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Pilar Sánchez Bueno
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According to Newman, which are the main opposing forces that intervene in translation? SL writer, SL norms, SL culture and SL tradition SL writer, SL norms, SL culture and TL setting SL writer, SL norms, SL culture, SL setting and tradition. SL writer, SL culture, SL tradition, and SL setting.
Which of the following statements about translation is not true? Translation is a matter of fact Translation is a science Translation is a skill Translation as a matter of taste.
Which of the Jacksons categories is the traditional focus of translation studies? Interlingual translation Intralingual translation Rewarding Intersemiotic translation .
Before the 2nd half of the 2oth century, translation was a mere element in language learning not so important in language learning.
The comprehension of the source text involving the following problems, tick the wrong option. parsing of the text rely on your intuition access to specialized knowledge access to intended meaning.
When translating a text, the translator should (tick the wrong option): Find one for one equivalent consider the setting where the text will be published consider the style search the intention of the text.
Dynamic equivalence is: The equivalence of the effect on the source reader The equivalence of the effect on the target reader The equivalence of form on the target reader The equivalence of form on the source reader.
Which is the wrong statement on the basic requirements of translation according to Nida? Making sense Producing a different response in the reader Conveying the spirit and manner of the original Producing a similar response.
Tick the wrong option Meaning can only carried out by words Meaning can be carried out by morphemes Meaning can be carried out by lexemes Meaning can not carried out by morphemes.
The expressive meaning of a word: It is related to the speaker's feelings or attitude. arises from dialect and register variations arises from co-occurrence arises from the relation between it and what it refers to.
According to Cruise the main types of meaning are: Prepositional, temporal, presupposed, and evoked Prepositional, expressive, presupposed, and evoked Prepositional, expressive, temporal, and evoked Prepositional, expressive, presupposed and temporal.
The presupposed meaning of a word: arises from co-occurrence restrictions relates to the speakers feelings or attitude arises from what it is and what it represents relates to what words and utterances refers to.
Dialect could be: (wrong) Geographical Personal Social Temporal.
Register arises from variations in (wrong option) Field of discourse Tenor of discourse Tone of discourse Mode of discourse.
Two main areas where semantic fields can be useful to translator are: Appreciating the value that a word has in a given system and developing strategies for dealing with non-equivalence Appreciating the value that a word has in a given system and developing strategies for dealing with equivalence Ignoring the value that a word has in a given system and developing strategies for dealing with equivalence Appreciating the value that a word has in a given system and avoiding strategies for dealing with equivalence.
Strategies used by professionals translators (tick the wrong) Translation by a more general word Translation by paraphrase using a related word Translation by omission Translation by cultural substitution.
Patterns of collocations: are independent of meaning are dependent of meaning are not arbitrary don't reflect the preferences of the reader.
Tick the wrong statement Words are strung together at random Words rarely occur in their own Restrictions are written down in the form of rules There are restrictions in the way words convey meaning.
Common problems of non-equivalence (tick the wrong) Similarities in form Use of loanwords in the source text The difference in expressive meaning Difference in frequency.
Collocational ranges are variable invariable not fixed fixed.
What a word means often depends on its association with certain collocates never depends on its association with certain collocates may depend on its association with certain collocates.
When the gender distinction does not exist in the SL, but does in the TL, translator: are obliged to work out the gender in advance should ignore the difference should never add the gender information should explain the gender difference.
In translation, a good method of detaching oneself from the source text is: To put the draft aside for few hours To produce the final version as soon as possible To rewrite the translation again To produce a couple of alternative translations.
The main difficulties involved in translating idioms or fixed expressions (wrong option) an idiom or fixed expression has an equivalent in target language an idiom or fixed expression may have no equivalent in target language an idiom may be used in the source text in both literal and idiomatic sense at the same time the very convention of using idioms in written discourse may be different in the source text and in the target text.
Grammatical choices: (wrong) are obligatory include other choices from the same system by default exclude other choices from the same system by default are usually expressed morphologically and syntactically .
Word order: is not important in translation does not affect the way messages are organized in a language plays a major role in maintaining a coherent point of view does not affect the coherence of a text.
According to Prague School: there are no communicative goals the communicative goals cause the structure of a clause to function in different kinds of perspective the communicative goals cause the structure of a clause to function in sim the communicative goals cause the structure of a clause to remain unchanges.
When the reader has to retrieve of what is being talked about by alluding to an immediate context, we are making use of Ellipsis Reference Conjunction Lexical cohesion.
________ is defined as the use of formal markers to relate sentences, clauses... Conjunctions Reference Ellipsis Lexical cohesion.
______________ is defined as the role played by the selection of vocabulary in organizating relations: Lexical cohesion Ellipsis Conjunction Reference.
___________ is the network of the conceptual relations which underlie the surface text Coherence Cohesion Conjunction Repetition.
__________ is borrowing a word or phrase from another language while translating its components so as to create a new lexeme in the target language Calque Borrowing Anglicism Neologism.
_______ is a newly coined term, word, or phrase that may be in the process of entering common use, but has not yet been accepted into mainstream language Borrowing Calque Neologism Anglicism.
Spanish is a language of ______meanwhile English is a_______ subordination/coordination coordination/subordination juxtaposition/coordination Hypotaxis/subortination.
The word "speaker" is an Significant loan Borrowing Calque Anglicism.
The word "Danone and Kodak" is a pure and individual creation significant loan semantic calque lexical calque.
The word "pixel, bytte and platter" are unavoidable loanwords avoidable loanwords necessary loanword recomendable loanword.
Word order plays a major role in maintaining a coherent point of view is not important in translation does not affect the way messages are organized in language does not affect the coherence of a text.
In Spanish, adjectives have 4 main functions (wrong) Adjectives modifying the verbal predicate Adjectives as a nominal predicate Adjectives modifying the head of the noun phrase Adjectives as a verbal predicate .
In English, adjectives have 4 main functions(wrong) Adjectives as verb complement Adjectives as a subject complement Adjectives as object complement determiner+adjective+noun.
Problematic calques in translation lexical, orthographic, and typographic lexical, typographic and semantic lexical, orthographic, typographic, and syntactic lexical, syntactic, ortographic and semantic.
A number of factors which can contribute to our success or failure in working put translation (tick the wrong) conventional meaning of the words and structures used unconventional meaning of the words and structures used the identity of any references that may be involved the context, linguistic or otherwise, of the utterance.
When translating from languages that use the Latin alphabet, the same name should be used in the following exception (wrong ) names of actors and actress historical characters and classical characters names of royal families names of saints and Popes.
Translate: "the men are coming" los hombres vienen los hombres están viniendo los hombres están siendo venidos Los hombres vienen ahora.
Translate: "she spends the money carelessly" Gasta el dinero sin cuidado Ella gasta el dinero descuidadamente Ella no cuida el dinero Gasta dinero descuidadamente.
Tick the wrong option for different types of corpus: Monolingual corpora Comparable corpora of ST Parallel corpora of ST-TT Research-constructed parallel corpora.
Which of the following types of subtitling means that the subtitles are open and integral part of the version of the film: Interlingual subtitling Intralingual subtitling Dubbing Surtitling.
Which of the following types of subtitling means that the subtitles are for the hard of hearing: Interlingual subtitling Intralingual subtitling Audio description Bilingual subtitling.
The cognitive property differentiation and interrelation of perceptions in time is associated to: Narration Description Explanation Tale.
Which of the following is a cognitive strategy? Transfer Planning Self-monitoring Self-management.
When the translator tries to respect the features of the TL or keeps mainly to the norms of the target culture, we refer to: acceptable translation adequate translation foreignisation domestication .
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