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jessenia guerrero
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walt Disney is one of the most recognized icons bof amrican popular cultura for this influence and contribution to the development of the motion picture and the entertainment industry. His creaions revolutionized movies and television, and inspired the threme park industry of today. the legend the artist THE GUITAR.
He was born in Chicago, Illinois, on December 5th, 1901. As a child, Walt Disney lived on a farm in Missouri where he enjoyed doodling. He also made a lot of detailed drawings of animals and flowers. He took long distance cartoon classes and went to night school to study art. Back in Chicago, he studied art and photography at The Academy of Fine Arts. In his younger years, he worked at different jobs such as a cartoonist for a school newspaper and for small commercial art studios. THE LEGEND THE FIND THE ARTIST THE ARTISTICO.
At the beginning of 1920, Alice in Wonderland was Walt Disney’s first production. It mixed a real actress interacting with animated characters. In 1922, he created his first animation company, Laugh-o-Gram. A few years later, the company went bankrupt but he did not give up. Instead, he decided to continue trying and went straight to the movie industry in Hollywood. Soon he set up a cartoon studio with his brother. They called it the Disney Brothers Studio. THE FISH THE FLOWER THE PRODUCER THE BOOK.
In the early 30’s, a big success came with the creation of his most famous character, Mickey Mouse. Although Walt Disney created and drew many more characters, it was Mickey Mouse that embodied the unique vision and essence of his creator. Walt Disney used his voice for this character. In 1932, he received his first special Academy Award for the creation of Mickey Mouse. THE ACHIEVER THE INNOVATOR THE LEGEND THE ENTREPRENEUR.
Following the success of animated cartoon shorts, the Disney studio expanded and incorporated new technology. It produced full-length films such as Snow White, Pinocchio, Fantasy, and Bamby. These were films that combined not only pioneering technological advancements, but also heartwarming stories that brought Walt worldwide recognition. THE GUITAR THE BEGINNING THE MOST THE INNOVATOR.
In the following years, the studio also diversified into other media. Walt Disney created his own music division called, Disney Records, and consolidated his companies in the film industry. He did not stop there. He kept envisioning and developing new kinds of live entertainment: Theme Parks. In 1955, Disneyland opened. It was based on successful Disney characters and films. Later came Disney World, in Orlando Florida. Walt Disney died on December 15th, 1966, but he left a heritage that keeps growing and evolving into new kinds of media and entertainment. THE FOLLOW THE ENTREPRENEUR THE ACHIEVER THE LEGEND .
UNIR CON LINEAS: When something occurs in a complete manner, it is done When something is unexpected and quick, it happens. When something is unusual, it happens When something occurs with surprise, it happens When something occurs against good luck, it happens When something is surrounded by mystery, it is said to happen.
escoger cual de las siguientes oraciones pertenece al tiempo de presente perfecto I have worked (Yo he trabajado) the car is ugly (el carro es feo).
escoger cual de las siguientes oraciones pertenece al tiempo de presente perfecto the cat looks( el gato mira) He has gone (Él ha ido).
escoger cual de las siguientes oraciones pertenece al tiempo de presente perfecto They have lost my book. (Ellos han perdido mi libro) Tomás study and get good qualification (Tomás estudio y saco buena calificación).
escoga cual se las siguientes oraciones tiene verbo seguido de infinito y gerundio He always walks to school. (Él siempre camina para ir a la escuela) Last summer we decided to go to the beach (El verano pasado decidimos ir a la playa.).
escoga cual se las siguientes oraciones tiene verbo seguido de infinito y gerundio We can speak English fluently (Podemos hablar inglés con fluidez) He speaks German. (Él habla alemán).
escoga cual se las siguientes oraciones tiene verbo seguido de infinito y gerundio She seems to be very busy. (Ella parece estar muy ocupada) When I lost my job I postponed buying a new house (Cuando perdí mi trabajo pospuse la compra de una nueva casa).
Lea de nuevo la lectura "THE RESCUE OF PERSEPHONE" . Identificar los personajes del mito. a. Demeter b. Eros c. Hades d. Hermes e. Zeus F. Persephone a. Platon b. Socrates c.Aristoteles d.sigmund freud e.zeus f.eros .
teens of today: Descifra las letras y etiqueta las imágenes. go- getters og-gerestt.
teens of today: Descifra las letras y etiqueta las imágenes. tech- heads chet- daehs.
teens of today: Descifra las letras y etiqueta las imágenes. turena- verslo nature- lovers.
teens of today: Descifra las letras y etiqueta las imágenes. trend- setters trend- stteers.
cuales de los siguietes es mas bonito papas lytor.
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