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Third Unit

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someone whose job is to keep records of how much money a business has received and spent.
someone who performs in plays or films.
something that makes things better or easier for you.
when you suggest what someone should do.
to have the same opinion as someone else.
a clock that makes a noise to wake you up.
full of energy or activity.
very surprising or very good.
drawings, paintings, sculpture, etc.
not at home, work or school.
a man whose job is to serve drinks in a bar.
a gate or fence that stops people from entering or leaving an area.
a long container that you sit in to wash yourself.
a piece of furniture that you sleep on at night.
to stop what you are doing for a short time in order to rest or eat.
full of people, vehicles, etc.
a restaurant where you collect your own food and take it to a table to eat it.
to get on a bus, train, etc.
to give money in exchange for money from a different currency.
the things you wear, such as shirts, skirts, pants, etc.
something that makes you feel physically relaxed.
to regularly travel a long distance to work.
an organization that makes or sells things.
in every way, totally.
to think very carefully about what you are doing.
one of the large areas of land in the world, such as Africa, Asia, America or Europe.
someone who prepares and cooks food.
the ideas, behavior, beliefs, etc. of a particular society.
likely to harm you.
a particular day or year, when a historical event happened.
a place where you go to see a dentist.
someone whose job is to look after and repair people’s teeth.
the way that something is planned or made.
instructions telling how to go from one place to another, or how to do something.
someone whose job is to treat people who are sick.
without difficulty.
not difficult.
to take food into your body through your mouth.
in a way that gets the result you want.
something that works using electricity.
a message sent by computer.
showing or using a lot of energy.
a written or spoken test to discover how much you know about a particular subject, or how well you can do something.
making you feel very happy or interested because something good is happening or is going to happen.
something that you know is true or that you know has happened.
to begin to sleep.
extremely interesting.
the style of clothes, hair, etc. that is popular at a particular time.
to come to the end of doing something or making something.
not from your own country.
to let someone who has been unable to leave a place go or get out.
to make someone feel afraid.
a room or building where you can look at paintings.
to wake up and move out of bed.
the spirit of a dead person that some people believe they can see.
to suddenly make a loud noise.
someone whose job is to show a place to tourists.
when someone shows you around a place of interest and tells you all about it.
someone whose job is to wash, cut and arrange people’s hair.
a place that is thought to have ghosts in.
not ill, or not likely to become ill.
responsible for yourself, making your own decisions and not needing help from other people.
work that you do regularly in order to earn money.
to become a member of an organization or group.
someone who writes reports for newspapers, magazines, television or radio.
soothe person in a law court who decides what punishment a criminal should get.
the system of rules that people in a country must obey.
someone whose job is to advise people about the law and speak for them in court.
an electric lamp that lets you see in dark.
a track for trains to travel along.
a number of different things that you write one below the other.
when something makes a lot of noise.
to go from one place or position to another.
a woman whose job is to take care of a family’s children.
a short sleep during the day.
when you need something.
without stopping.
used to talk about what happens now, compared to the past.
someone whose job is to look after people who are ill or injured, usually in a hospital.
used to mean that something can easily be noticed or understood.
able to stay calm and not angry when you have to wait for a long time or when someone is behaving badly.
to give someone the money that you borrowed from them.
exactly right for a particular purpose.
a liquid with a strong pleasant smell that you put on your skin.
an amount of time.
experiences, opinions or qualities that you own and are not heard or copied from someone else.
the type of person someone is, and the way they behave towards other people.
someone whose job is to repair water pipes, toilets, etc.
work that involves doing things rather than thinking or talking about them.
trains, buses, etc. that are available for everyone to use.
a skill or quality that you need to do a job.
something that a person or thing has as part of their character or nature, especially something good.
when there is not very much noise in a place.
not imagined, because it actually happens or exists.
to rest or do something you enjoy, especially after working.
to fix, put something in a good condition again after it has been damaged or has not been working properly.
to study a subject in details so you can discover new facts about it.
to prepare for a test by learning work again.
something, especially money, that is given to someone to thank them for doing something.
a long area of water that flows into a sea.
the usual way in which you do things.
the time of day when there is a lot of traffic because people are going to and from work.
to say something very loudly, sometimes in an angry way.
when you wash your whole body in a flow of water that you stand under.
when someone is dressed in a neat and attractive way.
to find a successful way to deal with a problem.
the way something seems to you when you listen to it or hear about it.
a room where the people who work for an organization can go to eat or relax when they have a break from their work.
to begin a game, or to be the first person to play in a game.
a place where trains or buses stop so that people can get on and off.
someone who tells stories.
to push your arms or legs out as far as they can go.
a friend or classmate who studies with you so that you can help each other with your work.
one of the things you study at school or university.
when you achieve what you have been trying to do.
a large shop that sells almost everything.
something that holds someone or something up, stopping them from falling.
to have a particular flavor.
someone who you pay to drive you somewhere in a car.
to ask someone questions or make them do things to show how much they know or how well they can something.
a written message that you send to someone using a mobile phone.
a long narrow piece of cloth that you wear around your neck with a shirt.
a trip around the different parts of a building, city or country.
someone whose job is to take tourists on a tour around a place.
someone who visits a place for pleasure.
to learn how to do something that needs a particular skill.
a kind of shoe that you wear for sports such as running.
to change a written or said thing from the language they used into another language.
someone whose job is to translate things from one language into another.
to make a machine, light, etc. stop working, using its controls.
to make a light stop working by pressing a button.
a group of people or things that are similar to each other in some way.
the railway system that runs under the city of London. Subway (American English).
a set of clothes that people wear so that they all look the same.
something that does not happen often or is different from what you would normally expect.
helping you do or get what you want.
an official document that allows you to enter and leave a country.
someone who visits a place or person.
stop sleeping.
gentle, when you prepare for stronger exercise.
any day of the week except Saturday and Sunday.
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