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2. Carlos is a B/B just delivered vaginally. Which of the following symptoms presented by Carlos is indicative for respiratory distress? a. Acrocyanosis b. Asymmetrical chest movements c. RR SO breaths/ min d. Apnea episodes (15 sec).
3. The nurse is educating Lisa a recent mother regarding the first stools of Mia her newborn child. Which of the following best indicates what Lisa would observe on Mia’s first stools? a. Greenish, tarry, thick black stool b. Yellow-green, pasty, unpleasant-smelling stool c. Sour-smelling, yellowish-gold stool d. Thin, yellowish, seedy brown stool.
4. “Which of the following tests will evaluate the Rh negative mother? a. ANA b. Titer screen c. Indirect Coomb’s test d. CBC differential.
6. Ramonita is postpartum. Which of the following findings would be most significant in identifying possible postpartum hemorrhage?? a. Cardiac output b. Pulse rate c. Respiratory rete d. Hematocrit.
5.Which anterior pituitary hormone is responsible for milk production? a. Prolactin b. Oxytocin c. Estrogen d. Progesterone.
7. Kathy is s/p 3weeks vaginal delivery, currently is being assessed in the clinic for her follow up visit. Kathy is still experiencing mild lochia alba. She is concerned that she has an infection. Which of the following symptoms would indicate a possible infection? a. Creamy discharge b. Fleshy smell c. Offensive foul odor d. Light brown discharge.
8. Sing an assessment, the nurse notes that the patient’s that patient’s output has increased significantly in the past two hours. Patients current intake is 0,9% NSS at a rate of a 80 cc/hr PEx findings abdomen soft, tender bladder distended, uterus not firm, displaced towards the right. The nurse knows that findings like such like this inhibits proper contraction of the uterus. Based on this the nurse suspects the patient is at risk for? a. Urinary retention b. Postpartum hemorrhage c. Urinary tract infection d. Uterine atony.
9. A nurse is preparing to assess the uterine fundus of a client in the immediate postpartum period. When the nurse locates the fundus, the nurse notes that the uterus feels soft and boggy. Which nursing intervention would be appropriate initially? a. Elevate the mother’s legs b. Encourage the mother to void c. Massage the fundus until is firm d. Push on the uterus to assist in expressing clots.
10. A nurse is monitoring a client in the immediate postpartum period for signs of hemorrhage. Which of the following signs if noted would be an early sign of excessive blood loss? a. Temperature of 100.4oC b. An increase in the pulse rate from 88 to 102 beats/min c. An increase in the RR from 18-22 breaths/min d. A Bp change from 130/88 mmHg to 120/80 mmHg.
11. Martha is a postpartum mother who gave birth to her first baby Sara a healthy baby 2 weeks ago. Pt is complaining of flu symptoms and complains of fatigue and aching muscles. On assessment you note a localized area of redness on her left breast, she is diagnosed with mastitis. Martha asks you about her diagnosis, based on your knowledge you respond. a. “The infection can occur at any time during breast-feeding” b. “The infection usually is caused by wearing a supportive bra” c. “The infection usually is caused by wearing a supportive bra” d. “The infection is most common for women who have breast-fed in the past”.
12. RhoGAM is the therapy of choice for isoimmunization in Rh-negative woman. RhoGAM is also indicated for other conditions. Which of the following would not be an indication for administering RhoGAM. a. Molar pregnancy b. Sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) c. Maternal trauma d. Amniocentesis.
13. A client has come to the office for a prenatal visit during her 22nd week of gestation. On examination, it is noted that her blood pressure has increased to 138/90. Her urine is negative for proteinuria. The nurse recognizes which of the following as the potential cause? a. Preeclampsia b. HELLP c. Chronic hypertension d. Gestational hypertension.
14. A pregnant woman is diagnosed with abruption placentae. When reviewing the woman’s physical assessment in her medical record, which of the following would the nurse expect to find? a. Bright red vaginal bleeding b. Absence of pain c. Firm, rigid uterus on palpation d. Fetal heart rate within normal range.
16. The nurse recognizes that documenting accurate blood pressures is vital in the diagnosing of preeclampsia and eclampsia. To be diagnostic of preeclampsia, which of the following should occur? a. BP of 140/90 mm Hg on two occasions after 28 week’s gestation b. BP of 140/90 mm Hg on three occasions 3 hours apart c. BP of 140/90 mm Hg on three occasions after 20 week’s gestation d. BP of 140/90 mm Hg on two occasions 6 hours apart.
15. A pregnant woman has arrived to the office with the complaint of vaginal bleeding. Which finding during the assessment would lead the nurse to suspect an inevitable abortion? a. Slight vaginal bleeding b. No passage of fetal tissue c. Strong abdominal cramping d. Closed cervical os.
