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According to the following picture identify one of the five major stresses in figure A: Compression Torsion Shear Tension.
According to the previous picture identify the five major stresses in figure B: Compression Torsion Shear Tension.
According to the previous picture identify the five major stresses in figure C: Compression Torsion Shear Tension.
According to the previous picture identify the five major stresses in figure D: Compression Tension Shear Torsion.
What is the function of the cabin outflow valve on a pressurized aircarft? To control the quantity of nitrogen inside the cabin To maintain the correct amount of pressure inside the cabin To prevent cabin overpressure To prevent cabin underpressure.
¿En Human Factores que significa el Error Humano? Es una situación que involucra estados de ánimo de la persona Es un error intencional que se convierte en violación Es cualquier daño causado por un humano Es una acción humana con consecuencias involuntarias.
What is meant by the term Cavitation in a HYD System? The HYD System is clogged The pump is fluid overloaded The pump picks up air instead of fluid None of the above.
According to the picture at POINT A location: Velocity decreases and Pressure Increases Velocity increases and Pressure decreases Velocity and Pressure remain equal Velocity is reduced and Pressure is reduced.
According to the RAC, How Much maintenance services of lines exist: Three Five Two Four.
What type of flap System increases the wing área and changes the wing camber Fowler flaps Slotted flaps Split flaps.
What type of lift supports an airplane in the air Aerodynamic drag Aerodynamic lift Aerodynamic resistance All of them.
La OACI es: Organización de aviación comercial Organización de aviación comercial interamericana Organización de aeronáutica civil internacional Organización de aviación civil internacional.
Las FAR son: Procedimientos aéreos militares Regulaciones aéreas fundamentales Regulaciones aéreas federales Formatos aeronáuticos de regulación.
What are the two systems of fluid power used in aircraft Electrical Systems Pneumatic Systems Hydraulic Systems B and C.
Documento emitido por la autoridad del país de origen de un certificado tipo en el cual se da a conocer una condición insegura y su acción correctiva AC AD SB TC/STC.
3/16 de pulgada corresponden a: 3,16 cm 0,16 cm 0,95 cm Ninguna de las anteriores.
El punto de ebullición de un líquido varia Directamente con la presión Inversamente con la presión Directamente con el volumen No Varia.
Un ejemplo básico de una planta térmica es: Una Caldera Un Motor Eléctrico Un Motor a Reacción Un Transformador eléctrico.
¿Cuáles son los dos tipos de fluido Hidráulico que son utilizados en aviones modernos? Synthetic base fluid and vegetable base fluid Synthetic base fluid only Mineral base fluid and Synthetic base fluid Mineral base fluid and Phosphate ester base fluid.
Según el RAC 2 la licencia TLA comprenderá las siguientes habilitaciones Aviones hasta 5700 Kg de PBMO/ Aviones de más de 5700 Kg de PBMO (Tec. Tipo I) Aviones hasta 5700 Kg de PBMO/ Aviones de más de 5700 Kg de PBMO (Tec. Tipo II) Aviones desde 5700 Kg de PBMO/ Aviones hasta 5700 Kg de PBMO (Tec. Tipo I) Aviones hasta 5700 Kg de PBMO/ Aviones de más de 5700 Lb de PBMO (Tec. Tipo II).
¿Una medida de 2,5 pulgadas con una tolerancia de +/- 1/8, cuál será la mínima medida permitida? 2,375” 2,625” 2,5 Ninguna de las Anteriores.
¿Porque algunos sistemas de combustible incorporan una unidad Fuel Heater? Para Prevenir que el aceite se enfrié demasiado en el sistema de lubricación Para Prevenir formación de hielo en los filtros de combustible Para generar calentamiento del aceite del sistema de lubricación Para crear vapor de combustible que genere una mejor combustión.
¿Cuáles son las tres superficies primarias de control en una aeronave? Spoilers, Elevadores y Flaps. Alerones, Elevadores y Rudder. Slats, Flaps y Rudder. Wing Tips, Speed Brakes y Alerones.
El Manual Técnico aprobado para una reparación estructural menor es: AMM OACI SRM RAC.
Cuál es la Medida en mm que indica la medición del Vernier 10 mm 10,8 mm 18 mm 9,8 mm.
