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Second Unit

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in a foreign country or going to a foreign country.
an Oscar; a prize given each year in the US to the best film, performance in a film, etc.
an event in which someone is hurt, for example when cars crash.
a notice in a newspaper, a short film on television, etc., which tries to persuade people to buy something.
the place where you arrive and leave when you travel by plane.
not digital, analogue technology uses a system in which information is stored in the form of changing physical quantities such as electrical voltage.
when you feel upset towards someone who has done something bad.
when you see something for the first time.
when something has only the things you need and nothing more.
the information or ideas that you use to develop an idea or plan.
an area of sand next to the sea.
the friend someone knows and like the most.
to arrange to have or do something at a particular time.
unhappy and impatient because something is not interesting or you have nothing to do.
to damage something so that it separates into pieces.
the business of making television or radio programs.
to make something large and strong such as a building, road, bridge, etc., using special materials.
a journey to a place where you stay for a short time and work while you are there.
to say that an event or meeting will not happen.
the part in the middle of a city or town where most of the shops, restaurants, clubs, etc. are.
to do something in order to make sure that everything is safe, correct or working properly.
the skilled cook, especially the most important cook in a restaurant or a cook on a television program.
to move towards the top of something.
near to a place or person.
when people talk to each other or give each other information using letters, telephones, emails, etc.
a performance given by musicians or singers.
something that happens as a result of something else.
if two or more things are contrasting, they are very different from each other.
a talk between two or more people, especially friends.
the skill or activity of cooking food.
an astronaut, i.e. someone who travels in a spacecraft; usually used of an astronaut from the former Soviet Union.
a small plastic card that you use to buy things and play for them later.
the end of someone’s life.
when a person, plane, train, etc. leaves a place.
to draw or plan something that you will make, plan or build.
when something gets bigger or becomes more important.
to stop living.
someone who gives instructions to actors in a film or play.
unhappy because something good that you expected did not happen.
a flat round object like a CD that stores films, pictures and sounds, which you watch on a computer or a piece of equipment called DVD player.
using electricity and microchips.
when you feel nervous or uncomfortable about what other people think of you.
a special sign that is used to show an emotion in email and on the internet, often by making a picture.
to get pleasure from something.
when you are not killed, injured, punished, etc., when you could have been.
very happy or interested because something good is happening or is going to happen.
to drop down towards the ground.
something that you experience in your mind or your body.
belonging to the sex that can have babies or produce eggs.
a boat that regularly carries people across a narrow area of water.
an area of land that is used for growing food, keeping animals or playing sports.
okay, not wonderful.
something that has never happened before.
a journey in a plane, or the plane making a particular journey.
not to remember something.
a large piece of kitchen equipment where you keep food at a low temperature but do not freeze it.
food that has been stored at very low temperatures to preserve it.
something that makes you laugh.
small bags that you carry with you when you travel on a plane.
to touch something or someone with a lot of force.
(1) related to people rather than to machines or animals. (2) a man, woman or child.
when you do not feel well and are not healthy.
someone at an airport, border, etc. who checks your passport etc. when you enter a country.
facts or details about something.
unusual or exciting in a way that makes you think and want to know more.
to make something happen or start to be used for the first time.
to think of or make something completely new.
a machine, tool, system, etc. that someone has invented.
a piece of land that is completely surrounded by water.
(1) only (2) used for emphasizing something you are saying.
a unit for measuring length, equal to 1,000 meters.
the person or thing that comes after all the others.
best or most important.
unhappy because you are alone.
when you do not know where something is and cannot find it.
biggest or most important.
to see and talk to someone for the first time.
something you remember from the past.
to feel annoyed or upset about something.
a telephone that you can carry with you and use anywhere.
using a new method, new equipment or new ideas.
your feelings and emotions at a particular time.
the language that you learn as a baby.
a wide road on which you can drive fast for long distances.
a country and its people.
a short distance away from something.
one of the prizes given each year to people who have done important work in science, medicine, literature, economics or work towards world peace.
one of the five very large areas of water in the world.
an academy award; a prize given each year in the US to the best film, performance in a film, etc.
the person who you are married to or are having a relationship with.
a small official book with your photograph inside that you need when you travel to a foreign country.
(1) to give someone money for something that you are buying from them. (2) to give someone money for doing work.
something that you give to someone.
the leader of a country that does not have a king or queen.
to make or grow something.
a show on television or radio.
calm and not worried about anything.
when a memory comes back into your mind.
something that you are allowed to do or have by law.
a type of loud popular music with a strong beat.
when you run for pleasure or as a sport.
making you feel unhappy.
television programs that are broadcast by sending signals via satellite (a machine that is sent into space).
to keep money instead of spending it, so that you can use it later.
how big, serious or important something is.
someone who studies science.
a television or radio.
visiting famous or interesting places, especially as a tourist.
a picture or shape that has a particular meaning.
all the people who live in the same country and share the same way of life.
the area around the earth where the stars and planets are.
the part of a spacecraft in which people live and work.
someone who pays to travel into space in a spacecraft.
how fast a person or thing moves.
a small creature with eight legs.
to not go to bed.
to spend a short period of time in a place.
unusual or surprising.
worried and unable to relax.
to learn about a subject.
to think that something is true, based on what you know.
when you did not expect something and it seems strange.
a car with a driver that you pay to drive you somewhere.
the knowledge, equipment and methods that are used in scientific or industrial work.
a piece of paper that you buy in order to travel somewhere or go to an event.
best or most successful.
to send out radio or television signals.
a journey to a place and back again, especially when you only stay in the place for a short time.
when a group of people or countries agree with each other about something.
a machine used for recording television programs or playing video tapes.
to choose which person you want to elect or which plan you support by making a mark on a piece of paper or raising your hand.
a small clock that you wear on your wrist.
a marriage ceremony.
to get a prize in a game or competition.
when you are not happy because you keep thinking about a problem or something bad that might happen.
to keep thinking about something negative, not happy or relaxed.
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