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cambridge 3

version 5

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1. Where do you work? _________. a. I have a part-time job. b. Well, I work in Quito c. Yes, I do.
2. Do you live with your bother? No, I don’t. He ___________. a. lives alone b. live with his wife c. lives with me.
3. What is your favorite outdoor activity? I really like _______. a. to ski b. in mounta in climbing c. camp.
4. My girlfriend Alejandra is coming. Do you want to meet _________? a. his b. he c. her.
5. I really enjoy ________ because I love taking care of plants. a. gardening b. hoarding c. growing.
6. My car is not working. Can you ________ it? a. work b. fix c.solve .
7. Where _______ these days? I haven’t seen you in so long. a. do you work b. do you working c. are you working.
8. When I play soccer, I ______ a lot of water. a. drink b. am going to drink c. will drink.
9. I love skiing. It is my favorite sport. _____ I do too! a. How come? b. Really? c. Hoe embarrassing!.
10. Everyday I wake up at 5:30 am. __________ How come? a. You are kidding! b. Sure. c. Um, kind of.
11. The weather ________ for tomorrow is rain. Get your umbrellas ready! a. alarm b. predictions c. instruction.
12. What do you like to put on your sandwich? I like mayonnaise, cheese and ______. a. ham b. mashed c. candle.
13. Does Gabriela want anything from the supermarket? _______ Let me ask her. a. I’m not sure. b. Really? c. Not at all.
14. Do you enjoy swimming? Um, ______. Only if the water is warm. a. generally b. sure c. it depends.
15. How many of your friends speak English? _______ them do. a. A lot b. Some c. A lot of.
16. Were you a good student when you were young? Well, actually, I was a great student. I _______ good grades. a. was getting b. have got c. got.
17. I think I was thirteen, ______ twelve, when I first read The Lord of the Rings. a. no, wait… b. gosh c. I guess….
18. Do you want to go the movies tomorrow? Sure! _______, I just remembered I have a doctor’s appointment. c. No, wait a. You are kidding b. To be honest.
19. Wait for me. I need to go to the _______ and wash my hands. a. restroom b. showroom c. laundry room.
20. Can I drive my car there? No! There is only a walking ________. a. way b. ferry c. path.
21. I want to eat shrimp ceviche. Excuse me, ________ of ceviche? a. what kind b. how kind c. what cost.
22. The gym I go to is five minutes away from my house. Excuse me, it’s _______? a. how far b. how many c. how much.
23. I want to read “The Hobbit” in English. My friend told me it is a good way________ English. a. for learn b. to learning c. to learn.
24. You don't have a ticket yet? It is very important to ___ it early! a. getting b. get c. got.
25. Be careful…don’t touch the ______. It is really hot. a. stove b. dresser c. cabinets.
26. Where can I find a clean glass to drink water? You can get one from the _______ on the right. a. carpet b. cabinet c. stove.
27. Can you help me with my homework? _______. What do you want me to do? a. No, thanks b.Go ahead c. No problem.
28. Do you mind if I am a little late? There’s a lot of traffic. ________. Take your time! a. Of course I do b. Oh, no. No problem c. Well, I do.
29. Was Fernando with you when he fell? No, he was skating ______ himself. a. for b. by c.with.
30. I _________ when I saw an insect in my food. It was disgusting! a. were eating b. am eating c. was eating.
31. I love that silver watch. Put it on your ________ to see how it looks. a. elbow b. thumb c. wrist.
32. When I go to the gym, I enjoy ________ weights. a. carrying b. raising c. lifting.
33. _________ you father is going to love this book. He loves to read. a. I mean b. I bet c. I mind.
34. I had seafood for lunch. Really? _________ it was delicious. a. I mean b. I realize c. I bet.
35. Could you ________? I have another call. a. hold on b. hold off c. allow.
36. Sorry I didn’t answer your call. My cell phone is _______: a. hurt b. broken c. sprained.
37. Do you see that guy? He’s my best friend. Which one? The one _______ the spiked hair or the other one? a. in b. by c. with.
38. Who’s the girl _______ to Clark Kent? You don’t know her? That’s Lois Lane a. speaks b. speaking c. spoke.
39. My boss is very busy and needs someone to help him with everything. If you need a job, I can talk to him because he’s looking for ________ a. a neighbor b. an architect c. an assistant.
40. My best friend Raúl has a great job and _______ a really high salary. a. wins b. earns c. pays.
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