El Régimen Sancionatorio es contemplado por La Parte Teórica del RAC La Parte Quinta del RAC La Parte Novena del RAC La Parte Séptima del RAC.
Para que un Técnico autorizado pueda dar reléase a una Aeronave para iniciar Vuelo, dicha Aeronave debe : Tener el Certificado de Aeronavegabilidad a Bordo Cumplir con todos los Requisitos Técnicos y Legales Tener el Certificado de Matricula a Bordo Cumplir solo con el Certificado Tipo.
Llave de Boca Cerrada Combination Wrench Flare nut Wrench Box end Wrench.
Juego de llaves Hexagonales Hex Wrench Set Folding Hex Set Hex Key Set.
Martillo Heel Dolly Smasher Hammer.
que herramienta es ? Torque wrench Scraper Depth micrometer Screw driver.
Que herramienta es? Inside micrometer Depth micrometer Vernier micrometer Outside micrometer.
Que herramienta es? Torque wrench Feeler gauge set Vernier caliper Crimping tool.
Que herramienta es? Vernier caliper Dial torque wrench Crimping tool Depth micrometer.
Que herramienta es? Outside micrometer Scraper Vernier caliper Crimping tool.
Cual es la forma correcta de hacer la remocion de aire de un sistema hidraulico de un avion? Realizando un cambio de aceite Operando algunos componentes hidraulicos durante varios ciclos Dejando el sistema inoperativo por unas cuantas horas A traves de las valvulas de sangria automatica en componentes individuales mientras se opera el sistema .
La funcion del amortiguador del tren de aterrizaje es Reducir la velocidad vertical de la aeronave a cero Reducir la velocidad transversal de la aeronave Reducir la velocidad horizontal de la aeronave Reducir la fuerza de avance de la aeronave.
La potencia neumática alimenta Sistema electrico Aire acondicionado Sistema de frenos Sistema hidraulico.
Feeler gauge set Juego de galgas Juego de calibrador pie de rey Juego combinado.
Que herramienta es? Barbie kit Berbiqui Desarmador ratchet.
Select the correct translation of the following sentence in Spanish: “Se encontró una fractura sobre la Piel de la Parte superior izquierda del Fuselaje Delantero” On the FWD fuselaje L/H upper skin, a crack was found On the upper fuselaje skin, a crack was found FWD fuselaje L/H On FWD fuselaje L/H Top Skin, a scratch was found.
Ordenar de Forma Correcta "Unit Display Lower" Unit Display Lower Lower Display Unit Lower Unit Display.
Ordenar de Forma Correcta " Door Cargo Fittings Lock" Cargo Door Lock Fittings Fittings Lock Cargo Door Lock Fittings Cargo Door.
Ordenar de forma Correcta " Main Doors Gear " Main Gear Doors Main Doors Gear Doors Main Gear.
Ordenar de forma Correcta " Receptacle Ground Door Access Power " Receptacle Door Access Power Ground Ground Power Receptacle Access Door Ground Power Access Door Receptacle.
Match the words with the definitions Correct: Strength Elasticity Cooper Malleability Hardness Foil Density.
Translate the following technical tools, English to Spanish: Hammer Knives Wrench Gear Depth Gauge.
As per Ohm’s law: The resistance of the conductor will determine the amount of voltaje that flows under the given current The resistance of the conductor will determine the amount of current that flows under the given voltaje The voltaje of the conductor will determine the amount of current that flows under the given amperaje The resistance of the conductor will determine the amount of wire that goes under the given voltage.
The RAC 20 is dedicated to: Meteorologia Aeronautica Régimen Sancionatorio Matricula, registro e identificación de Aeronaves Aerodromos Aeropuertos y Helipuertos.
Cuanta energía potencial es generada por el gato de un A330 que pesa 335102lb a una altura vertical de 5ft? 1.675.512 lb-ft 1.765.510 lb-ft 1.675.510 lb-ft 1.675.512 N-m.
La medida representada en el profundimetro es: 1,08 mm 1,12 mm 0,12 mm 1,80 mm.
An aircraft in flight is acted upon by Four forces: Gravity / Lift / Thrust / Drag Angle of attack / Lift / Drag / Airflow Yaw / Vertical, Roll / Longitudinal and Pitch / Lateral Airflow / Positive Pressure / Angle of attack / Weight.
