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…………. you see that girl over there? Can Must Have Had.
………….. you swim, Sue? Yes, I go to the swimming pool every Tuesday Have to Can Must Could.
Are you in a lot of …………...? sore hurt ache pain.
Don´t ………………….. on your dreams come down bring up give up get over.
Have you seen my bag? I …………………. find it don´t have to mustn’t can can not.
I ……………… speak three languages. have to can must mustn’t.
I have a terrible ……………, I have to go to the dentist. toothhurt toothache toothsore tooth pain.
I have got a cold and a ………………… sore throat ache throat hurt throat pain throat.
I really like fast food restaurants, but I know I will …………….. if I eat too much. get over cut out put on weight patch up.
The fish wasn't cooked properly. And as soon as she ate it, she _____________. put on patch up brought it up come down.
The windows are very dirty. I …………… clean them. must could can have.
What does “earache” mean? Dolor de oídos Dolor de espalda Dolor de muelas Dolor lumbar.
You …………………. to shout, I can hear you from here. have to don’t have can must.
You ………………….. wear a helmet if you drive a motorbike. can don’t have to must have to.
You should ……………… your soft drinks, they make you fat. cut out come round pass out give up.
I have got a terrible …………… I can not work today Headache Head pain Head hurt Head sore.
Used by paramedics to treat patients who are suffering breathing problems, or respiratory distress Needle Spinal collar Medical kit Oxygen.
In cases of head, neck and spinal injuries it is important to keep the patient still to prevent further injury medical kit Uniform Blood pressure cuff Spinal collars.
Which one is not a part of an ambulance? Oxisaver Radio Lobby Siren.
It carries all the medical supplies used by paramedics to treat patients Oxygen Uniform Medical kit Inflatable splint.
It is used by paramedics to move patients out of confined spaces or when they do not need to be placed on a stretcher Spinal collar Collapsible wheelchair Cardiac monitor Medical bed.
A person who is not awake, not aware and not conscious Injured Choked Unconscious Shocker.
If I go out tonight, I ………….. the window will closing closed will close would close.
I ……………… if I were you asked will not ask would not ask would not asked.
I will take a taxi if it ……………to rain starting starts started start.
If you don´t hurry, you …………… miss the train do will would won´t.
If I had a car, I ……………… more often would travel will travel travelling won´t travel.
If we had studied last year, we ……………… a better job would have found would have find would found would has found.
This is ……….. an amazing idea such this too so.
Glass breaks if you ………….. it heating heats heated heat.
What is the worst habit for your health? Alcohol Smoke Poor sleep Junk food.
Which one leads to liver disease? Smoke Junk food Not exercise Alcohol.
Which one is an illness related to smoking? Overweight Infertility Anorexia Pregnancy.
What is the main cause of spending too much time in front of the TV? Sedentarism Healthy lifestyle Muscle building Money making.
Too much caffeine can lead to ___________. A throat sore Sleeping disorder Eating disorder Backache.
Turn into passive voice: They invite a lot of people to the party A lot of people is invited by them to the party A lot of people are invited by them to the party A lot of people was invited to the party The party was invited to people.
The Wolf ate the princess The Wolf is eaten by the princess The princess ate the Wolf The princess is eaten by the Wolf The princess was eaten by the Wolf.
English __________________ in many countries speaks is spoken is speaken will speak.
This song __________________ by John Lennon are written were written were not written was not written.
Turn into passive voice: Picasso painted Guernica Guernica Picasso was painted Guernica is painted by Picasso Guernica was painted by Picasso Guernica painted Picasso.
I have been living ……… London In By On At.
Wait for me ……… the bus station By At In On.
You have got a fly ………. Your back On At In By.
She was …….. the garden all evening At Then On In.
See you tomorrow …….. the meeting By In On At.
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