

Título del Test:
Yarek ING 08

Computers everywhere


Fecha de Creación: 22/05/2023

Categoría: Informática

Número Preguntas: 30
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Which is PALM/HP Application store: Apple Store Google's Android Market Palm App Catalog Ovi app store.
The first "home computer" was an experimental home automation system in 1986 1996 1966 2006.
FoneMonkey This is a free Mobile Application Testing tool for iPhone applications This is an automation tool for Android Mobile Application This is a visual technology to automate and test graphical user interface (GUI) using images This is an automation tool for Mobile Application across all platforms, all devices.
What does PDA mean? Personal Device Assistant Personal Digital Assistant Peripheral Digital Assistant Peripheral Device Administrator.
Apple introduces its first Iphone in 2005 2006 2007 2008.
The nice thing about mobile computing is that We get the option to work anywhere we'd like We can work just at the office We can not work everywhere we'd like We are always working.
Nokia entered the tablet space with the Nokia 770 running MeeGo Maemo Symbian All of them are false.
Which is Iphone Application store Apple Store Google's Android Market Palm App Catalog Ovi app store.
MeeGo is a Linux-based operating system developed by Apple Google Intel and Nokia Blackberry.
Which of these is not a disadvantage of tablets from laptops: More knowledge of the programs is needed - because, for example, information on icons is not obtained by pointing at them. (The Compaq Concerto from 1992 did not have this weakness.) Weaker video capabilities - Most tablet computers are equipped with embedded graphics processors instead of discrete graphics cards. In July 2010, one of tablet PCs with a discrete graphics card was the HP TouchSmart tm2t, which has the ATI Mobility Radeon HD5450 as an optional extra The ability for easier or faster entry of diagrams, mathematical notations, and symbols Business-oriented tablet personal computers have been slower sellers from 2001 to date.
Which of these is an advantage of tablets from laptops Usage in environments not conducive to a keyboard and mouse such as lying in bed, standing, or handling with a single hand Lighter weight, lower power models can function similarly to dedicated E-book readers like the Amazon Kindle Touch environment makes navigation easier than conventional use of keyboard and mouse or touch pad in certain contexts such as image manipulation, musical, or mouse oriented games and for people with certain disabilities All of them are true.
Iphone operating system is called IOS Android Symbian Google.
Symbian was ______ operating system Palm Nokia Sony HTC.
Which of these devices you can keep in a pocket? Smartphone Tablet Laptop Desktop.
The app which allows iphone's users to storage information in Internet is called: iCloud iMac iTransfer iPad.
The next Microsoft operating system for Tablet will be: Windows 6 Windows 8 Windows Phone Windows Tablet.
Which of theses words is not a Mobile Operating System? IOS Android Symbian Ipad.
You can control an intelligent home: A) With a smartphone B) From everywhere A and B are true A and B are false.
Which is Android Application store: Apple Store Google's Android Market Palm App Catalog Ovi app store.
What does API mean? Android Programming Internet Application Programming Interfaces Android Phone Interface Application Phone Internet.
The term used to describe Internet applications that run on smartphones and other mobile devices is: App Firmware Mobware Phoneware.
A _________ is a mobile computer, larger than a mobile phone or personal digital assistant, integrated into a flat touch screen and primarily operated by touching the screen rather than using a physical keyboard Smartphone Tablet Laptop Desktop.
The Android operating system for smartphones was released in 2006 2007 2008 2009.
Android is an open-source platform backed by: HTC Nokia Google Apple.
Deviceanywhere This is a free Mobile Application Testing tool for iPhone applications This is an automation tool for Android Mobile Application This is a visual technology to automate and test graphical user interfaces (GUI) using images This is an automation tool for Mobile Application across all platforms, all devices.
Robotium This is a free Mobile Application Testing tool for iPhone applications This is an automation tool for Android Mobile Application This is a visual technology to automate and test graphical user interfaces (GUI) using images This is an automation tool for Mobile Application across all platforms, all devices.
Nowadays Nokia's operating system is IOS Windows Phone Symbian Android.
The iphone emulator is: E-iphone Iphoney Iphoner All of them are false.
Which is Nokia Application store Apple Store Google's Android Market Palm App Catalog Ovi app store.
Android apps are available via: (REVISAR) Android Market iTunes Google Market Android Tunes.
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