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the study of human development

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Human development isn't adaptive lifelong static.
Human development does't study the systematic process of change stability concordance.
Development starts at conception birth childhood.
development scientists do not look at people change from conception through maturity characteristic that remain fairly stable traits that always remain instable in people.
Which of these is one of the goals of developmental psychology? description identification maturation.
"When do children say their first words?" is an example of one of the goals for developmental psychology which is: description explanation prediction.
"How do children learn to use language?" is an example for one of the goals of developmental psychology which is: description explanation prediction.
"will delayed language development affect speech?" is an example of one of the goals for developmental psychology which is: description intervention prediction.
"Can therapy help speech delays?" is an example of one of the goals for developmental psychology which is: explanation prevention intervention.
which of this isn't part of the wide range of the disciplines human development draws from? medicine chemistry history.
Which of this isn't one of the domains of human development? psychosocial development biological development physical development.
What does physical development involve? growth of body and brain including patterns of change in sensory capacities, motor skills, and health pattern of change in mental abilities, such as learning, memory, language, thinking, reasoning and creativity pattern of change in emotions, personality and social relationships.
Cognitive development does not involve pattern of change in mental abilities learning, memory, language, thinking, reasoning and creativity pattern of change in emotions.
Psychosocial development involves patterns of change in sensory capacities, motor skills, and health patterns of change in menta abilities patterns of change in emotions, personality and social relationships.
a concept or practice that may appear natural and obvious to those who accept it, but in reality, is an invention of a particular culture and society refers to social construction ethnic gloss ethnic group.
It is an over generation about an ethnic or cultural group that obscures differences within the group social construction ethnic group ethnic gloss.
It consists of people united by a distinctive culture, ancestry, religion, language, or national origin, all of which contribute to a sense of shared identity and shared attitudes, beliefs and values. ethnic group ethnic gloss race.
The genetic endowment interacts with environmental influences form the start and vulnerability to those environmental influences is great. Basic body structures and organs form, and brain growths spurt begins. Physical growth is the most rapid in the life span. prenatal period infancy and toddlerhood early childhood.
abilities to learn and remember and to respond to sensory stimuli are developing prenatal period infancy and toddlerhood early childhood.
infancy and toddlerhood all senses and body systems operate at birth to varying degrees brain growths spurt begins appetite diminishes and sleep problems are common.
the brain grows in complexity and is highly sensitive to environmental influence infancy and toddlerhood prenatal period early childhood.
use of symbols and ability to solve problems develop infancy and toddlerhood early childhood middle childhood.
self-awareness develops during infancy and toddlerhood early childhood prenatal period.
growth is steady; appearance become more slender and proportions more adultlike early childhood infancy and toddlerhood middle childhood.
early childhood handedness appears respiratory illness are common physical growth and other changes are rapid and profound.
early childhood thinking is somewhat egocentric but understanding of other people's perspectives grows egocentrism diminishes, begin to think logically but concretely, and memory and language skills increase. thought and moral judgments become more complex.
infancy is the period from birth to 2 years birth to 3 years 3 years to 6 years.
early childhood is the period from birth to 2 years birth to 3 years 3 years to 6 years.
middle childhood is the period from 3 years to 6 years 6 years to 11 years 6 years to 13 years.
early and emerging adulthood is the period from 18 to 35 years 20 to 40 years 20 to 45 years.
middle adulthood is the period from 35 to 65 years 35 to 60 years 40 to 65 years.
late adulthood is the period from age 60 and over age 65 and over age 70 and over.
relationships with parent are generally food and peer group may exert a positive or negative influence adolescence middle childhood early childhood.
Physical condition peaks and then declines slightly adolescence emerging and young adulthood middle adulthood.
search for identity occurs at middle adulthood adolescence late adulthood.
slow deterioration of sensory abilities, health, stamina, and strength may begin emerging and young adulthood middle adulthood late adulthood.
mental abilities peak adolescence emerging and young adulthood middle adulthood.
search for meaning in life assumes central importance at adolescence middle adulthood late adulthood.
individuals vary in rate and timing of development due to three factors. Which of these is not one of those factors? environment maturation emotions.
totally of nonhereditary, or experiential, influences on development: physical and social influences environment culture education.
sequences of physical and behavioural patterns maturation heredity environment.
development is advanced or delayed when there is any deviation from the average there is a significant deviation from the average there is an extreme deviation from the average.
the nuclear family is a household unit consisting of one or two parents and their children a multigenerational network of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and more distant relatives, sometimes living together in an extended-family household a household where people are united by a distinctive culture, ancestry, religion, language, or national origin.
a multigenerational network of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and more distant relatives, sometimes living together in an extended-family household nuclear family extended family multigenerational household.
latinos, African Americans, and asians are all more likely to live in multigenerational families nuclear families poor neighborhoods.
the unique time in which people live and grow up; experiences tied to time and place historical context historical generation cohort.
which of these are not included into the normative influences? age-graded influences history-graded influences cultural-graded influences.
are highly similar for people in a particular age group normative age-graded influences normative history-graded influences nonnormative influences.
are significant events that shape the behaviour and attitudes of a historical generation normative age-graded influences normative history-graded influences nonnormative influences.
a historial generation is a group of people who experience the event at a formative time in their lives; a group of people strongly influenced by a mayor historical event during their forming period a group of people born about the same time a group of people who live and grow up in the same time and place.
which of these is not an example for typical events of non normative influences? the death of a parent when a child id young puberty at age 20 surviving a plane crash.
instinctively following first moving object seen after birth refers to imprinting social referencing attachment.
specific time when an event has specific impact on development critical period historical period maturation period.
developmental timing when child is particularly responsive to certain experiences critical periods sensitive periods historical periods.
How many key principles are involved in the Pul B. Baltes's life-span developmental approach? 6 7 8.
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