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Choose the correct option: I usually talk with myself opposite of the mirror. I talk usually to myself opposite the mirror. I usually talk to meself in front of the mirror. I usually talk to myself in front of the mirror.
Choose the correct option: My brother's leg was been bitten from your dog. My brother's leg was bitten hardly by your dog. My brother's leg was bit hardly by your dog. My brother's leg was bitted hardly by your dog.
... summer, I usually go swimming ... night. in / at on / at on / on in / on.
The person ... said me hello is my teacher. which what that whose.
Choose the correct option: If you hadn't never stolen, you wouldn't have been in prison for 5 years.. If you had never stolen, you wouldn't have been in prison since 5 years. If you had never stolen, you wouldn't have been in prison for 5 years. If you had never stolen, you would have been in prison during 5 years.
When I worked in the hospital, I ... very little. used to sleep use to sleeped did use to sleep used to sleeped.
You ... go to the toilet now! You have just gone 5 minutes ago! couldn't can't mustn't shouldn't.
I ... shopping ... cooking. prefer / to would rather / to rather / than prefer / rather than.
I would rather you ... alone. picked me up instead of walking pick me up to walk picked me up than walked pick me up than walking.
Choose the correct option: Who child was lost in the park yesterday? Who child who was lost in the park yesterday? Whose was lost in the park yesterday? Whose child who was lost in the park yesterday?.
... is the bus stop? There, ... the school. Where / next to Where / next What / next to What / next.
... girl in the class is the one ... answers all the questions well. The most intelligent / who The more intelligent / who The intelligest / who The most intelligent / which.
Choose the correct option: That girl, that has green eyes, is the more beautiful girl in the world. That girl, whose green eyes, is the most beautiful girl in the world. That girl, who has green eyes, is the most beautiful girl in the world. That girl, who has green eyes, is the more beautiful girl of the world.
Choose the correct option: When the pizza was being made by the cook, clients arrived to pick it up. While the pizza was being made, clients arrived to pick it up. While the pizza was been made by the cook, clients arrived to pick it up. While the pizza was made, clients were arriving to pick it up.
When I got home yesterday, I ... off my coat and ... to the shower. had taken / went took / went took / had gone taken / gone.
Choose the correct option: The queen of UK has loved since the beginning of her reign. The queen of UK has been loved for the beginning of her reign. The queen of UK was loved since the beginning of her reign. The queen of UK has been loved since the beginning of her reign.
Choose the correct option: Miriam has been looked more pretty since she met her boyfriend. Miriam has looked prettier since she met her boyfriend. Miriam has looked more pretty since she met her boyfriend. Miriam has looked prettier for she met his boyfriend.
If the Earth ... round, it ... around the Sun. is / revolve is / will revolve was / revolved isn't / revolved.
I ... you a promise: I will ... justice for all the children of the world. make / make make / do do / make do / do.
Andrew ...10 glasses of wine last night. drank was drunk has drunk drunk.
Steve ... here since last summer and now he lives in Milan. has living has been living had been living had been lived.
We ... a whale before out trip. had never seen have never seeing had never been seeing never saw.
We ... home. That movie was terrible! might have stayed must have staied should have stayed will stayed.
Marco and Willy ... home to see their grandmother. have to stay might to stay must stay should to stay.
Choose the correct option: The best written English book was given to me by someone. The best English written book was given to me by someone. The best written English book was given to me. The best written English book was been gived to me.
Choose the correct option: This is the boy that hits you, don't be this? This is the boy who hits you, hit you? This is the boy that hits you, isn't this? This is the boy who hits you, isn't it?.
You ... put ... salt in the cake if you want it to be tasty. don't have to / much won't have to / much won't have to / many don't have to / many.
Have you heard the song ... David wrote? that who whose wich.
... apartment is ... the fifth floor. They / on Them / in Their / on Their / at.
Choose the correct option: I am going organising a party on Saturday evening. The invitations will be sent by post. I am going to organise a party on Saturday evening. The invitations will sent by post. I am going to organising a party at Saturday evening. The invitations will be sent by post. I am going to organise a party in Saturday evening. The invitations will have sent by post.
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