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Categoría: Otros

Número Preguntas: 481
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the part of the body that contains the digestive organs and is between the groin and the waist.
A medication given after meals.
Give medicine to a patient.
Small sacs in the lungs at the endpoint of the Respiratory System where O2 enters and CO2 leaves.
A doctor who ensures that pacients are unconscious or do not feel pain during surgery.
The joint between the foot and the lower leg.
Used to kill or slow the growth of bacterias in the body.
Something that kills or slow the growth of microorganisms.
Largest artery in the body. Connects directly to the heart.
A condition where the appendix becomes inflamed and iritated.
Long extension of the upper body between the shoulder and the wrist.
Blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart.
Evaluate or determine the value of something.
Chronic inflamatory lung disease that causes wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath.
One of the 2 upper chambers of the heart wich recieve blood from veins.
Part of the body on the other side of the toros between the pelvis and the neck.
Single.celled organisms that inhabit all areas of the earth including humans.
Strip of material used to protect an injury.
Pot used for relieving oneself when a person is not able to go to a bathroom.
Medication gived twice per day.
Biological sustance potentially harmful to humans.
Box for the storage and disposal of dangerous medical waste.
Blood pressure. Force exerted by circulating blood on the walls of the blood vessels.
To pass air into and out of the lungs to absorb oxygen into the bloodstream.
Main passage within the lungs trhough which air passes from the trachea to the alveoli.
Physical injury caused by extreme heat, cold, chemicals...
Complains of. Description of symptoms.
Smallest kind of blood vessel in the body where the exchange of O2, nutrients... take place.
Doctor who takes care of patients with heart problems.
Hospital departments that specializes in the treatment of heart diseases.
Fleshy part of either side of the face below the eye.
Part of the body enclosed by the sternum and ribs that lies above the abdomen and the neck.
System responsible for carrying blood and O2 through body.
Large intestine and the part of the digestive system which compacts unused food into feces and stores it until is ready to exit the body.
Medical procedure which examines the inside of the colon.
A disease that can spread easily.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. First aid procedure involving chest compresion and aritificial breathing when heart beat stops.
Unit of volume equal to a cube whose sides are 1 centimeter.
Hospital department that specializes in the treatment of skin.
System of organs through which food passes and which processes food, nutrients and waste.
Something used to clean surfaces by killing bacteria.
Correct amount of medicine to give to a person at one time.
Unit of liquid volume equal to the amount of liquid which comes from a dropper.
Diagnosis. Positive identification of a patient´s disease.
Organs that detect sound.
Joint between the upper and lower arm.
Department where people with serious diseases are treated.
Progressive respiratory disease that cause shortness of breath and involves damage to lung tissues.
Muscular tube connecting the mouth and the pharynx to the cardiac end of the stomach.
Breathe out or expel air from the lungs.
Strips of hair that grow above the eyes.
Pair of spherical organs that detect light and provide vision.
Front portion of the head from the chin to the forehead.
Covering of cloth over the face to prevent the transmission of microorganisms.
One of the extensions of the hand.
Basic medical care given to an injury victim when other helps is not avaliable.
Perpendicular extension at the end of the leg.
Portion of the head between the hairline and eyebrows.
Cotton fabric used to cover wounds or incisions.
Doctor who provides many kinds of care to adults and children.
Long robe worn by hospital patien.
Unit of mass equal to the 1000 part of a kilogram.
Drops of liquid administered to the eye.
Place ehre the inner thigh and the lower abdomen meet.
Part of the arm below the wrist where fingers are attached.
Upper part of the body that contains the brain and the face.
Organ which pumps blood throughout the body.
Part of the upper leg that projects slightly foward.
Heart Rate. Frequency with which person heart beats.
Hypertension. Having blood pressure higher than normal.
Intravenous. Administering medicine into a vein.
Abnormal manifestation of parasitic organisms in the body.
Breathe in or take air.
Medicine injected into a muscle.
Upper or lower bony structure that holds the teeth and forms the framework of the mouth.
Joint between the upper and the lower leg.
Medical professional who works with samples.
Open injury caused by a hard impact to soft body tissue.
Organ connected at the end of the small intestine and anus. It absorbs nutrients and vitamins not absorbed by the small intestine.
