TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE: Toxicity and other hazards
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Toxicity and other hazards

Toxicity and other hazards of Petroleum

Ramon Duran

Fecha de Creación: 12/09/2023

Categoría: Ciencia

Número Preguntas: 35
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What factors can influence the volume and concentration of gas forming a layer at the beginning of loading? A) Temperature and pressure B) Tank size and shape C) TVP of the cargo and amount of splashing D) Cargo origin and destination.
What is the gas concentration just above the liquid surface if the TVP of the cargo is 0.75 bar? A) 25% by volume B) 50% by volume C) 75% by volume D) 100% by volume.
Under what conditions may gas layers greater than one meter in depth be encountered during loading? A) If the cargo is gas-free B) If the cargo TVP is high enough C) If the tank is small D) If there is no wind.
During loading, what is the composition of the gas vented when the tank was originally gas-free? A) Mainly air B) Mainly hydrocarbons C) Nitrogen and oxygen D) Carbon dioxide.
In an unwashed crude oil tank that is to be loaded soon after discharge of a previous cargo, what is the composition of the gas layer at the bottom of the tank? A) Highly concentrated gas B) Mainly nitrogen C) Mainly oxygen D) No gas present.
What gas concentrations have been measured in motor or aviation gasoline tanks that have not been gas freed? A) Up to 10% by volume B) Up to 20% by volume C) Up to 30% by volume D) Up to 40% by volume.
What concentration of hydrocarbon gas is typically expelled during gas freeing after discharging a motor or aviation gasoline cargo? A) Less than 1% by volume B) 10% by volume C) 30% by volume D) 50% by volume.
What happens to the hydrocarbon gas mixture when gas dispersion occurs during loading, ballasting, gas freeing, or purging? A) It becomes denser B) It rises and mixes with the atmosphere C) It solidifies D) It disappears completely.
What is the main concern regarding the presence of a flammable zone in the vicinity of a vent? A) Pollution B) Cargo contamination C) Fire and explosion risk D) Tank corrosion.
What determines the final shape of the plume and the flammable zone during gas dispersion? A) Wind speed B) Humidity C) Temperature D) Tank size.
At what wind speed is dispersion typically enough to minimize flammability risk during loading operations? A) Below 1 m/sec B) Between 1-5 m/sec C) Above 5 m/sec D) Wind speed does not affect dispersion.
How does the rate of flow of a hydrocarbon gas/air mixture affect the distance the plume travels before it is diluted to the FL? A) Higher flow rate leads to shorter distance B) Higher flow rate leads to longer distance C) Flow rate does not affect the distance D) Flow rate affects plume shape, not distance.
What type of gas measurement instruments can analyze several pre-set types of gases at the same time? A) Personal gas measurement instruments B) Portable gas measurement instruments C) Fixed gas detection installations D) Chemical indicator tubes.
Which statement about the inert gas system is correct? A) It is used for heating cargo tanks. B) It is used to increase cargo pressure. C) It maintains a non-combustible atmosphere in cargo tanks. D) It decreases the cargo's vapor pressure.
Which gas measurement instrument is suitable for detecting the presence of toxic gases like hydrogen sulfide (H2S)? A) Gas sampling bags B) Catalytic bead sensors C) Infrared gas analyzers D) PID detectors.
What should be done if a gas detector alarm goes off during cargo operations? A) Ignore it until the operation is complete B) Evacuate the area immediately C) Check the alarm, but continue work if no gas is detected D) Decrease ventilation to avoid false alarms.
When measuring the oxygen concentration in a tank, what does an oxygen level below 5% by volume indicate? A) Normal atmospheric conditions B) A very low risk of explosion C) An oxygen-deficient atmosphere D) An oxygen-enriched atmosphere.
What is the purpose of inerting a cargo tank? A) To increase the cargo's TVP B) To prevent the formation of explosive mixtures C) To minimize cargo oxidation D) To reduce cargo temperature.
What is the primary inert gas used in maritime transportation for tank protection? A) Nitrogen B) Oxygen C) Carbon dioxide D) Argon.
What is the primary reason for using gas detection equipment on board a vessel? A) To monitor crew members' health B) To prevent pollution C) To ensure safe cargo operations D) To comply with environmental regulations.
What is the primary risk associated with carrying flammable cargoes on a vessel? A) Crew health hazards B) Cargo contamination C) Fire and explosion D) Structural damage to the vessel.
What is the primary goal of gas freeing operations on a vessel? A) To reduce cargo temperature B) To increase cargo pressure C) To remove flammable gases from tanks D) To improve cargo stability.
What is the composition of a flammable gas mixture? A) Oxygen only B) Hydrogen only C) A mixture of hydrocarbon gases and air D) Inert gases only.
Which of the following factors can contribute to the formation of a flammable zone during cargo operations? A) Low wind speed B) High humidity C) Proper ventilation D) High oxygen concentration.
What is the purpose of gas dispersion during cargo operations? A) To increase cargo temperature B) To reduce cargo pressure C) To minimize the risk of flammable zones D) To maximize cargo oxidation.
What is the main hazard associated with the presence of a flammable zone near a vent? A) Increased cargo contamination B) Risk of structural damage to the vessel C) Risk of cargo spillage D) Risk of fire or explosion.
How does wind speed affect the dispersion of gas during cargo operations? A) High wind speed reduces dispersion B) High wind speed increases dispersion C) Wind speed has no effect on gas dispersion D) Wind speed affects gas color, not dispersion.
What factor determines the distance a gas plume travels before dilution to the FL? A) Cargo temperature B) Flow rate of the gas mixture C) Ambient temperature D) Tank size.
What type of gas measurement instrument is suitable for analyzing multiple types of gases simultaneously? A) Personal gas measurement instruments B) Portable gas measurement instruments C) Fixed gas detection installations D) Chemical indicator tubes.
Which gas measurement instrument is appropriate for detecting toxic gases such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S)? A) Gas sampling bags B) Catalytic bead sensors C) Infrared gas analyzers D) PID detectors.
What should be done when a gas detector alarm is triggered during cargo operations? A) Ignore it and continue work B) Evacuate the area immediately C) Check the alarm but continue work if no gas is detected D) Decrease ventilation to avoid false alarms.
When measuring oxygen concentration in a tank, what does an oxygen level below 5% by volume indicate? A) Normal atmospheric conditions B) A very low risk of explosion C) An oxygen-deficient atmosphere D) An oxygen-enriched atmosphere.
What is the primary purpose of inerting a cargo tank? A) To increase the cargo's TVP B) To prevent the formation of explosive mixtures C) To maximize cargo oxidation D) To reduce cargo temperature.
What is the primary goal of gas freeing operations on a vessel? A) To reduce cargo temperature B) To increase cargo pressure C) To remove flammable gases from tanks D) To improve cargo stability.
What is the primary inert gas used in maritime transportation for tank protection? A) Nitrogen B) Oxygen C) Carbon dioxide D) Argon.
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