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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEUnit 7: Gossip at the office

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Unit 7: Gossip at the office



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They said: "We have lived here for two months." Selecciona una They say they will have lived there for two months. They said they had lived there for two months. They will say they had lived there for two months. We had lived here for two months.
If something is "washable" it means you can put it in the microwave. True False.
"A round-trip" is... Selecciona una a journey you take to a place. a journey to a place and back again. a journey you take throughout a year. when you go on a trip for a year.
"No thanks, I'm just taking a look" means: Selecciona una I'm not interested in what you are saying. I don't need your help. I don't want to listen to you. I don't want to hurt you.
It was such _____ day! I couldn't even stop for lunch! Selecciona una a tired tired tiring a tiring .
"James didn't arrive on time" Paul said. Selecciona una Paul said that James didn't arrive on time. Paul said that James doesn't arrive on time. Paul said that James won't arrive on time. Paul said that James hadn't arrived on time. .
My boss replied: "I will never forget what you did for me." My boss said that _____ what I had done for him. Selecciona una I will never forget I would never forget he will never forget he would never forget .
What is an internship? Selecciona una A short period of time in which people usually travel abroad. A job that a student or someone who has recently obtained a certificate takes in order to get some experience. A period of time in which you try something different.
"Hi, my name's Christopher Lambert and I am calling to present you my new products. Can I talk to the manager, please?" To report this sentence you would say: Selecciona una He said his name is Christopher Lambert and he was calling to presented his new products. Then then he asked if he could talk to the manager. He said his name was Christopher Lamber and he is calling to present us his new products. Moreover, he asked if he can talk to the manager. He said his name was Christopher Lambert and that he was calling to present his new products, then he asked me if he could please talk to the manager. He have said that his name was Christopher Lambert and he is calling to present his new products to us. Then, he asks if he can talk to the manager.
He left home very early. He arrived late. Selecciona una He left home very early because he arrived late. Although he left home very early, he arrived late. Although he left home very early he didn't arrive late. He left home very early in spite of arriving late.
An invoice is a commercial document which includes all the information necessary to carry out a transaction, where a service or a product is sold or bought. True False.
You can't stand James because he is... bored boring.
In a Thank-you card you should include the word "I" many times to make sure you really appreciate what a person did for you. True or false? True False.
How would you say that the store opens at 9 in the morning and closes at 5 in the evening? Selecciona una We open for 9 a.m. to 5 a.m. We open from 9 a.m. to 5 a.m. We open from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. We open from 9 a.m. until 5 a.m.
"Sam, do you want to come to the meeting with me?" Sarah asked. Selecciona una Sarah asked Sam if you want to come to the meeting with me. Sarah asked me if I wanted to come to the meeting with me. Sarah asked Sam if he wanted to come to the meeting with her. Sarah asked Sam if he want to come to the meeting with him.
"No sweat!" Selecciona una This is the formal reply to "Thank you very much." This is the informal reply to a "thank you". It doesn't mean anything. It doesn't exist. It is the short version of "it's my pleasure".
"What's your name?" Mr. Parker's secretary enquired me. Selecciona una Mr. Parker's secretary enquired my name. Mr. Parker's secretary enquired me my name. Mr. Parker's secretary enquired what my name was. Mr. Parker's secretary enquired me what is my name.
A "retail store" is... Selecciona una a company that sells products directly to the stores. a company that sells products directly to supermarkets. a big warehouse. a company that sells products directly to the public. .
I managed to pass the exam. I wasn't accepted. Selecciona una Depite the fact I wasn't accepted. I managed to pass the exam as long as I was accepted. Even though I managed to pass the exam, I wasn't accepted. I managed to pass the exam in spite of I wasn't accepted.
Match the following idioms to their meaning: To travel light. Bad news travels fast. Travelling broadens your mind. To be the fifth wheel.
"Peak hour" is... Selecciona una that part of the day in which a place is empty. that part of the day in which it is cheaper to travel. that part of the day in which people cannot travel. that part of the day in which it is more expensive to travel. .
When reporting Yes/No questions, we use: Selecciona una If / whether plus Subject plus verb. If plus verb plus object. A -wh element plus Subject plus verb. If / whether plus a -wh element plus verb.
A synonym for the noun "trick" is... Selecciona una lollipop. unpleasant ability ambition.
When I think about Mondays, I feel... depressed depressing.
"To double-check" means that you write something twice to make sure you do it correctly. Then, you decide between the two versions. True or false? True False.
He was _____ with the piano concert. Selecciona una delightful delighting delight delighted .
Match the following time expressions to their expressions in Reported Speech. Yesterday. Tomorrow. Next week. Last year.
What does VAT stand for in an invoice? Selecciona una Vacuum Air Tube Valid Accounting Transactions Value Added Tax Value Analysis Team.
Match the following verbal tenses to their backshift tense when using Reported Speech. Presente Simple Will Past Simple - Present Continuous.
"We give refunds" means... Selecciona una you can buy whatever you want. you can take the item back to the store. you can buy today and pay tomorrow. you can go back to the store.
A "Lager" is a type of light-coloured beer. True or false? True False.
When the shop-assistant wants to know if you are happy with the T-shirt you are trying on, he / she says: "Can I help you?" "Does it suit you?" "Do you need anything?" "The changing rooms are over there!".
"When is your birthday?" Mary wondered. Mary wondered if my birthday was? Mary wondered when is may birthday. Mary wondered when my birthday was. Mary wondered whether my birthday was?.
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