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Doing puzzles keeps our brains fit and ______________ (health).
As well as gaining ______________ (satisfy) from finding the correct answers to a difficult problem.
The most _______ (success) games have sold in their millions.
People ______ (cover) that the more they play the game, the easier it is.
They see this as proof that there has been an ____________ (improve) in the power of their brains.
Some ______ (science) argue that the brain gets better at any task the more often it is repeated.
The improvement in the ________ (perfom) of the brain is something that happens naturally.
It remains _________ (certain) wheter they are actually helping to boost brainpower.
According to recent ____________ (search), .
previous generations may actually contain some ________ (true).
A good example is the ______________ (relation) between feeling cold and catching a cold.
simply dressing in ________ (suit) clothes for the cold weather, was a sure way of catching a cold.
In the __________ (absent) of a virus, you cannot catch a cold.
No matter how low the temperature or how ____________ (appropriate) your clothing.
But _______ (science) now think that we have viruses in our bodies.
____________ (fortunate), this also allows the cold virus to attack the nose or throat.
This also allows the cold virus to attack the nose or throat more ___________ (easy).
Victoria Falls on the Zambezi river in Africa is one of the most ________ (spectacle).
It is also an ___________ (credible) sights in the world.
The translation of the local Zambian name for the falls is "the smoke that thunders" and it's a pretty good __________ (describe).
It's the noise that makes the greates ___________ (impress) on you.
The __________ (surround) landscape is also awesome.
The rapids _________ (far) down the Zambezi river.
The rapids are given grades five and six on the sports ____________ (difficult) scale.
There are place, where relative __________ (begin) can have a go.
Ensure that you don't stray into the more _________ (danger) sections by mistake.
There are many types of plastic,each one ___________ (suit) for a particular use.
Hard plastic is a ____________ (use) material for making functional objects.
has been used to make very _________ (attract) piece of forniture.
Plastic has a __________ (repute) for being cheap and disponsable.
In the hands of a good _________ (desing), it can be used to make objects of great beauty.
As well as offering ________ (extreme) high quality ..... .
Plastic can also be seen as an enviromentally friendly _________ (choose) of material.
It can be used in place of wood and other materials that are in short supply in their __________ (nature) state.
It would probably be possible to ________ (cycle) the material.
____________ (bore) can be a real problem.
_________ (science) and doctors need to find out what this feels like.
As part of the ___________ (search) programme.
During their time in __________ (isolate), the volunteers will be able to communicate with their controllers.
They will be ________ (able) to have a conversation in real time. .
There will be a ____________ (mix) of solo games and competitive games available.
they will be asked to give ____________ (feed) on how hard they found the games.
What their ________ (emotion) state was at the time.
As a result of the _________ (inform) gathered.
An important form of adverstising in the first part of the __________ (twenty) century.
Was designed to make people believe that they could ________ (joy) a more luxurious lifestyle.
by presenting them with images of _______ (relax) and glamour.
As travel became less _______ (spend), posters were produced to advertise railways.
before television made other ways of advertising more ________ (effect).
the value of a poster is often linked to the __________ (art) who created the original. .
Influenced by ________ (move) such as cubism and surrealism.
Their own style and use of colours, which is ____________ (instant) recognisable.
can command _____________ (surprise) high prices.
Many of the world's biggest brand names had very humble ______ (begin).
The car manufacturer Porsche is no ___________ (except). .
Reading about the ____________ (grow) of a small business.
The book includes a wonderful ____________ (collect) of two hundred glossy photographs.
Including what is _________ (sure) one of the most famous cars.
The _________ (legend) actor James Dean.
This is a very classy coffe table book that is both _____ (enjoy) and informative.
If you are fan of ________ (glamour) sport cars.
You may well find it ________ (possible) to resist.
Civilisations have understood the __________ (important) of time.
The precise ___________ (measure) if time is a necessity.
put a lot of effort into the development of _____________ (rely) calendars and clocks.
People used the __________ (observe) of movements int the night sky.
It would be __________ (use) to divide days up into smaller units of time.
They were responsible for the __________ (invent) of the system of 24 hours in a day.
The first clocks were sundials using the ________ (long) of the Sun's shadow.
This worked weel in sunny countries but was _____________ (appropriate) for place where the sky was often cloudy.
They could tell the time with any degree of ____________ (accurate).
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