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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEUso correcto de Verbos modales (Modal verbs)

Título del test:
Uso correcto de Verbos modales (Modal verbs)

Evaluación del uso correcto de Modal verbs


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Número preguntas: 40
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Elija la mejor respuesta: I __ do this, am a great student can should.
Elija la mejor respuesta: We are in trouble, we ___ ask for help should can.
Elija la mejor respuesta: He´s a cute guy, you ____ say that you like him should would.
Elija la mejor respuesta: I ___ learn english, am smart, am shure of it! can may.
Elija la mejor respuesta: You made a bad thing, you ___ stop doing this, its completly wrong must may.
Elija la mejor respuesta: They ____ go for that concert, Daddy Yankee he's comming only this year!!! ought to may.
Elija la mejor respuesta: She ____ do that project, but she needs more practice would must.
Elija la mejor respuesta: He ___ work as a police officer, he is the best in the group without a doubt must may.
Elija la traducción correcta: can should must would will ought to may.
Ordene la frase correctamente: buy car a should new They.
Ordene la frase correctamente: better make furniture a can We.
Ordene la frase correctamente: She that shall not take.
Ordene la frase correctamente: have house must good a You.
Ordene la frase correctamente: edition It be a must collector's.
Ordene la frase correctamente: He ought_to job take that.
Ordene la frase correctamente: test this do I can.
Ordene la frase correctamente: can a She good student be.
Ordene la frase correctamente: her She may house sell.
Ordene la frase correctamente: as a He chef work should.
Ordene la frase correctamente: take May english I classes?.
Ordene la frase correctamente: he Should this decide contract.
Ordene la frase correctamente: I job? consider Can a new.
Ordene la frase correctamente: a to for you like Would go dinner?.
Ordene la frase correctamente: I marathon will run that.
Ordene la frase correctamente: May car? he start the.
Ordene la frase correctamente: I Should homework? do the.
Ordene la frase correctamente: go shall reunion? we to the.
Ordene la frase correctamente: I do project? May that.
Ordene la frase correctamente: cook dinner a He salad for shall.
Ordene la frase correctamente: go we with them? Shall.
Ordene la frase correctamente: a chair? new to Ought_I buy.
Elija la mejor respuesta: ___ I take the red one, or the blue one? shall ought to.
Elija la mejor respuesta: ____ it look like a new one?, i doubt it Should Can.
Elija la mejor respuesta: ____ he do this favor to me? Would Must.
Elija la mejor respuesta: He ___ go, his mother is angry! must would.
Elija la mejor respuesta: Take this!, you ___ hold it, is very expensive! must shall.
Elija la mejor respuesta: He ____ sing with Marc Anthony, he sings like Gilberto Santa Rosa! could may.
Elija la mejor respuesta: They ___ __ go there, is a dangerous site shall not should.
Elija la mejor respuesta: It ____ be the best phone, you can not do a call at all might might not.
Elija la mejor respuesta: She __ ___ buy that shirt, is too expensive for her budget wouldn't would.
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