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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEUso de adjetivos comparativos y superlativos en Inglés

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Uso de adjetivos comparativos y superlativos en Inglés

Identificar los adjetivos correctos según sea el caso

Ing. Diego Valverde
(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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Número preguntas: 30
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Elija el adjetivo correcto: I have the ____ beautiful family in the world most more.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: They should make a ____ effective planification for that project more most.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: My brother is ____ than my sister shorter shortest.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: That building is the ____ building in the town shortest shorter.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: The ____ you drive, the ____ dangerous it is faster / most faster / more more / faster.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: The higher they climbed, the colder it got higher / colder colder / higher.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: this dress is ____ than this nicer nicest.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: I had the ____ day of my life worst worster worstest.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: That is the _____ baloon that i've had biggest bigger.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: She is the ______ girl in your class smartest smarter.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: This is the ______ novel I have ever read. most interesting more interesting.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: This house is _______ than ever excitinger more exciting.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: Mike is _____ than Isaac funnier more funny .
Elija el adjetivo correcto: This book is _______ than the last one. more boring boringer.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: Martha is ___ ____ of the four sisters the elder the eldest.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: I think his last book is his ______, i didn't like it; his third book was the ________, i loved it least interesting / most interesting most interesting / least interesting.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: That is the _____ puppy of the litter. sleepyest sleepiest.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: Today I had the ____ time touring the city best better.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: I went _____ than my friend when we walked around the park farther far.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: Goku is ___ ____ than Freezer more powerful the powerest.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: You bought the ____ attractive pair of moccasins at the thrift store, hey are ugly least most.
Elijia el adjetivo correcto: I do ____ in math, but at least I’m not the ____ badly / worst badly / worse.
Elijia el adjetivo correcto: Your dog runs ___ than Jim's dog faster fastest.
Elijia el adjetivo correcto: The rock flew _____ than the roof higher highest highiest.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: This is the ______ box I've ever seen smallest smaller.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: Your dog ran the ____ of any dog in the race fastest faster.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: It's the ___ _____ job in the city most important more important.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: This is the ____ expensive sweater in the store least leaster.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: I ran pretty far yesterday, but I ran even ____ today farther farthest.
Elija el adjetivo correcto: This sweater is ____ expensive than that one less lesser lessest.
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