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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEexamen motores tla 3ra parte

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examen motores tla 3ra parte


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735 Motores The exhaust section of a turbine engine is designed to impart a high exit velocity to the exhaust gases. increase temperature, therefore increasing velocity. decrease temperature, therefore decreasing pressure. direct the exhaust gases at a given angle .
736 Motores The fan rotational speed of a dual axial compressor forward fan engine is the same as the Low-pressure compressor. Forward turbine wheel. High-pressure compressor. Rear turbine wheel. .
737 Motores The function of the exhaust cone assembly of a turbine engine is to Collect the exhaust gases and act as a noise suppressor. Swirl and collect the exhaust gases into a single exhaust jet. Straighten and collect the exhaust gases into a solid exhaust jet. Return and throw out the exhaust gases into a solid exhaust jet. .
738 Motores The highest heat-to-metal contact in a jet engine is the Burner cans. Turbine inlet guide vanes. Turbine blades. Compressor blades. .
739 Motores The non-rotating axial-flow compressor airfoils in an aircraft gas turbine engine, are called pressurization vanes. stator vanes. bleed vanes. Guides vanes .
740 Motores "The pressure of subsonic air as it flows through a convergent nozzle" increases. decreases. remains constant. is inversely proportional to the volumen. .
741 Motores The pressure of supersonic air as it flows through a divergent nozzle increases. decreases. is inversely proportional to the temperature. Keeps constant. .
742 Motores The procedure for removing the accumulation of dirt deposits on compressor blades is called the soak method. field cleaning. the purging process. Treatment against corrosion .
743 Motores The purpose of a bleed valve, located in the beginning stages of the compressor, in an aircraft gas turbine engine is to vent some of the air overboard to prevent a compressor stall. control excessively high RPM to prevent a compressor stall. "vent high ram air pressure overboard to prevent a compressor stall." Increase low RPM to prevent a compressor stall. .
744 Motores The recurrent ingestion of dust or other fine airborne particulates into a turbine engine can result in Foreign object damage to the compressor section. The need for less frequent abrasive grit cleaning of the engine. Erosion damage to the compressor and turbine sections. Foreign object damage to the turbine section. .
745 Motores The stator vanes in an axial-flow compressor convert velocity energy into pressure energy. convert pressure energy into velocity energy. direct air into the first stage rotor vanes at the proper angle. Avoid air flow into the first stage rotor vanes at the proper angle. .
746 Motores The stators in the turbine section of a gas turbine engine increase the velocity of the gas flow. decrease the velocity of the gas flow. increase the pressure of the gas flow. increase the temperature of the gas flow. .
747 Motores The turbine section of a jet engine Increases air velocity to generate thrust forces. Utilizes heat energy to expand and accelerate the incoming gas flow. Drives the compressor section. Drives the turbine section. .
748 Motores The two types of centrifugal compressor impellers are Single entry and double entry. Rotor and stator. Impeller and diffuser. Compressor and manifold. .
749 Motores The velocity of subsonic air as it flows through a convergent nozzle increases. decreases. remains constant. changes in each cycle .
750 Motores The velocity of supersonic air as it flows through a divergent nozzle increases. decreases. is inversely proportional to the temperature. Is Directly proportional to the temperature. .
751 Motores Three types of turbine blades are Reaction, converging, and diverging. Impulse, reaction, and impulse- reaction. Impulse, vector, and impulse-vector. Converging, reaction, and impulse-reaction. .
752 Motores Turbine blades are generally more susceptible to operating damage than compressor blades because of Higher centrifugal loading. Exposure to high temperatures. High pressure and high velocity gas flow. Exposure to high loads. .
753 Motores Turbine nozzle diaphragms located on the upstream side of each turbine wheel, are used in the gas turbine engine to Decrease the velocity of the heated gases flowing past this point. Direct the flow of gases parallel to the vertical line of the turbine blades. Increase the velocity of the heated gases flowing past this point. Avoid the flow of gases to the horizontal line of the turbine blades. .
754 Motores Un motor de nueve cilindros con un diámetro interior de 5.5 pulgadas y una carrera de 6 pulgadas debe tener un desplazamiento total de pistón de: 740 pulgadas cúbicas. 1,425 pulgadas cúbicas. 1,283 pulgadas cúbicas. Uremecúbrt con os con un diámetro interior de 5.5 pulgadas y una carreracon drst interior de 5.5 pulgadas y una carrera de 6 pulgadas .
755 Motores Un motor de válvulas en la cabeza o culata que utiliza levantadores de válvula hidráulica carece de abertura en su mecanismo operacional luego de haberse alcanzado las temperaturas mínimas de aceite de entrada y de culata para el despegue. ¿Cuándo se puede presentar dicha situación? Durante la operación normal. Cuando los elevadores se desinflan. Debido a que el carbón y los residuos se quedan atrapados en el elevador y restringen su movimiento. .
