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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEUso de Do y Does en preguntas

Título del test:
Uso de Do y Does en preguntas

Evaluación de ejercicios donde se debe identificar el correcto uso de Do y Does


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Número preguntas: 38
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Una el pronombre con la forma del verbo auxiliar "Do" y "Does" Do Does.
Una el verbo auxiliar con la oración correcta Does Do.
Ordene la frase correctamente: Does food? eat he.
Ordene la frase correctamente: geography? Do know you.
Ordene la frase correctamente: burn? it Does.
Ordene la frase correctamente: have a we book? Do.
Ordene la frase correctamente: to Do go I can beach? the.
Ordene la frase correctamente: Does he music? love.
Elija la palabra faltante: __ you have a bottle of water? Do Does.
Elija la palabra faltante: __ they can go outside? Doesn't Does Do.
Elija la palabra faltante: __ she swims like a butterfly? Does Do.
Elija la palabra faltante: __ I have to eat that food? Do Does.
Elija la palabra faltante: __ you can go with me for a trip? Do Does Don't Doesn't.
Elija la palabra faltante: __ it produce some volatile compounds? Does Do Doesn't Don't.
Elija la palabra faltante: ___ they take the bus to Ibarra? Do Does.
Elija la palabra faltante: ____ she is part of the english class?. Yes, she ___ Does / do Does / does.
Elija la palabra faltante: ___ they watching us?, becouse they ___ friendly Are / aren't Do / aren't.
Elija la palabra faltante: ___ you like pizza?, I know today __ your birthday Do / is Does / are Do / are.
Elija la palabra faltante: ____ it comes with a toy?, becouse I __ in the waiting list Does / was Do / was Does / were.
Elija la palabra faltante: ___ they want to eat?, we ___ waiting for people to do it Do / were Does / was Do / was Does / were.
Elija la palabra faltante: ___ he ___ salsa music?, i love to dance with him Does / like Do / likes Does / likes.
Elija la palabra faltante: She ___ sing opera music, ___ she is in any orchesta? loves / Does love / Does loves / Do.
Una la pregunta con su respuesta correcta Does he talk in the phone? Do they are singing "Ella me levantó" in the karaoke? Does it cost so much? Does she arrive here this night? Are you trying to make a car design?.
Una las preguntas con su respuesta: Were you in the club? Was he cooking chaulafan? Does she builds houses? Do they are in Cayambe? Do we need to go?.
Ordene la frase correctamente: she house Riobamba? Does have in a.
Ordene la frase correctamente: Do buy to medicines? need we.
Ordene la frase correctamente: make Does a noise? it loud.
Ordene la frase correctamente: like to chontacuros? you Do eat.
Elija la palabra faltante: I __ in the entrance, __ you know if she __ here? was / do / was were / does / was was / does / was.
Elija la palabra faltante: __ you crazy?, He __ in the office te hole day, __ you want to report it? Are / wasn't / do Are / weren't / does Is / wasn't / do Do / is / do.
Elija la palabra faltante: No, we __ have that class, __ you our teacher today? don't / are doesn't / are don't / do.
Elija la palabra faltante: ___ she want a new phone?, she ___ answer my calls Does / doesn't Does / does Do / do.
Elija la palabra faltante: You __ in my house, the meet __ good, __ you know my sister? were / was / do was / were / do were / were / do.
Elija la palabra faltante: He __ in the math class, __ he likes to do equations? was / does were / does was / do.
Elija la palabra faltante: __ they want to go camping with you to Chimborazo? Do Does Are Were.
Elija la palabra faltante: She __ my partner, we __ in the english class, __ you know Teresa? is / are / do is / are / does is / is / do.
Elija la palabra faltante: He ___ Teresa, becouse he __ in ESPOMIL knows / was know / were.
Elija la palabra faltante: She is in special forces, ___ she know combat abilities? does do.
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