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Alala.Aptis. Collocations

Alala.Aptis. Collocations

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agua dulce sweet water fresh water.
ojo morado purple eye black eye.
diente de ajo garlic tooth clove of garlic.
lluvia fuerte strong rain heavy rain.
mentira piadosa good lie white lie.
viejo verde green man dirty old man.
fuerte aplauso strong applause big round of applause.
juego de mesa table game board game.
día festivo festive day bank holiday.
hacer un examen. Señala la incorrecta make an exam sit an exam/ test take a test.
Hacer una prueba medica. Señala la incorrecta have a test done sit an exam run a test.
We're going to..................on you to determine exactly what is wrong with you. run a test sit an exam.
I have to go the clinic tomorrow to .................... have a test done do a test.
Señala la incorrecta: I always get nervous before........... taking a test. sitting a test. making a test.
hacer una presentación make a presentation give a presentation.
The winners have to .............. at 6:00 give a presentation make a presentation.
dirigir un negocio direct a business run a business.
When you .......................... you have to make all the important decisions yourself. run your own business directo your own business.
una ducha rapida a quick shower a fast shower.
tener razón have reason be right.
And normally I love ..................., more than anything. being right having reason.
You cannot win an argument just by .............. being right having right.
tomar una decisión take a decision make a decision.
When you run your own business you have to ................ make all the important decisions yourself take all the important decisions yourself.
pillar la indirecta catch the indirect take the hint.
poner la mesa put the table set the table.
Since you didn’t .............. I’ll just say it; it’s your turn to ...............! take the hint/ set the table catch the indirect/ set the table take the hint/put the table.
helada fuerte Hard frost Strong frost.
comida rápida Fast food Quick food.
Cometer un asesinato. Commit murder Make murder.
Hacer la cama Make the bed Do the bed.
Dar consejo Give advice Tell advice.
Fumador compulsivo Heavy smoker strong smoker.
Gran cantidad Large amount Big amount.
Un sabor fuerte A strong taste A big taste.
Gran Peligro Deep trouble Big trouble.
Con todo lujo de detalles In great detail With all details.
Cerrar un trato Close a deal strike a deal.
....... tiempo, dinero (ahorrar) Save time, money keep time, money.
Coger un resfriado catch a cold catch constipated.
Sonarse la nariz Blow your nose ring your nose.
Mantener la calma Keep calm be calm.
Cambiar de idea Change your mind change your idea.
chunks trozos, bloques chanzas.
.......... a goal achieve reach.
awful lot a lot.
Can you ________ to meet us this week? make time do time.
You'll forget all about it ________ by. when time comes as time goes.
They're really busy. They work ________ dusk. (desde que amanece hasta que anochece) from dawn to from day to.
The Internet was developed in the _____ century. last 20th late 20th.
There have been several robberies in the _____ weeks. past few few past.
We _____ time sitting in a traffic jam. We should've taken the train. damaged wasted.
If we take this short cut we'll _____ some time. keep save.
We couldn't finish because we ________ time. ran through ran out of.
What do you do in your _____ time? free loose.
He arrived at exactly 11am, _____ on time. right straight.
There's only one diving board, but if we _____________ diving everyone will have plenty of dives. Take goes Take turns Take tries .
In the village where I grew up, everyone survived by helping _______________ through the hard times. one other one or other one another.
Impuestos elevados heavy taxes strong taxes.
a heavy drinker // a heavy smoker //a heavy drug user. HEAVY se usa.... para hablar de condiciones medioambientales y también para malos hábitos y cosas desagradables. se utiliza con hechos y opiniones y también con sensaciones de los sentidos.
strong argument // strong evidence //strong smell. STRONG se usa.... para hablar de condiciones medioambientales y también para malos hábitos y cosas desagradables. se utiliza con hechos y opiniones y también con sensaciones de los sentidos.
admiration great Large.
anger great Large.
enjoyment great Large.
excitement great Large.
fun great Large.
happiness great Large.
joy great Large.
sensitivity great Large.
strength great Large.
detail in great detail in large detail.
amount great a large.
collection great a large.
number (of) great a large.
population great a large.
quantity great a large.
principios/ finales del siglo XII early 12th century/ late 20th century begining 12th century/ late 20th century early 12th century/ last 20th century.
hacer tiempo para make time for do time for.
las últimas semanas past few weeks few past weeks.
mucho tiempo great deal of time long time.
run out of time quedarse sin tiempo justo a tiempo.
right on time quedarse sin tiempo justo a tiempo.
save time quedarse sin tiempo ahorrar tiempo tiempo libre.
spend some time gastar tiempo tomarse su tiempo tiempo libre.
take your time gastar tiempo tomarse su tiempo tiempo libre.
bang on time a la hora justa a tiempo.
El tiempo pasa time goes by time passes. mind (tener en cuenta) bear carry.
un bloc de papel a pad of paper a block of paper.
una baraja de cartas a pack of cards a block of cards.
un terrón de azúcar a cube of sugar a bunch of sugar.
un manojo de zanahorias a cube of carrots a bunch of carrots.
una barra de chocolate a bar of chocolate a bunch of chocolate.
contratar personal take on staff contract staff.
fuerzas del mercado make a profit market forces.
obtener beneficios make a profit market forces.
tener pérdidas make a loss do a loss.
___________ into partnership (asociarse) go into partnership get into partnership.
___________ bankrupt (ir a la quiebra) go bankrupt get bankrupt.
despedir al personal lay off staff dismiss .
lanzar un nuevo producto launch a new product send a new product.
_____________your attention to (llamar la atención sobre) draw / attract pay go get.
_____________ to action (llamar a la acción) call pay go get.
_____________an offer (descartar una oferta) dismiss come go get.
_____________to the point (ir al grano) dismiss come go get.
_____________a meeting (cerrar una reunión) dismiss come go close .
___________a meeting (presidir una reunión) chair preside go close .
________ negotiations(romper las negociaciones) break off pay go close .
volumen de negocios anual annual turnover business annual volumen.
en tiempo y forma. Señala la incorrecta dead on time timely and in due form at the right time.
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