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Thinking abroad

English01 Session 1 DAW


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Número preguntas: 42
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With the verb TO BE, the frequency adverb goes _____ the verb. before between after.
With the simple tenses, the frequency adverb goes _____ the verb. before between after.
With the compound tenses (like the present continuous), the frequency adverb goes _____ the two verbs. before between after.
What _____ you _____ for a living? (do).
Richard _____ in a factory but he _____ on holidays at the moment. (work / be).
Karen always _____ her reports later in the day. (send).
After work, I often _____ down to the pub. (go).
My boss always _____ thenewpaper in his tablet. (read).
She _____ _____ the new software. (not understand).
This program _____ _____ a technical glitch.. (not have).
_____ you _____ a lot for business? (travel).
David Fox _____ (work) as an IT assistant for Yahoo in London. .
Every day he _____ (take) the tube to go to work. .
He _____ (start) at 9:00 and _____ (have) an hour break for lunch. .
At lunchtime he usually _____ (have) a snack at the pub on the corner with some friends. .
He usually _____ (eat) the menu of the day or just a slice of pizza and a Cola. .
In the afternoon he often _____ (check) his mail and _____ (call). .
However, he _____ _____ (not like) working in the afternoon. .
But David is usually in a good mood because he _____ (love) his job and ______ (enjoy) it very much.
Read the following IT Crow's main character description and fill in the gaps. The previous photo is form the serie "IT Crow". In the photo you can see Maurice Moss. He is an employee in the IT department of Rynholm Industries. Maurice is described as being very (handsome / intelligent / stupid) _____ person. He is very (small / tall / extrovert) _____ and (slim / fat / overweight) _____. .
He has got (white / red / dark) _____ skin and He wears a pair of (black / glasses / iron) _____. His facial features are as any regular man, he has (round / ugly / small) _____ eyes, (small / tall / big) _____ nose and an interesting strange haircut. .
His hair, which is always messy, is (short / long/ medium-lenght) _____ and (straight / curly / wavy) _____. .
His appearance is always the same. He wears a (plain / checked / red) _____ shirt, a (red / blue / green) _____ tie and a pair of (corduroy / black / wood) _____ trousers with a (green / big / black) _____ belt.
Link Database administrator Computer user Database management system (DBMS) Computer Experto en informática Desarrollador de videojuegos (profesión) Técnico en reparación de ordenadores (profesión) Ingeniería informática Contable (profesión) Analista forense de ordenadores (profesión).
Link Red de área local Instructor de informática Consultor de informática (profesión) Técnico informático (profesión) Ayudante de informática (profesión) Presentarse Técnico de soporte de ordenadores (profesión) Informática Formación en Centros de Trabajo Departamento de informática.
Link Distribución de software Desarrollador de software (profesión) Teléfono inteligente Paquete de software horario, calendario Programa Servidor Monitorización de red Administrador de red (profesión) Seguridad de red.
Link Lo que ves es lo que obtienes Página Web Diseñador Web Formación profesional Videojuego Interfaz de usuario Localización y corrección de errores Programa de aprendizaje Error informático Código fuente.
HEIGHT (ALTURA) Tall average short.
HAIR (PELO) Length (Longitud) long medium short.
HAIR (PELO) Color (Color) dark white light black grey red-head (red) blonde (fair) brunette (brown).
HAIR (PELO) Texture (Textura) wavy straight curly.
HAIR (PELO) Hairstyle (Peinado) pulled back (peinado hacia atrás) bun braid ponytail.
HAIR (PELO) No hair (Sin pelo) has a receding hairline bald partly bald.
BODY SHAPE (CONSTITUCIÓN) Slender (thin) Average build Heavy (overweight, fat).
EYES (OJOS) Color (Color) grey green blue brown black.
EYES (OJOS) Big Beady (small) Narrow (close-set) Wide-set.
GENDER (SEXO) Man (male) Woman (female) Boy Girl.
FACIAL FEATURES (RASGOS FACIALES) GENERAL (GENERAL) pretty beautiful handsome good-looking ugly pale skin straight nose crooked nose.
FACIAL FEATURES (RASGOS FACIALES) GENERAL (GENERAL) Freckles, freckled Mole, wart Scar Bruise, bruised Birthmark.
AGE (EDAD) Young child (baby) teenager adult old (senior, senior citizen).
RACE (RAZA) Asian White (Caucasian) Black (African-American) Hispanic Native American.
OTHERS (OTROS) Earrings Braces on teeth Wheelchair, crutches Glasses Tattoo.
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