Disposable gloves used during a medical exam.
Long extension from the lower body.
2 muscular folds that surround the mouth.
Organ in the chest that introduces O2.
Unit of mass equal to one millionth of a gram.
1/1000th the weight of the minor component of a chemical solution disolved in a major component.
Unit of mass equal to one thousandth of a gram.
Unit of liquid volume equal to one thousandth of a liter and 1 cubic centimeter.
Part of the body that joins the head and the torso.
Organ that projects from the face and detects smell.
Medical professional who helps a doctor and cares for the patients.
On examination. Something found during an exam.
Doctor who cares for pregnant women and unborn children.
Hospital department that specializes in the treatment of bones and muscles.
Unit of weight equal to 1/16th of a pound.
Naturally occurring element necessary for the functioning of the body.
Metal cylinder that holds oxygen.
Medicine given orally or though the mouth.
Medicine taken through the rectum.
Hospital department that tests samples taken from patients.
Medicine given after meals.
Doctor that takes care of children.
Hospital department that specializes in the treatment of children.
Doctor who fills prescriptions and give medicine.
Business or department that provide medicine.
Amount of force applied to a certain area.
Mattres designed to improve blood flow and comfort.
Medication given as needed.
Something that has to do with lungs.
Impulse caused by a heartbeat.
Medication given every hour.
Medication given at bedtime.
Medication given four times a day.
Medication given every other day.
Isolate someone from contact with others.
Doctor who takes X-Rays.
Hospital department that takes X-Rays and examinates them.
First aid procedure involving providing air for someone who stop breathing but has a heartbeat.
The body´s way to recieve oxygen trhough breathing.
Structure of bones in the torso that frames the chest.
Path by which a medicine is taken to the body.
Drug or course of action prescribed to treat a patient´s medical condition.
Box for the storin of used needles or other sharp instruments.
Medical emergency in which the circulatory system cannot provide oxygen.
Joint between the arm and the upper body.
One of the 2 upper back bones that lie outside the ribs and connect the back to the upper arm.
Lower portion of the back above the lips.
Part of the digestive system through which food passes from the stomach and through which nutrients are absorbed into blood.
Short of breath. Condition in which a patient finds difficult to breath.
Medication given inmediately.
Pouch-like organ between the esophagus and small intestine. Produces acid and through which nutrients are absorbed into blood.
Medicine injected into the fatty layer under the skin.
Medication given beneath the tongue.
Doctor who performs operations.
Hospital department where doctors perform operations.
Device consisting of a needle, chamber and piston.
Temperature. Quantitative measurement of heat.
Measure of volume equal to the amount a tablespoon can hold or 3 teaspoons.
Measure of volume equal to the amount of a teaspoon can hold.
Medication given 3 times a day.
Small extension at the end of the foot.
Medication given to a certain part of the surface.
Upper portion that extends from the neck to the pelvis.
Transfer something to one place to another.
Sore or abscess which forms in the stomach when the mucus is too thin.
Flap in a system that allows passage of material in one direction.
Blood vessel that carries blood towards the heart.
1 of the 2 largest in the body.
Small infectious entity capable of replicating within the cells.
Part of the torso between the groin and the rib cage.
Mobile chair with wheels used for moving a sick person.
Within normal limits. Operating in a normal range.
Injury to the external body.
Part of the forearm that attaches to the hand.
X Ray. Visual image of all or part of the body using electromagnetic radiation.
One of the main veins that carries blood to the heart from the lower part.
Wound resulting from minor damage to the epidermial layer.
Human skin disease where oil becomes trapped in pores.
Gland above the kidney that produces adrenaline.
Hormone that helps the body react to stress.
Recommendation about care.
Bring about (cause) a change in something.
Condition that causes a reaction when contacting a substance.
Brain disease that causes someone to lose memory and the ability to think.
Inflammatory lung disease that causes wheezing, coughing...
Examination of something by listening.
Skin wounds caused by pression cutting blood circulation.
Light therapy tool to treat jaundice in newborns with blue light which converts bilirubin.
Breakdown product of blood cells.
Procedure in which a piece of tissue is removed and examined.
Techniques to prevent fertilization or interrupt pregnancy.
Organ that holds urine.
Measure of the pressure of the blood.
