the word "paisaje" landscape weigth sky.
Pick the meaning of the word "cabina telefónica" phone number phone booth cell phone.
Pick the meaning of the word "almacén" store warehouse shop.
Pick the meaning of the word "crudo" raw violent wasted.
Pick the meaning of the word "seco" wet to dry dried.
Pick the meaning of the word "cálido" dried warm hot.
Translate the next phrase: Me estoy aburriendo I am getting bored I am boring I am being boring.
Translate the next phrase: Ella nos hizo trabajar hasta muy tarde She worked late with us She had us working late hours She had us working at last.
Pick the meaning of the word "bacterias" bacterium bacteria virus.
Pick the meaning of the word "ganzos" goose geese ducks.
Translate the next phrase: Ellos no deben ir. They do not have to go They can´t go They mustn´t go.
Translate the following phrase: No importa, no tienes que hacerlo de nuevo. (Different use fo language are permited) Nevermind, you don´t have to do it over Don´t worry, You mustn´t do it again Nevermind, you mustn´t do it over. Don´t worry, you don´t have to do it again.
Pick the meaning of the word "curriculos" curricular curriculum curricula.
Pick the meaning of the word "traer" pick come bring.
Translate the following phrase: Mañana voy al banco de seguro. (Different use fo language are permited) Tomorrow, I am going to go to the bank Tomorrow, I will go to the bank Tomorrow, I will have gone to the bank.
Pick the meaning of the word "parade" festival desfile fiesta.
Translate the next phrase: No debiste herir sus sentimientos You couldn´t have hust his feeings You Shouldn´t have hurt his feelings You should´t hurt her feelings.
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