Cuáles son los tres elementos de la corrosión de tipo electroquímica. Ánodo, Agua y Electrolito Ánodo, Cátodo y Resistencia Ánodo, Cátodo y Corrosión Intergranular Ánodo, Cátodo y Electrolito.
If a circumference has a ratio of 1/2’’, What would be the circumference diameter? 0,500” DIA 1/2" DIA 1” DIA 1.4” DIA.
What is meant by a hot start in a turbine engine: Ignition occurs with high air volume Ignition occurs with too much mix ratio of fuel and air in the carburetor Ignition occurs with not enough engine acceleration Ignition occurs with high EGT (Exhaust Gas Temperature).
The right definition of a wing is: The wing is an airfoil that when moved rapidly through the air create lift The wing is an airfoil that when stalls rapidly through the air create lift The wing is an airfoil that when moved rapidly through the air créate drag.
According to the following picture identify the correct order (A)Longeron (B)Stringer (C)Skin (D)Bulkhead (A)Longeron (B)Skin (C)Bulkhead (D)Stringer (A)Stringer (B)Longeron (C)Skin (D)Bulkhead (A)Longeron (B)Skin (C)Ribs (D)Stringer.
In Aerodynamics the Word the letters AOA means: Angle of the Air Aerodynamic Outside Attack Angle of Attack Air Outside the Aircraft.
The best definition for a reciprocate engine is a: The reciprocating engine consists of a series of piston connected to a rotating crankshaft. As the pistons move up and down, the crankshaft rotates. The reciprocating engine consists of a series of crackshafts connected to a rotating piston. As the pistons move up and down, the crankshaft rotates. The reciprocating engine consists of a series of camshafts connected to a rotating crankshaft. As the pistons move up and down, the crankshaft rotates. The reciprocating engine consists of a series of piston connected to a rotating camshaft. As the pistons move up and down, the crankshaft rotates.
Static Electricity is generated…. Only when two highly charging materials are rubbed together By lightning. Anytime any two materials contact and separate. Only when humidity is very low .
The best definition for a turbine engine is a: The gas turbine engine mounted on most aircrafts is made up of a compressor, combustión chamber, turbine and accesory gearbox assembly. The gas turbine engine mounted on most aircrafts is made up of a turbine, combustión chamber, compressor and accesory gearbox assembly. The gas turbine engine mounted on most aircrafts is made up of a turbine, accesory gearbox assembly, combustión chamber and compressor. The gas turbine engine mounted on most aircrafts is made up of a turbine, combustión chamber, accessory gearbox assembly and compressor.
The Ohm`s Law basically states: The resistance (electron flow) through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage (Electrical pressure) applied to that conductor and inversely proportional to the current of the conductor. The voltage (electron flow) through a conductor is directly proportional to the current (Electrical pressure) applied to that conductor and inversely proportional to the resistance of the conductor. The current (electron flow) through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage (Electrical pressure) applied to that conductor and inversely proportional to the resistance of the conductor. The power (electron flow) through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage (Electrical pressure) applied to that conductor and inversely proportional to the resistance of the conductor.
According to Ohms Law find the DC source value in the following picture. 12VDC 6VDC 24VDC 24VAC.
What causes an aircraft tire to wear more on the shoulders than in the center of the tread? Deflated condition Underinflated condition Overinflated condition Wrong tires installed.
What is meant by the viscosity of engine lubricating oil? Temperature at the engine oil The resistance of the oil to flow How thick is the engine oil How much pressure can the oil resist?.
Las superficies hipersustentadoras de una aeronave son: Spoilers y Elevadores Alerones y Trim Tab Slats y Flaps Wing Tips y Speed Brakes.
El manual técnico aprobado para una reparación estructural menor es: AMM Las politicas OACI SRM RAC.
What should be done if an aircraft is weighed with the fuel tanks completely full? The technician must open all the thank Access and collect the fuel into a container. The technician can mathematically add the weight of usable fuel, and account for its arm and momento. The technician can mathematically subtract the weight of usable fuel, and account for its arm and momento. No additional calculations are necessary.
El manual técnico aprobado para una reparación menor es: IPC AMM RAC GMM.
Which of the following turbine fuel filters has the greatest filtering action? Micron Small wire mesh Stacked charcoal Self relieving.
