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METHODOLOGY 3 iii segundo bim

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from the following tasks, which is the one that is not included into information gap activities? split information tasks superios inferior tasks cooperating tasks.
after reading Nation and Newton, trainee teacherswould know that for Brown(1986) part of the skill of listening an learning how to take an active role in providing feedback to the speaker a passive role in providing feedback to the listener an active role in providing feedback to the listener.
which of the following is a factor that affects the amount and type of negotiation according to Newton and Nation the number of learners working together the age of the learners the education level of the learners.
according to Nation and newton, a teacher whishing to apply negotiantion, wouldneed to be aware tahat learners know.... the language features needed for negotiation extensive vocabulary how to discuss formal topis.
a teacher aware of teaching methodology would be aware that which of the following is a method of learnign non-negotiation interaction guessing from context discover the story controlling the teacher.
a teacher applying a "could you repeat that?"activity would be aware of the fact that it involves teacher-student interaction running dictation.
when applying a cooperating taskfor task-focused interaction, a teacher should be aware that it should involve a mixture of some students having the same informtation and others not all students haing different information all students having the same information.
according to Long (1996) why is negotiation useful to the learner? it makes learners more sensitive to their need to be comprehensible it allows native speakers to provide feedback to the learners it encourages learners to study even more.
many authors talk about pushed output, they have realized that through it language can e learned, sutdents produce spoken language more accurately and coherently. These authors have also claimed that without pushed output learners heighten their of the importance of a particular grammatical feature mainly acquire language features necesary for comprehension move from a purely semantic analysis of the language to a syntactic analysis of it.
it has been foud by some authors taht the knowledge that is neeeded to speak will not coem unless the learners are ______ to speak pushed discouraged sent to other countries.
which of the following would be an example of setting a demanding task of learning through pushed output for the learner? guided tasks time pressure standard of production.
which of the following would be an example of setthing a demanding task of learning through output for the learner speaking in formal situations without the interactive support of others speaking in informal situations without the interactive support of others speaking in informal situations with the interactive support of others.
which of the following would allow learners to operate under the most favourable conditionsfor production if youare in agreement with nation and newton guided tasks time pressure standard of production.
formal speaking helps language learning in which of the following ways, according to nation and newton it require learners to focus on language items it introduces new vocabulary it introduces new grammar rules.
a teacher who follows the same lines of reasoning as swain(2005)would argue that learners can uderstand in without having to look too closely at the... grammar vocabulary accent.
according to nation and newton, language-focused learning should take up about what percentage of a course 50% 25% 30%.
one major distinction found in regards to "spoken types" was.... colloquial speedch versus formal speach dialects vs accents the effect of social class on spoken output.
vocabulary cards, which are small cards, (about 4cm x 3cm) on which you write the second language word on one side and the fist language translation on the other, is a resource for teaching vocabulary tha can used for beginner adults adolescents children.
a trainee teacher shold be conscious not to fall into traps and pitfalls as previous teachers . Therefore, they should be aware that language-focussed learning has typically been given... an equal strand in language courses little time in language courses too much time in language courses.
a trainee teacher should be aware that language-focused learning can have which of the following effects increased verbal fluency indirectly provide meaning-focused input a detrimental effect on grammar comprehension.
according to nation and newton, fi teaching english inan english speaking country as pre-university course, the students could learn important vocabulary in which way? through.... small vocabulary flash cards dictation activities essay reading activities.
language focused vocabulary learning has three main values directly to implicit knowledge, and it raises awareness... to grammar systems of the systematic featuresof vocabulary the need of fluency activities.
in regards to deliberate vocabulary learning, nation and newton claim that the best instruction involves looking at aword as part of a ... set phrase rather than a part of a system message rather than part of a system a system rather than a part of a message.
grammar-focused description involves the learner being ble to... describe the equivalent grammatical feature in their mother tongue say what grammatical feature means understand a teachers descriptionof a grammatical feature.
the following are the four sets of learning goals: language item goals; idea or content goals; skill goals; and or discourse goals. When using experience tasks for language teaching it is important to know what parts of the are within the learners experience task should have: only one of these goals and the other three should already be wthin the learnes experience two of these goals and the other two should already be wthin the learnes experience three of these goals and the other three should already be wthin the learnes experience.
a teacher would typically measure accuracy by... the amount of error the speed of access or production and by the number of hesitations the presence of more complicated constructions.
listenign to stories "activities are particularly good for learners who... listen well but whose reading skills are poor read well but whoselistening skills are poor listen well but whose speaking skills are poor.
"name it" activities are great for practicing fluency with which level or learner? beginner intermediate advanced.
why should the content of a fluency activity allow substantial opportunities for both receptive an productive language use ? so that the learner can be corrected constantly has plenty of opportunities to practice has opportunities to use new vocabulary.
how can a teacher desing a fluency activity that makes use of the key conditions required? by utilizing the 4/3/2 technique by incorporating an aspect of languge-focused learning into the activity by incorporating dictation into the activity.
according to nation and newton the testing of listeningand peaking should fulfill three criteria: reliability, valididty and what? effciacy practicality effcieincy.
tests need to cope with some requirements to be reliable. mark the characteristis which doe not make a test reliable a test will be more reliable if the learners do not have any familiarity with the format of the test a test is more reliable if it can be marked in relation to a set of correct answers or if the marking is based on clearly understood criteria a test of speaking is more reliable if the speaker is assesed on several speaking tasks and on several sub-skills or speaking rather than on one.
nation and newton advise thatgroup oral exams shouldbe marked by... the class teacher subjetively two observers using a set of scales the class teacher objetively.
what is a "three choice true-false activity? a type of didactic testing a monitoring activity for children an interactive methos}d of monitoring.
what type of listeing test is the following? the learners listen to statemets or questions and respond to them by choosing from multiple- choice items of words or pictures , by indicating true or false, or by giving a short answer. text whith questions responding to statements partial dictaitons.
a teacher who uses observation checklists when learners are performing listening and speaking activies is example of what? spontaneus monitoring teacher-student testing facilitator a facet of an information gathering system.
a test is valid if it measures what it is supposed to measure and when it ti used for the purpose for which desgned. for our purposes, we recognized; face and content validity, a test has face validity when ... all the people involved in evaluation, it means the people sitting the test, thh people giving the test,and affected by it such as parents, employers, and govermment offcials see the test as fair an reliable it can serve to evaluate two skills at the same time, for example, a pronunciation teset may be valid as a pronuncaition and also as a testof spoken communicative ability the content of the test reflectsthe content of the skill, language, or course being tested.
in regards to monitoring and testing progress, what is the "washback effect"? the effect the test has on teacher - student realtions the effect the test has on tudent morale the effect the test has on classroom.
a dycom test is successful in teaching which of the four skills? listening speaking writing.
a teacher giving his/her students a test should be aware that its "content valididty" involves.. considering whether the content of the test reflects the content of the skillbeing tested. making sure that all thoseaffected by the test view it as fair and suitable making sure taht the level of the test is apporoppiate for those taking the test.
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