Conveyance of information about a person´s state.
Strong, hard matter that is a part of the body structure.
Organ that controls bodily functions through release of hormones.
Blood Urea Nitrogen. Test to determine the amount of urea nitrogen in blood.
Structure produced by kidneys in urine.
Medical examination performed periodically to evaluate a patient´s health.
Chronic kidney disease. Medical condition in which someone loses kidney function over time.
Chunk of dried blood that blocks the flow.
Illness that causes runny nose, coughing.
Bone broken into several pieces.
Something that can exist with something else without conflict.
Pain or illness reported by a patient.
Fracture in which the bone protrudes trhough the skin.
Barrier device worn over the penis.
Method of birth control that prevents fertilization.
Or bruise. Discolored area of skin damaged by a trauma allowing blood to seep to the tissues.
Force air loudly through the throat.
Give guidance about health care.
Waste product in blood.
Medical imaging that used 2D X-Rays to create a 3D image.
That is happening right now.
Collection of infirmation.
Layer between epidermis and hypodermis.
Moved out of the normal position.
Condition that makes someone feel like is spinning.
Combined use of drugs.
Electrocardiogram. Measurement of electrical activity of the heart.
Someone approaching the end of the lifespan.
System that uses hormones to regulate functions.
Thin tubular instrument used to examine the inside of an organ or cavity.
Outermost layer of the skin.
Determine the condition of something.
Record of medical conditions of a patient´s family.
Branch that provides long-term general care.
Endoscopic tube to insert into the body and take internal pictures.
Illness that causes the temperature to rise.
Smooth movement of something.
Viral illness that causes fever, aches...
Crack or break of bone.
Semi-solid substance between the skin and ultrasound.
Parts of the body involved in reproduction.
Field that focuses on preventing illnesses in older people.
Glomerular filtration rate. Test to determine the kidney function.
Organ that creates a substance and release it into the bloodstream.
Organs that produce sex cells. Testes in males and ovaries in female .
Fracture of a young and soft bone.
Pain felt in the head.
Act of teaching people about their bodies.
Loss of a portion of hearing.
If someone has experienced something regularly.
Chemical released by a part of the body.
Layer of the skin beneath the dermis.
Part of the brain that connects the nervous with the endocrine system.
Fracture where parts of the body are crushed into each other.
Inability to control one´s bladder.
Young human being.
Branch of the aorta that brings blood to the intestines.
Vein that carries blood to the right part of the heart.
Inability to have children.
Organized examination of a patient´s state.
Sexual act in which the penis enters the vagina.
Yellowish coloring of the skin cause of high levels of bilirubin.
Illnesses that occur in children.
One organ that removes waste from blood through urine.
Crystal-like mineral that forms in kidneys.
Soft substance inside the bone.
Process of creating pictures of the human body.
Hormone that controls the day and night cycles.
Neuron that creates the ability to move.
Magnetic resonance imaging. Imaging technique that uses magnetic forces of atoms.
Paint felt in the muscles.
Cordlike structure that enables the transmission of impulses.
System that transmits signals and coordinates actions.
Group of connected neurons.
Cell that transmits information by electrical and chemical signals.
Infant in the first 28 days of life.
Facility that provides 24h care for older patients.
When a person accumulates an unhealthy amount of body fat.
Something that someone notices.
Start of something.
Organs in female body that produces egg cells.
Examination by touch.
Process something through and out the body.
Patients record of previous illnesses.
Report that discusses what was found after an examination .
Medical care for infants and children.
Act of tapping on an area.
Type of acne where oil becomes trapped in a pore.
Gland in the brain that produces melatonin.
Gland in the brain that emits hormones to control growth, blood pressure...
Liquid that cointains blood cells.
Blood cell that thickens around the surface to cut blood loss.
Use of too many medications.
Tubular structure that produces sweat.
Someone legally licensed to perform medical treatments without supervision.
Medicine that focuses on preventing diseases.
The main point of medical assistance.
Treatment performed by a doctor.
Measure of heartbeats.
Use of X-Rays to view images.
Unit of blood that carries oxygen.
Tranfer a patient from one doctor to another.
Involuntary movement.
Related to kidneys.
System that work together to produce offspring.
Liquid flowing out something.