If the volume of a confined gas is doubled (without the adition of more gas), the pressure will (asume the temperature remains constant) Increase in direct proportion to the volume increase Remain the same Be reduced to one-half its original value. The volume decrees double.
En una medida de 31/64 de pulgada con una tolerancia de +/- 1/32, cuál será la máxima medida permitida? 32/32 33/64 32/64 A y b son verdaderas.
What unit is used to express Electrical power? Volt Watt Ampere Horsepower.
Que nombre recibe el siguiente elemento de medición y que mide. Vernier: Mide cualquier dimensión Micrómetro o Palmer: Mide longitudes con gran precisión Micrómetro o calibre: Mide longitudes y profundidades Odómetro: Mide longitudes con gran precisión.
Choose the proper translation for the following paragraph: There are Three basic kinds of instruments classified by the job they Perform: flight instruments, engine instruments, and navigation instruments. There are also miscellaneous gauges and provide information that do not fall into these classifications, especially on large complex flight control position, cabin environmental systems, Electrical power, and auxiliary power units (APUs) for example, are all monitored and controlled from the cockpit via the use of instruments System. Hay tres clases básicas de instrumentos clasificados por el trabajo que ellos realizan: Instrumentos de vuelo, instrumentos de motor, e instrumentos de navegación. Hay también variados medidores que proporcionan la información que no entra en estas clasificaciones, sobre todo en avión gran posición de control de vuelo, sistemas ambientales de cabina, energía eléctrica, y unidades de potencia auxiliares (APUs) por ejemplo, son todos monitoreados y controlados desde la cabina con sistemas de instrumentos. Hay tres clases básicas de instrumentos clasificados por el trabajo que ellos realizan: Instrumentos de vuelo, instrumentos de motor, e instrumentos de navegación. Hay variados medidores que proporcionan la información , sobre todo en avión gran posición de control de vuelo, sistemas ambientales de cabina, energía eléctrica, y unidades de potencia auxiliares (APUs) por ejemplo, son todos monitoreados y controlados desde la cabina con sistemas de instrumentos.
She always speaks English Simple Past Tense Simple Present Tense Simple Verb To Be.
Did He replace the Hydraulic Line? Simple Past Tense Simple Future Tense Continuous Past Tense.
Do I have to repair the Aircraft? Simple Past Tense Simple Present Tense Present Perfect Tense.
The Technicianns performed a great job. Simple Future Tense Past Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense.
Read the below Maintenance Manual and Answer the Question: General The airframe standard practices chapter contains information on the use and application of aircracft maintenance and repair processes which are not specifically covered in other chapters of the Aircraft Maintenance Manual. It also gives the list of materials required for servicing and maintenance operations. Standards Manual Information related to the various standards effective for all AIRBUS models are given in a separate manual called: STANDARDS MANUAL. The STANDARS MANUAL contains information about all product/semi-finished product standards approved by the AIRBUS partners for the AIRBUS programs, as well as about the proprietary parts and the suppliers qualified for those parts. Moreover, the STANDARDS MANUAL contains a selection of the basic standards used on the AIRBUS programs. Standards parts which are not found in the STANDARDS MANUAL shall not be used without prior approval by AIRBUS INDUSTRE. The STANDARDS MANUAL assists the customer with respect to information about the identification of standard parts and their procurement in co-operation with the AIRBUS INDUSTRIE spare parts center AIRSPARES. Process and Material Specification Manual The PROCESS AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATION MANUAL provides basic information on manufacturing processes and materials which are called up in engineering drawings and AIRBUS INDUSTRIE documentation. It is designed to assist operators in producing their own workshop documents necessary to Perform work on in-service AIRBUS aircraft. The quality of such work is the responsibility of the Operator. The repair processes and standard practices Procedures that are not covered by aircraft maintenance manual chapter are given on: Airplane estándar practices (ATA 60) Aircraft standard practices (ATA 51) Aiframe standard practices (ATA 12) Airframe standard practices (ATA 20).
