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methodology ii 2 bim



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gimarin ( hace 6 años )
at this stage the writer puts his ideas into complete thoughts, such as sentences paragraphs. The writer organizes his ideas in a way that allows the reader to understan his message. He does thi by focusing on which ideas or topics to include in the piece of writing drafting reviewing editing.
these activities are good for getting students to mill about in the class surveys and find someone who meeting and greeting ballon debate and moral dillema.
mach the skill with the reading aim . you have heard about a singer an yo uare midly interested in his life. you look him up o n the internet when ou dont have much else to do scanning skimming reading for plaesure.
according to duedueny and hockly, webquests normally have four basic stages the introduction stage, the task section, the process stage, and the evaluation stage. in which of these stages students do some study work on language the introduction evaluation task secion.
identify the type of reading in the example below. the whats on tv section of yourvnewspaper extensive intensive scanning.
mach the skill with the reading aim. you are trying to decide what movie to take your 8 year old nephew to see. you check your local newspaper reading for detailed comprehension reading for pleasure scanning.
to what listening principle does the following statement belong.students will need to look at pictures, discuss the topic, or read the questions first, for example, in order to be in a position to predic what is comming once mayn not be enough help students to prepare to listen good teachers exploit listening text to the full.
the follwing example describes... students are told that a student has been caught cheating in an important exam. they are then given the students cricumstances, and offered five possible courses of action-from exposing the student publicly to ignoring the incident- which they have to choose between. ballon debate moral dilemmas telling stories.
in this kind of activity, students listen to a new broadcast and have to say which topicsfrom list occur in the bulletin and which order. They then have to listen for details about individual stories. if the news contains a lot of facts an figures, students may be asked to convert them into charts of graph form musci and sound effects jigsaw listening news and other radio genres.
in this kind of activity students listen to vox'pop interviews where five different speakers say what they think about a topic an the students have o match the different speakers with different opinions stories message taking monologues.
it describes the degree to which you can make specific conclusions or prediciotns about people based on their test scores. In other words, it indicates the usefulness of the test validity washback effect reliability.
it is a procedure where students first try out the language, are taught what they were unable to do, and are then tested a,b,c washback effect test teach test task based learning.
the purpose of this kind of tests is to find out not only what students know, but also what they dont know exit placement proficiency.
these tests have the function of seeing how students are getting on with the lessons, and how well they have assimilated what they have been taugh over a period of time achievement progress continuos.
these kind of tests are directly related to language courses, their purpose being to stablish how succesuf individual students, groups of students, or the courses themselves have been in attaining the objectives diagnostic placement achievement.
when scoring requires no judgment and could in principle or in practice be carried out by a computer, the test is said to be subjective objective valid.
the content of this kind of test is not based on the content or objetives of languages courses that people taking the test may have follovew, it is based on a specification of what candidates have to be able to do in the language achievement progress proficiency.
it is the name given to a situation where examples of sutdents work taken over a term, semester or year, are collected together and used to decide the students final grades achievement continuos portfolio.
indentify the kind of validity the example below corresponds to. exm if we want to create a speaking test, we have to find compare and criticize the theory about the speaking test not other face validity empiricalvalidity construct validity.
the following activity might well be a reliable test but itis unlikely tobe... teacher asks candidates to write down the translation equivalents of 500 words in their own language acceptable appropriate valid.
what is the best thing a teacher should do when his students uses l1 most of the time ignore what the student has said answer all his questions in the same language to ban the use of l1.
what should teachers do when studnts misbehave punish tehm just in some occasions call the attention to some of them but not all be fair and punish any bad action.
what should the teacher do when problem behavior occurs deal with the students who are causing difficulties by talking to them away from the whole class take instan decisions in the heat of the moment use sacasm or insults.
webquests normally have four basic stages, the introduction stage, the task section, the process stage, and the evaluation staege, in which of these sstages students are given web linksto click on to get the information they need task section process stage evaluation stage.
read the following description and identify the role of the teacher while correcting in this way. teachers help students improve their texts by giving specific tips and possible solutions. in this role the teacher sees the text as work in progress and helps learners expand their language and text writing skills evaluator audience assistant.
identify the type of reading in the following example. reading an isurance claim extensive intensve skimming.
indentify the type of reading in the following exmp. reading magazine articles that interest you extensive intensive scanning.
teachers can involve students in ... where they look at the contruction of a number of different examples of, say, magazine advertisements in order to work out how they are typically constructed. buzz groups ballon debate genre analysis.
webquests normally have 4 basic stages, the introductor stage, the task sextion, the process stage and evaluation stage, in which of these stages studentsdo sor study work on language the introductor stage the task sextion evaluation stage.