Emit a substance.
That has to do with the 5 senses.
That regularly engages in form of sexual activity.
Bones that make the body´s structure.
Soft outer layer of bodies.
Patients record of lifestyle and personal details.
Bundle of nerves that extends downwards the brain.
Sexually transmitted disease.
Minor crack caused by excessive pressure.
Rapid loss of brain function due to a loss of blood.
Or hypodermis.
Feeling or change that indicate illness.
Young human being between 12 and 20.
Organs that produce sperm.
To have pain that comes and goes very quickly.
Glnd in the neck that controls how the body uses energy and proteins.
Process of moving blood from one person to another.
The body is immune to a certain antigen.
Imaging technique that uses the reflection of sound waves.
Someone with type O that can donate blood to anyone.
Tube that carries urine from kidney to urinary bladder.
Tube that carries urine from bladder to outside.
Care provided immediately to respond to an injury.
Test that examines an urine sample.
Where the urine is collected before release.
Part that controls the creation and expulsion of urine.
Liquid waste the body expels.
Small bones that make the backbone that surrounds the spinal cord.
Measures of essential body functions such as temperature.
Substance produced by the body that is not needed.
To breathe with difficulty.
Form of radiation to take pictures.
Severity of an injury.
Condition that appears suddenly and often.
Chemical substance in drinks.
Product that contains alcohol.
When an organ or structure is removed in surgery.
Medical method to prevent sensation during surgery.
Surgical procedure that widens an obstructed blood vessel.
Yearly test.
Cancer treatment to stop a tumor from building.
Feeling of nervousness.
Irregular electrical activity in the heart.
Formation of an opinion about something.
Heart condition where fat accumulate in arteries.
Controls functions below awareness.
College dregee.
When someone cannot see at all.
Measurement of the fat in the body.
Someone who has completed his education and tests.
Amount of money avaliable.
When the affected area is hot.
To go arround something.
Disease where cells begin to grow in an uncontrolled way.
Number of patients seen or treated.
Condition where the eyes lens become white.
The one that consists on the brain and spinal cord.
Usage of drugs to kill cancer cells.
Substance in blood and cells.
Condition developed slowly and that lasts a long time.
Condition where tubes in the lungs swell.
Organization of information according to the order.
Device used to hold objects during surgery.
State of unconscisious.
Something thorough or complete.
Something that communicates an idea clearly without unnecessary information.
Illness or disease.
Something that continues for a long period.
To make something unclean.
Motion of uterus during childbirth.
When arteries become narrow and blocked.
Something that requires immediate attention.
Caesarean section. Cuting a pregnant woman´s abdomen to deliver a baby.
Different ways of doing or thinking about something.
Amount of money that someones owes to another person.
Need or desire for something.
Feeling or pain.
To make a record of something.
Infection that cannot be cured using any drug.
Bacteria in undercooked food.
Account of someone´s medical history in a computer.
Used to determine the severity level of trauma.
Ability to share to someone´s feelings.
Chronic condition in which the inner layers of the heart become inflamed to a bacteria.
Test a student must pass before being admitted.
Unit of a measurement from 1 to 5 of a trauma.
Hormone produced by the ovaries to regulate the menstrual cycle.
Removal of an organ, tissue or tumor.
Extremely bad pain.
State of being very tired.
Educational program in which students recieve an allowance of money.
Ability to have children.
Post-graduate medical program in the UK to qualify doctors.
Condition that occurs during pregnancy when the body is unable to produce insulin.
Disease in which high pressure in the eye causes blindness.
Natural from of sugar.
Firm pink piece of flesh found in the mouth are teeth are attached.
Gel or liquid, usually alcohol based used to clean hands.
To make something more rigid.
Ability to understand and make decisions.
Group of illnesses that affect the heart.
Sensation of the heat in the face and neck triggered by hormones in menopause.
Cancer treatment that strengthens the immune system.
Dose of medicine put into a body.
Damage to a body.
Substance produced by the body used to regulate sugar in blood.
Degree of somethings stregth.
Pain that goes away returns.
Treating a condition to cure or prevent it from becoming worse.
Vocabulary used in a particular field.
Childbirth process when an uterus contracts in preparation to deliver the baby.
Easy to read.