Read the below Maintenance Manual and Answer the Question: General The airframe standard practices chapter contains information on the use and application of aircracft maintenance and repair processes which are not specifically covered in other chapters of the Aircraft Maintenance Manual. It also gives the list of materials required for servicing and maintenance operations. Standards Manual Information related to the various standards effective for all AIRBUS models are given in a separate manual called: STANDARDS MANUAL. The STANDARS MANUAL contains information about all product/semi-finished product standards approved by the AIRBUS partners for the AIRBUS programs, as well as about the proprietary parts and the suppliers qualified for those parts. Moreover, the STANDARDS MANUAL contains a selection of the basic standards used on the AIRBUS programs. Standards parts which are not found in the STANDARDS MANUAL shall not be used without prior approval by AIRBUS INDUSTRE. The STANDARDS MANUAL assists the customer with respect to information about the identification of standard parts and their procurement in co-operation with the AIRBUS INDUSTRIE spare parts center AIRSPARES. Process and Material Specification Manual The PROCESS AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATION MANUAL provides basic information on manufacturing processes and materials which are called up in engineering drawings and AIRBUS INDUSTRIE documentation. It is designed to assist operators in producing their own workshop documents necessary to Perform work on in-service AIRBUS aircraft. The quality of such work is the responsibility of the Operator. The standars that are not found in the standars manual shall be used approval of Airbus Industry. TRUE FALSE.
Read the below Maintenance Manual and Answer the Question: General The airframe standard practices chapter contains information on the use and application of aircracft maintenance and repair processes which are not specifically covered in other chapters of the Aircraft Maintenance Manual. It also gives the list of materials required for servicing and maintenance operations. Standards Manual Information related to the various standards effective for all AIRBUS models are given in a separate manual called: STANDARDS MANUAL. The STANDARS MANUAL contains information about all product/semi-finished product standards approved by the AIRBUS partners for the AIRBUS programs, as well as about the proprietary parts and the suppliers qualified for those parts. Moreover, the STANDARDS MANUAL contains a selection of the basic standards used on the AIRBUS programs. Standards parts which are not found in the STANDARDS MANUAL shall not be used without prior approval by AIRBUS INDUSTRE. The STANDARDS MANUAL assists the customer with respect to information about the identification of standard parts and their procurement in co-operation with the AIRBUS INDUSTRIE spare parts center AIRSPARES. Process and Material Specification Manual The PROCESS AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATION MANUAL provides basic information on manufacturing processes and materials which are called up in engineering drawings and AIRBUS INDUSTRIE documentation. It is designed to assist operators in producing their own workshop documents necessary to Perform work on in-service AIRBUS aircraft. The quality of such work is the responsibility of the Operator. The repair processes which are covered in other chapters of the AMM are covered Also on: At he airframe standard practices chapter Only on the AMM Are not covered at all Airframe standard practices (ATA 20).
Read the below Maintenance Manual and Answer the Question: General The airframe standard practices chapter contains information on the use and application of aircracft maintenance and repair processes which are not specifically covered in other chapters of the Aircraft Maintenance Manual. It also gives the list of materials required for servicing and maintenance operations. Standards Manual Information related to the various standards effective for all AIRBUS models are given in a separate manual called: STANDARDS MANUAL. The STANDARS MANUAL contains information about all product/semi-finished product standards approved by the AIRBUS partners for the AIRBUS programs, as well as about the proprietary parts and the suppliers qualified for those parts. Moreover, the STANDARDS MANUAL contains a selection of the basic standards used on the AIRBUS programs. Standards parts which are not found in the STANDARDS MANUAL shall not be used without prior approval by AIRBUS INDUSTRE. The STANDARDS MANUAL assists the customer with respect to information about the identification of standard parts and their procurement in co-operation with the AIRBUS INDUSTRIE spare parts center AIRSPARES. Process and Material Specification Manual The PROCESS AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATION MANUAL provides basic information on manufacturing processes and materials which are called up in engineering drawings and AIRBUS INDUSTRIE documentation. It is designed to assist operators in producing their own workshop documents necessary to Perform work on in-service AIRBUS aircraft. The quality of such work is the responsibility of the Operator. The standards manual provide information about the Process? TRUE FALSE.
Unscramble the words to make Questions: aircraft/did/what/arrive/the/time/? What time did the Aircraft arrive? What time does the Aircraft arrive? Time what did the arrive Aircraft?.
Unscramble the words to make Questions: did/the/where/plane/stand-by/? Where did the plane stand-by? Where does the plane stand-by? Did where the plane stand-by?.