756 Motores "Una condición que puede ocurrir en los motores radiales pero que es improbable que ocurra en los motores horizontales opuestos es:" cero de luz de válvulas. traslapo de válvulas bloqueo hidráulico .
757 Motores Una de las razones siguientes para realizar la Inspección de la zona caliente (HSI) en un motor turbohélice es FALSA: Ayuda a asegurar que el motor va a alcanzar a llegar a su TBO sin ningún problema. Se ejecutan ocasionalmente sobre una base no programada debido a problemas de deterioro de rendimiento (perfomance) o situaciones de sobre temperatura Cuando el margen de temperatura actual con respecto a la línea roja de temperatura del motor se disminuye durante los días fríos. Se realiza periodicamente de acuerdo a lo estipulado por el fabricante del motor .
758 Una de las siguientes afirmaciones sobre los Turbohélices de Turbina Libre es falsa: Responde con más rapidez al movimiento del mando de gases. Se montan en ejes independientes de la turbina que acciona el compresor y que mueve la hélice. El compresor es accionado por un grupo de etapas de turbina de alta, enlazadas mediante un eje al compresor. Los ejes giran a velocidad diferente .
759 Motores Using standard atmospheric conditions, the standard sea level temperature is 59°F. 59°C. 29°C. 44°C. .
760 Motores What are the two basic elements of the turbine section in a turbine engine? Impeller and diffuser. Hot and cold. Stator and rotor. upper and lower .
761 Motores "What are the two functional elements in a centrifugal compressor?" Turbine and compressor. Bucket and expander. Impeller and diffuser. Combustion chamber and nozzle fuel .
762 Motores What is meant by a double entry centrifugal compressor? A compressor that has two intakes. A two-stage compressor independently connected to the main shaft. A compressor with vanes on both sides of the impeller. A compressor that has two outputs. .
763 Motores What is meant by a shrouded turbine? The turbine blades are shaped so that their ends form a band or shroud. The turbine wheel is enclosed by a protective shroud to contain the blades in case of failure. The turbine wheel has a shroud or duct which provides cooling air to the turbine blades. turbine wheels are covered by a ring, in case of detachment .
764 Motores "What is one purpose of the stator blades in the compressor section of a turbine engine?" Stabilize the pressure of the airflow. Control the direction of the airflow. Increase the velocity of the airflow. Decrease the velocity of the airflow. .
765 Motores What is the first engine instrument indication of a successful start of a turbine engine? A rise in the engine fuel flow. A rise in oil pressure. A rise in the exhaust gas temperature. A rise in oil temperature. .
766 Motores What is the function of the inlet guide vane assembly on an axial-flow compressor? Directs the air into the first stage rotor blades at the proper angle. Converts velocity energy into pressure energy. Converts pressure energy into velocity energy. Converts mechanic energy into caloric energy. .
767 Motores What is the function of the stator vane assembly at the discharge end of a typical axial-flow compressor? To straighten airflow to eliminate turbulence. To direct the flow of gases into the combustion chambers. To increase air swirling motion into the combustion chambers. To reverse airflow to eliminate turbulence. .
768 Motores What is the major function of the turbine assembly in a turbojet engine? Directs the gases in the proper direction to the tailpipe. Supplies the power to turn the compressor. Increases the temperature of the exhaust gases. Decreases the temperature of the combustion section. .
769 Motores What is the possible cause when a turbine engine indicates no change in power setting parameters, but oil temperature is high? High scavenge pump oil flow. Engine main bearing distress. Turbine damage and/or loss of turbine efficiency. Scavenge pump damage. .
770 Motores What is the primary advantage of an axial-flow compressor over a centrifugal compressor? High frontal area. Less expensive. Greater pressure ratio. smaller pressure ratio. .
771 Motores What is the primary factor which controls the pressure ratio of an axial-flow compressor? Number of stages in compressor. Compressor inlet pressure. Compressor inlet temperature. Compressor outlet pressure. .
772 Motores What is the profile of a turbine engine compressor blade? The leading edge of the blade. A cutout that reduces blade tip thickness. The curvature of the blade root. The trailing edge of the blade .
773 Motores What is the proper starting sequence for a turbojet engine? Ignition, starter, fuel. Starter, ignition, fuel. Starter, fuel, ignition. Starter, fuel, ignition and oil press. .
774 Motores What is the purpose of the diffuser section in a turbine engine? To increase pressure and reduce velocity. To convert pressure to velocity. To reduce pressure and increase velocity. To reduce temperature and increase volumen. .