17. A pregnant woman has been admitted to the hospital due to severe preeclampsia. Which of the following will be important for the nurse to include in the care plan? a. Admit the client to the middle of ICU where she can be constantly monitored. b. Institute NPO status c. Institute and maintain seizure precautions d. Plan for immediate induction of labor.
18. After an examination, a client has been determined to have an unruptured ectopic pregnancy. Which of the following would the nurse prepare to administer? a. Ondansetron b. Methotrexate (El metotrexato actúa deteniendo el crecimiento del óvulo fertilizado antes de que ocurra la ruptura. Algunas veces, el metotrexato se combina junto con una cirugía para tratar un embarazo ectópico. En este caso, el medicamento elimina las células fetales que quedan después de la cirugía.) c. Promethazine d. Oxytocin.
19. Which of the following would the nurse include in the plan of care for a woman with premature rupture of membranes if her fetus’s lungs are mature? a. Reduction in physical activity level b. Administration of corticosteroids c. Labor induction d. Observation for signs of infection.
20. Preexisting conditions in woman can lead to complications during pregnancy. Hydramnios is often seen with which preexisting condition a. Hypertension b. Late maternal age c. Isoimmunization d. Diabetes .
21. A woman has presented to the emergency department with symptoms that suggest AN ECTOPIC PREGNANCY. Which of the following would lead the nurse to suspect that fallopian tube has ruptured? a. Vaginal spotting b. Breast tenderness c. Nausea d. Referred shoulder pain.
22. The nurse recognizes that a multiparous woman with a past history of cesarean births should be monitored for which of the following? a. Placenta abruption b. Oligohydramnios c. Preeclampsia d. Placenta accrete.
23. Hemorrhaging early in the pregnancy is related to several common causes. Which of the following would not be a common cause? a. Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) b. Ectopic pregnancy c. Previous placenta d. Spontaneous abortion.
24. A high-risk pregnant client is determined to have gestational hypertension. Which of the following would the nurse interpret as indicating that she has developed severe preeclampsia? a. Blurred vision b. Proteinuria of 300 mg per 24 hrs c. Blood pressure of 150/100 mmHg d. Mild facial edema.
25. A woman with a recent incomplete abortion is to receive therapeutic misoprostol. The nurse understands that the rationale for administering this drug is to: a. Halt the progression of the abortion b. Suppress the immune response to prevent Isoimmunization c. Alleviate strong uterine cramping d. Ensure passage of all the products of conception.
26. When conducting an assessment, the nurse observes tiny white pinpoint papules on a newborn's nose. These are documented as: a. Vernix caseosa b. Lanugo c. Milia(La milia consiste en pequeñas vesículas blancas que aparecen en la nariz, el mentón o las mejillas del bebé. La milia es frecuente en recién nacidos, pero puede producirse en personas de cualquier edad. No es posible prevenir la milia. Tampoco es necesario administrar tratamiento, ya que habitualmente desaparece por sí sola después de pocas semanas o meses.) d. Harlequin sign.
27.Once the infant is born, there are several actions that must be completed. Which of the following would the nurse do first after the birth of a newborn? a. Apply identification bracelet b. Suction the mouth and nose c. Administer vitamin K d. Obtain footprints.
28. Screening for this most common birth defect is required by law in most states. Each nurse should know the law for his or her state and the requirements for screening. Which or the following is the most common birth defect? a. Skeletal malformations b. Genetic-linked c. Hearing d. Vision.
29. Circumcision is a very personal decision for parents and the nurse’s major responsibility is to inform the parents of the risk and benefits of the procedure. The nurse needs to recognize that this decision is mainly with of the following? a. Legal decision b. Social decision c. Difficult decision d. Family decision.
33. A 52 y/o woman comes to the clinic she is concern and asks you about how often she needs to be assessed for common health problems woman of her age could face. Based on your knowledge you would recommend a. An endometrial biopsy every 20 years b. A fecal occult blood test annually c. A mammogram every 15 years d. Bone mineral density testing since age 10.
34. You are counseling Ana a 30 y/o woman with a PMHx of PMS who comes to the clinic regarding effective measures to use to relieve symptoms associated with her diagnosis based on your knowledge you suggest: a. Decrease intake of fruits especially peaches and watermelon b. Reduce exercise during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle when symptoms are at their peak c. Maintain a salt intake of 6 g/day or less c. Maintain a salt intake of 6 g/day or less.