Porque es necesario gatear un avion dentro de un sitio cerrado para realizar weight and balance? Para estabilizar las pesas Porque las pesas pueden ser calibradas a cero libras Para calibrar las pesas Porque el avión puede ser colocado en una posición nivelada .
The emergency light switch ------(HAVE) three positions. Has Had Have.
If an overpressure is------(DETECT) the valve opens. Detect Detects Detected.
The line------(BE) maintained by a clamp. Are Is Did.
Select the correct order for the following sentence: controls/to dampen yaw axis movement/the yaw damper system/the rudder The rudder system controls the yaw damper to dampen yaw axis movement The yaw damper system controls the rudder to dampen the yaw axis movement Controls the rudder to dampen yaw axis movement the yaw damper system To dampen yaw axis movement controls the rudder the yaw damper system.
Select the correct translation of the following technical report in spanish: ¨se encontro un rayon sobre la piel de la parte superior izquierda del fuselaje delantero¨ On the FWD fuselage L/H upper skin a scratch was found On the upper skin a scratch was found FWD fuselage L/H On FWD fuselage L/H top skin. a crack was found.
Select the correct translation of the following technical report in spanish: ¨De acuerdo con el AMM 70-10-10 se efectuo procedimiento de ajuste al motor 1 en potencia de despegue, las pruebas estuvieron dentro de los parametros normales¨. In according to AMM 70-10-10 trimming to engine 1 in takeoff power is perform, test was between normal parameters In accordance with AMM 70-10-10 trimming procedure to engine 1 was performed in takeoff power, the test were between normal parameters In accordance with AMM 70-10-10 the trimming to engine 1 was perform in takeoff power, test is between normal parameters In accordance to AMM 70-10-10 trimming procedure to engine 1 is performed in takeoff power, test has between normal parameters .
Normally during flight what are the AC electrical power sources which supply the A/C electrical network? 2 IDG and APY 2 IDG only 2 IDG batteries 1 IDG 1 APU generator.
Where is located the APU IDG? In the APU accesory gear box In the APU mechanical reduction gear box There is NO APU IDG.
How can be supplied the A/C electrical network by the GPU? Supply the AC electrical buses Supply the DC buses The DC shed ess bus.
The world ¨SHED¨ in the text means To isolate the electrical connection To switch a contactor to other To back up a fault circuit.
que tipo de categoria pertenece el tecnico especialista TEEI? Tipo I Tipo II No posee categoria .
Passenger/crew windows door Door windows passenger/crew Passenger/crew door windows windows door passenger/crew.
Door cargo the compartment bulk The bulk cargo compartment door The compartment door bulk cargo The compartment bulk cargo door.
simple present: Sara------ the HMU Replace Replaced Replaces.
Simple present: ------ Sara replace the HMU? Do Does Did.
Simple past: Sara------ The HMU. Replace Replaced Replaces.
Simple future: Sara------ replace the HMU. Will Does will Do will .
Simple present: ------ sara replace the HMU? Do Does Did.
Cual es el proposito de una valvula mezcladora en un sistema de aire acondicionado? Distribuir el aire acondicionado uniformemente a todas las partes de la cabina Controlar el suministro de calor, frio y aire frio Combinar el aire de impacto con el aire acondicionado Un decrecimiento en la presion de cabina.
Como afecta el peso la temperatura ? Combustible frio pesa mas por galón Combustible caliente pesa mas por galón La temperatura no tiene efecto No afecta en nada.
Que es la viscosidad de un fluido hidráulico: La habilidad del fluido para ocupar espacio El incremento de volumen de un fluido la cual tiende a prevenir que este fluya La resistencia interna de un fluido la cual tiende a prevenir que este fluya La habilidad del fluido para resistir la oxidacion y deterioro por largos periodos .
Drag and drop the correct word to will in the blanks read some sentences you have to choose either can may need should must.
Identify and match the words with all these descriptions They are all different parts of the aircraft Radome Windshield Pitot tube, probe Hose Bolt, Screw.
Chose the right answer for the questions below What´s a maintenance truck used for? What is an air conditioning plant used for? What´s a conveyor used for? What is a power plant used for? What is a baggage trailer used for?.