775 Motores What is used in turbine engines to aid in stabilization of compressor airflow during low thrust engine operation? Stator vanes and rotor vanes. Variable guide vanes and/or compressor bleed valves. Pressurization and dump valves. exhaust valves .
776 Motores What must be done after the fuel control unit has been replaced on an aircraft gas turbine engine? Perform a full power engine run to check fuel flow. Recalibrate the fuel nozzles. Retrim the engine. change the fuel nozzles. .
777 Motores What should be done initially if a turbine engine catches fire when starting? Turn off the fuel and continue engine rotation with the starter. Continue engine start rotation and discharge a fire extinguisher into the intake. Continue starting attempt in order to blow out the fire. Turn on the fuel and continue engine rotation with the starter. .
778 Motores What turbine engine section provides for proper mixing of the fuel and air? Combustion section. Compressor section. Diffuser section. Exhaust nozzle .
779 Motores What type igniter plug is used in the low tension ignition system of an aircraft turbofan engine? Low voltage, high amperage glow plug. Self-ionizing or shunted-gap type plug. Recessed surface gap plug. Multifunctional uses. .
780 Motores What type of turbine blade is most commonly used in aircraft jet engines? Reaction. Impulse. Impulse-reaction. Reverse reaction. .
781 Motores When aircraft turbine blades are subjected to excessive heat stress, what type of failures would you expect? Bending and torsion. Torsion and tension. Stress rupture. loss of caracteristics .
782 Motores When starting a turbine engine, A hot start is indicated if the exhaust gas temperature exceeds specified limits. An excessively lean mixture is likely to cause a hot start. Release the starter switch as soon as indication of light-off occurs. A normal start is indicated if the exhaust gas temperature exceeds specified limits. .
783 Motores When starting a turbine engine, a hung start is indicated if the engine Exhaust gas temperature exceeds specified limits. Fails to reach idle RPM. RPM exceeds specified operating speed. compressor temperature exceeds specified limits. .
784 Motores When the leading edge of a first-stage turbine blade is found to have stress rupture cracks, which of the following should be suspected? Faulty cooling shield. Overtemperature condition. Overspeed condition. Faulty overpressing shield. .
785 Motores Where do stress rupture cracks usually appear on turbine blades? Across the blade root, parallel to the fir tree. Along the leading edge, parallel to the edge. Across the leading or trailing edge at a right angle to the edge length. Against the blade root, perpendicular to the fir tree. .
786 Motores Where is the highest gas pressure in a turbojet engine? At the outlet of the tailpipe section. At the entrance of the turbine section. In the entrance of the burner section. At the outlet of the compresor section. .
787 Motores Which of the following engine variables is the most critical during turbine engine operation? Compressor inlet air temperature. Compressor RPM. Turbine inlet temperature. Gear box RPM. .
788 Motores "Which of the following influences the operation of an automatic fuel control unit on a turbojet engine?" Burner pressure. Mixture control position. Exhaust gas temperature. Discharge pressure. .
789 Motores Which of the following is the ultimate limiting factor of turbine engine operation? Compressor inlet air temperature. Turbine inlet temperature. Burner-can pressure. Compressor outlet air temperature. .
790 Motores Which of the following types of combustion sections are used in aircraft turbine engines? Annular, variable, and cascade vane. Can, multiple-can, and variable. Multiple-can, annular, and can- annular. Reversible can, multiple can. .
791 Motores Which statement is true regarding jet engines? At the lower engine speeds, thrust increases rapidly with small increases in RPM. At the higher engine speeds, thrust increases rapidly with small increases in RPM. The thrust delivered per pound of air consumed is less at high altitude than at low altitude. The speed delivered per kilogram of air consumed is less at low altitude than at low altitude. .
792 Motores "Which turbine engine compressor offers the greatest advantages for both starting flexibility and improved high- altitude performance?" Dual-stage, centrifugal-flow. Split-spool, axial-flow. Single-spool, axial-flow. Single-stage, centrifugal-flow. .
793 Motores Which two elements make up the axial-flow compressor assembly? Rotor and stator. Compressor and manifold. Stator and diffuser. Diffuser and fuel nozzles. .
794 Motores Who establishes mandatory replacement times for critical components of turbine engines? The FAA. The operator working in conjunction with the FAA. The engine manufacturer. The Operator, only. .
795 Motores Who establishes the recommended operating time between overhauls (TBO) of a turbine engine used in general aviation? The engine manufacturer. The operator (utilizing manufacturer data and trend analysis) working in conjunction with the FAA. The FAA. The UAEAC. .
796 Motores Why do some turbine engines have more than one turbine wheel attached to a single shaft? To facilitate balancing of the turbine assembly. To help stabilize the pressure between the compressor and the turbine. To extract more power from the exhaust gases than a single wheel can absorb. To harness the power of the fan .
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