35. A 26 y/o female describes her periods as heavy bleeding between her menstrual periods. You would record this finding as: a. Metrorhagia b. Cause fertility c. Leads to itching d. Is highly difficult to treat.
36. You are caring for a 21 y/o with a hx. Of chlamydia. Based on your knowledge this is considered dangerous primarily because. a. Is asymptomatic b. Cause fertility c. Leads to itching d. Is highly difficult to treat.
37. Cervical neoplasia has been liked to which of the following type of STD’S? a. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) b. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)v c. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) d. Chlamydia.
38. Kathy is a 39 y/o sexually active female, who has come to the clinic requesting oral contraception. You have assessed the patient and provided instructions regarding contraception and the use of oral contraceptives. Kathy would demonstrate need for further instructions if she: a. Continues to use the condoms b. Continues to actively smoke c. Takes a pill every morning d. Uses a barrier method of birth control when missing two or more pills.
39. Which of the following measure would be LEAST effective in relieving the stress urinary incontinence experienced by a 60 y/o woman with pelvic relaxation a. Preforming Kegel exercise b. Reducing her intake of oral fluids to one liter or less per day c. Emptying her bladder on a regular basis every two hours d. Participating in a smoking cessation program to relieve her smoker’s cough.
40. When caring for a pregnant woman, the nurse would recognize that a woman with which of the following disorders has the greatest risk for giving birth to a macrosomic newborn? a. Diabetes b. Anemia c. Hyperthyroidism d. Hypertension .
41. Which of the following is categorized as a probable sign of pregnancy? a. Human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine b. Breast tenderness c. Morning sickness d. Fetal heart sounds.
42. During a physical examination of a pregnant woman the health care provider observes patient cervix deep blue. Based on your knowledge you would document this finding as. a. Friability b. Goodell sing positive c. Chadwick sign positive d. Hagar’s sign positive.
43. A woman’s last menstrual period (LMP) began on November 9, 2017 and it ended on November 14, 2017. Using Nagele’s rule, the estimated date of birth would be: a. February 2, 2018 b. July 6, 2018 c. August 16, 2018 d. August 21, 2018.
44. Isabelle is 30 4/7 weeks of gestation. During her fundal height measurement, patient begins to complain about feeling dizzy and nauseated. Her skin feels damp and cool. Your first action would be to. a. Assess the woman’s respiratory rate and effort b. Provide the woman’s with and emesis basin c. Elevate the woman’s le 50 degrees from her hipsd. d. Turn the woman on her side.
45. Which of the following activities should be expected a part of a doula’s role responsibilities? a. Monitor hydration of laboring woman, including IV flow rates b. Interpret electronic fetal monitoring tracings to determine the wellbeing of the maternal-fetal unit c. Eliminate the need for the husband/partner to be present during labor and birth d. Provide continuous support throughout labor and birth this includes explanations of labor progress.
46. Changes occur as a woman progresses through labor. Which of the following maternal adaptations would be expected during labor a. Decrease in white blood cell count b. Increase in pulse and respiratory rate c. Decrease in gastric motility leading to nausea and vomiting especially during labor d. Decrease in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure during uterine contractions in the first stage of labor.
47. Karina is a 27 y/o s/p c- section receiving epidural analgesia for pain management. Which medication should be at hand if patient develops respiratory depression? a. Morphine sulfate b. Naloxone (Narcan) c. Bethamethasone (Celestone) d. Meperidine hydrochloride (Demerol) .
48. The physical has prescribed Clara a 25 y/o female MgSO2 2gm in 1000 ml 0.9 % NSS IV to run at 10 gtts/min you have available. How many ml do you need? a. 4 ml MgSO4 in 1000ml 0.9% NSS to run at 10 gtts/min b. 4 ml MgSO4 in 1000ml 0.9% NSS to run at 100 gtts/min c. 4 ml MgSO4 in 100ml 0.9% NSS to run at 10 gtts/min d. 4 ml MgSO4 in 10000ml 0.9% NSS to run at 10 gtts/min.
49. You are assign to the postpartum unit and caring for Keila a 26 y/o postpartum patient. During your round you notice that the patient has been unable to urinate for the past two hours and patient continues bleeding more than expected. Based on these findings you suspect Keila is developing? a. Postpartum diaphoresis b. Urinary retention c. Urinary tract infection d. Urinate atony.
50. The mother has delivered a premature infant at 30 weeks. The nurse is aware that the infant needs to be evaluated for which of the following to ensure the alveoli can function properly? a. Blood flow b. Oxygen c. Surfactant d. Hematocrit .
5. Which anterior pituitary hormone is responsible for milk production? a. Prolactin b. Oxytocin c. Estrogen d. Progesterone.
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