Document that indicates that someone is qualified to perform a job.
Someone with a document proving his qualifications.
Worker who provides basic care for patients during a year.
Amount of money that a person borrows and must pay back.
Neglectful action by a doctor.
Degree a student earns upon graduating from medical school.
Educational institution that prepares students for jobs in medicine.
End of a woman´s menstruation.
A pain that is not severe.
An injury that is not really serious.
Mistake about the content of a communication.
A pain that hurts but it is not extreme.
Bacteria which cannot be treated with antibiotic.
Situation in which an accident almost occurred.
Doctor who specializes in nervous disorders.
Doctor who performs operations in the brain.
Communication without spoken language.
Infection that spreads in a hospital.
That does not have a particular illness.
Inability of a part of the body to feel stimulation.
Nurse who provides advanced care for patients.
Area of the hospital for emergency care of pregnant women.
Obstetrics and gynecology. Medical specialities that deal with the reproductive system in pregnant and not pregnant state respectively.
Doctor who specializes in study and treatment of cancers and tumors.
Branch that specializes in study and treatment of cancers and tumors.
Questions that require a longer answer than a 1 word answer.
Act of performing surgery.
Chronic condition in which the bone weaknes and becomes breaking.
Patient who recieves medical treatment in a hospital and does not spend the night there.
Documentation required to maintain legal and accurate record.
Loss of function in one or more muscles.
Way to determine the amount of time it takes for patients to complete a hospital.
The one that consists of the nerves outside the spinal cord.
Cancer treatment that uses light and drugs.
Outline of how a patient will be treated.
Acute condition in which the lungs become inflamed and filled with fluid.
Stage where the patient starts to recieve medical care.
That occurs after the operation.
Assumption that someone has about something before knowing it .
Condition that is present before medical treatment.
Carrying of one or more unborn children.
That occurs before operation.
Requirement a student must complete before enrolling a course.
To recommend a medication.
Somethinng that should be done before other things.
Hormone produced in the ovaries to prepare the uterus lining for pregnancy.
Cancer treatment using high energy X-Rays to prevent cancer cells from growing.
Feeling of understanding between 2 people.
Area where patients go after an operation to recover from anesthesia .
Nurse who provides basic care for patients and other more advanced training.
Removal of an organ by cutting it away.
Period of time that a medical graduate spends stuying at a hospital to receive advanced training.
Anything people use to achieve a goal.
Very sharp knife used to make incisions.
Acute illness characterized by a fever, sore throat and red rashes on body.
Symptom of excessive brain activity resulting in temporary thrashing movement loss of awareness.
Pain very strong and comes on very suddenly.
Period of time that someone is scheduled to work.
When one group of workers like doctors leaves work for the day and another one replaces it.
Pain that feels like is passing through a body very quickly.
Situation in which there is too little of something.
Inhaling tobacco smoke.
Illness caused by the bacteria staphylococcus.
Current state of something.
Tube inserted into an artery or other tube to keep it open.
Something free of all potentially harmful microorganisms.
Organism that causes throat infection and scarlet fever.
Doctor specializing in the use of instrumental techniques to treat an injury.
Specialty that involves the use of instrumental techniques to treat an injury.
Stitch used by surgeons to hold tissue together.
Something that helps someone to leal.
Pain that stops and starts very quickly.
Surgical act of moving an organ from one body to another.
Severe bodily wound caused by a sudden injury.
Process of determining the order to treat trauma patients based on the severity .
Location in an emergency room where patients are divided into groups depending on the severity.
Period of 3 months that pregnancy is divided into.
Medical conticion that affects children and teens whose bodies are not able to make insulin which causes too much sugar.
Medical condition common in adulthood that do not produce enough insulin to control sugar levels or they are resistant to that insulin.
Pain extremely to withstand.
College student who has not yet earned any degrees.
Tube fifted to a person´s body which allows him to urinate without leaving the bed.
Susbtance consisting of killed microorganisms to prevent a disease from developing.
Something that carries a disease from one place to another.
Pneumonia which occurs when people are on machines which help them breathe.
Communication done through spoken language.
Dizziness in which a person feels like he is moving.
Someone who is careful to notice possible problems.
When a woman is in labor.
Injury which involves splitting the skin.
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