Translate the following technical tools, english to spanish knives depth gauge wrench screw driver hammer safety googles.
Determine la caida de voltaje desconocida (E1,E2,E3,E3) y el valor de R4 E1=6 volts E2=16 volts E3=22 volts E4=68v R4=340Ω E1=2 volts E2=12 volts E3=20 volts E4=68v R4=340Ω E1=10 volts E2=10 volts E3=10 volts E4=68v R4=340Ω E1=2 volts E2=10 volts E3=20 volts E4=68v R4=340Ω.
En un motor los detectores de partículas magnéticas se utilizan: En el sistema de combustible para atrapar y detectar particulas ferro-magneticas presentes en el combustible En el sistema de aceite para atrapar y detectar particulas ferro-magneticas presentes en el aceite En el sistema de combustible para atrapar y detectar particulas ferro-magneticas presentes en el aceite Para chequear la condición externa del motor asociada a la corrosión .
According to the follow drawing if you set the starter switch to 5 position The started solenoid will energize and starter will operate The started solenoid and master solenoid will energize and starter will operate The master solenoid will energize and starter won´t operate None of the above circuit.
Who is responsible for making the entry in the mantenance records after a routine maintenance. or turn around checks? The owner or operator of the aircraft The person approving or disapproving for return to service the designee or inspector representing for FAA Administrator. The quiality control chief .
El rac 65 esta dedicado a: Metrologia aeronautica Segmento sansionatorio Licencias del personal aeronautico Aerodormos, Aerpuertos y Helipuertos.
Cuál de las siguientes frases es verdadera concerniente al principio de Bernoulli. La presión del fluido disminuye en los puntos donde la velocidad de los fluidos incrementa. Este principio solo aplica a gases y líquidos vaporizados. La presión del fluido incrementa en los puntos donde la velocidad de los fluidos incrementa. La presión del fluido aumenta en los puntos donde la velocidad de los fluidos incrementa.
La parte segunda del RAC se refiere a: Personal aeronautico Regimen del aire Busqueda y rescate Regimen sancionatorio .
La corrosión que es generada en una unión tipo bisagra debido al contacto de material disimiles es conocida como: Corrosión Severa Corrosión Intergranular Corrosión Galvanica Corrosión Filiforme.
El RAC 219 esta dedicado a: Meterologia aeronautica Regimen sancionatorio Implementacion del sistema SMS Aerodromos, Aeropuertos y Helipuertos.
La estabilidad con respecto al eje vertical de una aeronave es conocida como: Estabilidad Dinamica Estabilidad Direccional Estabilidad Lateral Estabilidad Longitudinal.
La definición apropiada de CORRIENTE es: La circulación de cargas o electrones a través de un circuito eléctrico cerrado y es medido en (A) La circulación de cargas o protones a través de un circuito eléctrico cerrado y es medido en (A) La circulación de cargas o electrones a través de un circuito eléctrico abierto y es medido en (A) La circulación de cargas o protones a través de un circuito eléctrico abierto y es medido en (A).
Select the correct translation of the following technical report in Spanish: ¨De acuerdo con el AMM 31-10-00 el panel de control de EFIS fue removido y remplazado, prueba operacional fue satisfactoria¨ IAW AMM 31-10-00 the EFIS control panel was remove and replace, operational test satisfactory¨ In accordance with AMM 31-10-00 the EFIS control panel is removed and replaced, operational test is satisfactory¨ In accordance with AMM 31-10-00 the EFIS control panel was removed and replace, operational test was satisfactory¨.
Unscramble the words to make Questions: did/inspector/what/aircraft/the/was/thing/the/firts/to/the? What was the first thing did inspector to the aircraft Did what was the thing first inspector to the aircraft What did was thing the inspector firts to the aircraft.
Unscramble the words to make Questions: by/controlled/main/gear/are/brakes/the/commander/or/landing/pilot The landing gear or main brakes are control by commander Landing gear are control by pilot or the main breakes The pilot control the main breakes or landing gear .
Unscramble the words to make Questions: did/the/where/plane/stand by Where did the plane stand by Did where the plane stand by The plane did where stand by.
She always studies English Simple past tense Simple present tense Simple verb to be.
The Three axis on airplane are: Yaw Roll Pitch All Are True.
Denunciar test Consentimiento Condiciones de uso