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The plural of blackberry is "blackberryes" T F.
The plural of puppy is "puppies" T F.
The plural of cherry is "cherries" T F.
The singular of monkeys is "monkey" T F.
The plural of bus is "bus" T F.
The plural of boss is "bosses" T F.
The plural of roof is "roofs" T F.
The plural of giraffe is "giraffs" T F.
The plural of thief is "thieves" T F.
The plural of way is "ways" T F.
The plural of he is "they" T F.
The singular of she is "they" T F.
The plural of wife is "wives" T F.
The plural of knife is "knives" T F.
The singular of he is "they" T F.
A month of the year is January T F.
A month of the year is December T F.
A month or the year is March T F.
A month of the year is April T F.
"Verde" in english is green T F.
"Dorado" in english is silver T F.
"Plateado" in english is gold T F.
"Gris" in english is gray T F.
"Morado" in english is purple T F.
"Rojo" in english is brown T F.
"Rosa" in english is pink T F.
"Naranja" in english is yellow T F.
"Café" in english is black T F.
The cardinal number 60 is written (sixteen) T F.
The cardinal number 60 is written (sixty) T F.
The cardinal number 50 is written (fifty) T F.
The cardinal 32 number is written (thrity two) T F.
The cardinal number 97 is written (ninety eight) T F.
The cardinal number 20 is written (twelve) T F.
The cardinal number 75 is written (seventy five) T F.
The cardinal number 1000 is written (one thousand) T F.
The cardinal number 2000 is written (three hundred) T F.
The cardinal number 67 is written (seventy six) T F.
The possessive adjective of (I) is (my) T F.
The possessive adjective of (you) is (our) T F.
The possessive adjective of (he) is (her) T F.
The possessive adjective of (she) is (her) T F.
The possessive adjective of (we) is (our) T F.
The possessive adjective of (they) is (your) T F.
The nationality of North Korea is South Korean T F.
The nationality of Greece is Graak T F.
The nationality of Mexico is Moroccan T F.
The nationality of Portugal is Portuguese T F.
The nationality of Rusia is Russun T F.
The nationality of Switzerland is Swiss T F.
The nationality of Denmark is Danish T F.
The nationality of Finland is Finnish T F.
The nationality of Poland is Polish T F.
The nationality of Turkey is Turkian T F.
The nationality of Sweden is Swedian T F.
The nationality of Norway is Norwegian T F.
The nationality of Colombia is Colombia T F.
The ordinal number 30th is written (thirtieth) T F.
The ordinal number 31st is written (thirty second) T F.
The ordinal number 29th is written (twenty eighth) T F.
The ordinal number 60th is written (sixtieth) T F.
The ordinal number 13th is written (thirteenth) T F.
The ordinal number 40th is written (fourteenth) T F.
The ordinal number 20th is written (tweentieth) T F.
The ordinal number 32nd is written (thirty second) T F.
The ordinal number 52nd is written (fifty second) T F.
The ordinal number 9th is written (ninety) T F.
The past simple of the verb (be) is (was/were) T F.
The past simple of the verb (dig) is (dug) T F.
The past participle of the verb (tell) is (told) T F.
The past participle of the verb (throw) is (threw) T F.
The past participle of the verb (let) is (let) T F.
The past participle of the verb (have) is (had) T F.
The past simple of the verb (do) is (did) T F.
The past simple of the verb (drive) is (drove) T F.
The past simple of the verb (eat) is (eaten) T F.
The past simple of the verb (forget) is (forgotten) T F.
The past simple of the verb (freeze) is (froze) T F.
In the following sentence the "to be verb" is correct? "Jhon are from Colombia" T F.
In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "Carlos is happy" T F.
In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "Marco and David is friends" T F.
In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "Kim and Logan are students"? T F.
In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "I am a doctor"? T F.
In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "Harold is from Quito"? T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Is he divorced?" T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Is she at school?" T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are Jane and Alice sisters?" T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are Marco twenty five years old?" T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Is Maria married?" T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are you Maria?" T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are he Jonas?" T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Ronaldo and Neymar are soccer players?" T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Is she Mariana?" T F.
In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Does your mother go to work?" T F.
In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Do you go to the meeting?" T F.
In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Do they travel to Europe?" T F.
In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Do Mary change her haircut?" T F.
In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Does Pedro and Fernando work in the army?" T F.
The teeths of a person are in the mouth T F.
The nose of a person is in the chest T F.
The nose of a person is in the head T F.
The hair of a person is on the head T F.
The ears of a person are on the hand T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "Carlos was going to his home" T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "Marco and Ruth was studying all the day" T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "You was sleeping in her home" T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "She was writting a letter" T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "Luciana were riding a horse" T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "Lucas were driving to his home" T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "They werecoming with their friends" T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "Viviana was reading many books" T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "Fabricio were going to the hospital" T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "Nicolas was going to the pool" T F.
Read this text, then answer the following questions using the text. Use True (T) or False (F) Hello! My name is Ana. Iam twenty-five years old. I live in Miami, Florida with my husband and two children. I have one son in kindergarten and one daughter in first grade. They both attend public school. My husband is a mechanic. On weekends, he works at a restaurant as a diswasher. The restaurant usually gets more customers on weekends, so they need extra people to wash dishes. -Ana is twenty five years old T F.
Ana's daugther is in second grade T F.
Ana's huseband is a pilot T F.
Ana's huseband is a mechanic T F.
All the days her huseband works at a restaurant T F.
Ana lives in New York T F.
Ana lives in Miami T F.
Ana has two children T F.
Ana's son is at kindergarten T F.
An's children attend a private school T F.
Read this text, then answer the following questions using the text. Use True (T) or False (F) Paul looks at his watch. He is worried. He has fifteen minutes to get to his interview and he is stuck in a traffic jam. He looks around. Everyone is honking their horns and trying to move into the lane that seems to be moving faster. They have barely moved in the last thirty minutes. Paul looks out of the window at the people walking past him on the sidewalk. An old woman walking with a cane passed him fifteen minutes ago. He cannot be late for this interview. He grabs his suitcase, opens the door and gets out of the car. He shuts the door and begins to walk quickly down the street. All the cars behind him begin to hnk and the drivers start yelling at him. One yells: "HEY! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU´RE GOING? YOU CAN´T JUST LEAVE YOUR CAR!! HEY !! COME BACK!! Paul is worried T F.
Paul is happy T F.
Paul is going to have a lunch T F.
Paul is stuck in a traffic jam T F.
Paul can be late for his interview T F.
Paul cannot be late for his interview T F.
Paul walk quickly down the street T F.
The cars behind Paul begin to honk him T F.
The drivers start to yelling Paul T F.
Paul is going to an interview T F.
Read this text, then answer the following questions using the text. Use True (T) or False (F) Francisco stands outside his new house. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the key. He turns the key in the lock and opens the door. He steps into the living room and looks around. The paint is peeling off the walls. There is no furnite. The house is dirty and smells bad. He tries to opend a window but it is broken. The house does not have a kitchen or a bedroom but there is a microwave on the floor on one side of the room. He wonders if it works. The place looks terrible but it is all he can afford. He covers his nose and mouth with his hand and opens the bathroom door. It is in bad condition. Francisco has a new appartment T F.
Francisco has a new house T F.
Francisco reaches his bag an pulls out the key T F.
He step at the kitchen and looks around T F.
Francisco house is dirty and smells bad T F.
He tries to open a window and it works good T F.
The place looks beautiful T F.
The baathroom door is in a good condition T F.
The bathroom door is in bad condition T F.
There is a lot of furniture in the house T F.
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