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Validación Inglés IV N.-8

preguntas inglés 4 - de la 60-90

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61. Select the sentence that is not correct. a. People who live in apartments they have many neighbor contacts. b. People who live in apartments have many neighbor contacts. c. People that live in apartments have many neighbor contacts. .
62. What of the following sentences contains adjective clause? a. The mechanic I use has a lot of experience b. The mechanic has a lot of experience c. The mechanic seems to have a lot of experience .
63. What is the correct answer for the following question? Have you been studying grammar? Yes, ______________________. a. I studied Grammar b. I have studied grammar c. I`ve been studied grammar.
64. Select the word that best completes the sentence: Ann: How did Joseph look about this work? Ann: Bill: he looked very _________. a. Interesting b. Interested c. Exciting .
65. Select the choice that best completes the sentence. Tom: I hate giving presentations at work. Tom: Alan: Right. I feel really ______ when I have to speak to a big group of people. a. Frighten b. Frightened c. Frightening .
66. Select the choice that best completes the sentence Tom: I hate giving presentations at work - Tom: Alan: Right. I feel really frightened__________ a. When I need to ask for a better salary b. When i have to speak to a big group of people c. When I have to share my ideas to my office partner .
67. Select the choice that best completes the sentence. I have one idea for your presentation. Maybe you could tell a short but ______ story that will make people laugh. a. Amusing b. Amuse c. Amused .
68. Select the choice showing the question that completes conversation correctly. Ann: __________? Bill: Full-time library assistant. a. Where is the job? b. What is the job c. What are the job duties? .
69. Select the words or phrases that best completes the statement: Marcia was giving an ______ presentation at work. She noticed that every seemed very ________ by the presentation. a. Interested……amused b. Interested……amusing c. Interesting…… amused .
70. Select the words or phrses that best completes the statement My aunt is a very_________ person; she has had many_______________life experiences - a. Interested…… excited b. Interested….exciting c. Interesting ….Esciting .
71. Which of the following sentences is describing the way someone feels? a. At the end of the day, George is always tired. b. George`s work is very tiring. c. The movie George saw yesterday was very boring. .
72. Select the correct answer for the following question. Have you been speaking only English since you came to class? Yes, ____________________. a. I`ve been speaking only English b. I spoke only English c. I was speaking only English .
73. Select the option showing only negative adjectives a. Amused, excited, boring b. Bored, frightened, frustrated c. Interesting, frustrating, boring .
74. Match the sentence that best combines with the dependent clause, due to the warmer temperatures, _______________. a. People decided to become vegetarian b. The people are building homes from wood c. The polar ice caps are meting .
75. Select the sentence that best matches with the first one People are building homes in forest. _________________________. a. As a result, animals are losing they natural habitats b. Animals are as a result losing their natural habitats c. Animal are losing their natural habitats as a result .
76. Select the choice showing an effect of smog. a. Too many cars on the roads and highways b. Killing of many trees and plants that produce oxygen and clean the air c. Use of too much electricity .
77. Select the choice showing the effect that matches with this cause: There are floods every year a. So, many people lose their homes b. So, they need a new place to live c. So, rainwater runs off the mountains .
78. Read the sentence and choose the true statement: if people recycled all their papel, we could save a lot of trees. a. People recycle all their paper b. People have recycled all the paper c. People put a lot of paper in the trash can .
79. Select the choice that corresponds. _________________ the weather is getting warmer we use more electricity for air conditioning. a. Therefore b. So that c. Since .
80. Select the clause that correctly completes this conditional sentence He`s not very happy because his family lives so far away. He would be happier if ______________. a. He brings his family to live there b. He would bring his family to live there c. He brought his family to live there.
81. Select the clause that best completes the sentence with a future real conditional: if Sam passes the exam, _______________. a. He would get the job b. He will get the job c. He wouldn`t get the job .
82. Consider the following sentence and select the option showing its corresponding unreal conditional. I don`t have time, so I can`t help you. a. If I have time, I will help you b. If I had time, I would help you c. If I have time, I will not help you .
84. The verb “hope” should be used to ta about ________________. a. Possible situation b. Situations that are not possible c. Both a and b .
85. Select the option to complete the sentences using the correct form of the modal. I hope ______________ to Japan next summer. I`m saving money now for the trip. a. I would travel b. I could travel c. I can travel .
86. Select the option to complete the sentence appropriately I hope I can travel to Japan next summer a. I would like to travel more frequently b. We´re looking for nice places in Europe c. I´m saving money now for the trip .
88. What does the following statement mean? ¿Qué significa la siguiente declaración? I was surprised because guest didn`t bring present to Salma and Yusef`s wedding. a. Salma and Yusef have a big reception for their friends and family members b. Salma and yusef were registered for gifts at a store c. Salma and Yusef are following the traditional weeding customs .
89. Select the choice that completes the sentence correctly. It`s a __________ in my culture that the groom shouldn’t see the bride`s dress before the wedding ceremony. a. Fortune b. Tradition c. Symbol .
90. Select the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. A: Why Doesn`t David even answer his phone? B: Well, he rarely answers his cell phone __________ he forgets to turn it on. ¿Por qué David no responde a su teléfono? a. Because b. Although c. Even though .
60. Choose the sentence that combines correctly the following sentences: Smartphones are sometimes difficult to use. They have following sentences: a. Smartphones are sometimes difficult to use that they have many features b. Smartphones that have many features sometimes difficult to use c. Smartphones sometimes difficult to use have many features.
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