Mi Daypo

TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEUso del verbo "To be" en pasado

Título del test:
Uso del verbo "To be" en pasado

Evaluación con ejemplos del uso correcto del verbo "To be" (Was y Were)


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Número preguntas: 33
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Complete: I __ cooking some donuts was were.
Complete: She __ sleeping during the movie was were.
Complete: They__ making a good game were was.
Complete: It __ a nice show with Chespirito was were.
Complete: It__ my phone ringing that day wasn´t weren't.
Complete: She __ the leader in the race was were.
Complete: He __ the teacher in that math class wasn't weren´t.
Complete: They ___ on that bus, they ___ in the train weren't / wasn´t weren't / were wasn´t / weren't were / wasn't.
Una el verbo "To be" en pasado con su pronombre correcto Was Were.
Una el verbo "To be" en pasado con su correcta contracción: He was not She was not I was not They were not You were not We were not.
Una la traducción correcta He was She was It was You were They were We were He were.
Complete: am sorry, I __ just with my friends in the birthay party was were.
Complete: I'm afraid about the results, she __ part of the experiment was were.
Complete: We __ in the disco last night, the dance contest __ great! were / was was / were.
Ordene la frase correctamente: great I was a runner.
Ordene la frase correctamente: in were ESPOMIL We students.
Ordene la frase correctamente: artist They good in 1930 were.
Ordene la frase correctamente: in to Chimborazo trip were the You.
Ordene la frase correctamente: weren't same the They in team.
Una las frases con su respuesta correcta It was a great movie She was in the bus stop He was a bad president in 1910 We were partners in ESPOMIL You were my girlfriend She was a singer in the old days They were part of the club.
Complete: He __ the suspect int murder case from 1997 wasn't weren't.
Complete: She __ the girl in the car number 8 wasn't weren't.
Responda la pregunta: You were in the graduation day? Yes, I was Yes, I were.
Complete: It __ your computer wasn't weren't.
Complete: You __ alone in the room, i saw a ghost weren´t wasn´t.
Complete: The last night, I __ alone in the kitchen and i heard footsteps behind me was were.
Complete: My food __ in the table, you eat it! was were.
Complete: It __ a good job, it __ a big mistake wasn't / was weren't / wasn´t.
Complete: You __ in the entrance, when I __ in the lobby were / was was / were.
Complete: It __ a good movie was were.
Complete: it __ a nice car, it __ a cheap car was / wasn't was / weren't were / weren't.
Complete: We __ in the club last night were was.
Complete: They ___ good people, they ___ happy in the party are / were were / are are / are.
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