read the following description and indentify the role of the teacher while correcting in thisway. the teacher responds personally and directly by showing surprise, asking questions to clarify certain points, adding pesonal views, etc. he also responds to the studnts ideas feelings and experiences and communicates his or her reactions to the writer audience assistant evaluator.
identify the type of reading in the example below. reading the newspaper "quickly to get the general news of the day" skimming scanning intensive.
mach the skill with the reading aim. when you are inthe dentists waiting room, you see an article ablut your favorite singer in a magazine scanning skimming reading for pleasure.
identify the kind of reading activity in the folllowing example. students read a short text which steps up a problem and then, in 3 groups , they read 3 different texts, all of which are about the same thing. when they have read their texts, they come together in groups where each student has read a different text, and they try to work out the whole story, of describe the whole situation following instructions jisaw reading predicting from words and pictures.
webquests normally have 4 basic stages, the introduction stage, the task section, the process stage, and the evaluation stage, in which of this stages is overall theme of the webquest presented with appropriate background information the introduction stage evaluation stage the process stage.
match the skilll with the reading aim. you are an 18 year old history student. in a school history magazine you see an article about reassessing the cold war in termes of third world politics reading for detailed comprehension skimming scanning.
what is the correct order for correcting spoken mistakes according to the example below. 1. the first decision th eteacher has to make is whether to correct the error or just le it go by. 2.the theacher hears the error an categorizes it in their head. 3 the teacher decides to ont he spot error correction. couldbe done to deal the error immediately 1,2,3 3,2,1 2,1,3.
the following is an example of what kind of activity. learner a has a biography of a famous person with all the place names missing, whilst learnear b has the same text with all the dates missing. together the can complete the text by asking each other questions puzzle cloze information gap.
which of the following teachers attitudes will kill discussions in the classroom isntructor acts the fount of all wisdom using a variety of discussions forms setting up rules for discussions.
which of the following shows an example of gentle correction the teacher corrects the studnts immendiately afeter the mistake has been committed the teacher repeats what the student has said, but correctly this time, and does not ask for student repetiotion of the corrected form the student is talking about a determined topic, suddenly, the teacher says he wait, you said is but it shoud be are.
what are the kinds of tests items that have to do with activation discrete direct indirect.
these tests are designed to show what level a student has reached at an one time, andare used by employers and universities, for example who wants a reliable measure of a students language ability progress proeficiency placement.
what are the kinds of tests items tat have to do with study direct indirect discrete.
it is the name given to a situation where examples of students work takenover a term semester or year are collected together and used to decide the students final grades achievement continuos portfolio.
this kind of test requires the candidate to combine many language elementes in the completion of a task. this might involve writing a composition, making notes while listening to a lecture, taking a dictation,or completing a cloze passage integrative direct discrete.
this kind of test refers to the testing of one element at a time, item by item. this might,for example, take the form of a series of items, eache testing a particular grammatical structure direct indirect discrete.
it is the influence that a test has on the way students are taught, for example, the teaching mirrors the test because teachers want their stuents to pass reliabiility washnback effect plateu effect.
these tests help to measure the students progress as it is happening and wher the masure of a studnts achievement is the work done all through the learning perido and not just at the end continous placemnert achievemet.
a multiple choice test, with the correct responses unambiguosly identified, would be a case of a ... test objective subjective fair.
what does the teacher need to do after giving and marking the tests of their students they should see if any change is necessary if they pretend to use it again show the test to some colleagues to get their feedback try the test out with other students of the same level.
complete the following statement, the more items that you have ona test, the more.. that the testwill be realiable valid compelte.
a test that pretended to measure pronunvciatoin ability but which did not require the test taker to speak might ve though to lack face validity reliability backwash effect.
the following activity well be a reliable test, but it is unlikely to be...... teacher asks candidates to write down the translation equivalents of 500 words int heri own language acceptable appropiate valid.
the situation below corresponds to one of the characteristics of good tests, which one is it . for example, if you were to administer a test to an examinee of two occasions, you would be vey likely to reach the same conclusions about the examinees performanvc both times valdity washback effect reliability.
identify the type of test described int he example below. rewrite the sentence so that it means the same. use the word in bold could i borrow 5 pounds please. lend transformation multiple choice fill in.
the situation below corresponds to one of the chatracteristics of good tests, which one is it. whenndesinging a tests, teachers should work out how long will take both to sit the test and also to mark it . validity practicality reliability.
in this technique a reading passage is summarized by teh tester and then spaces are left in the summary for completion by the candidate. it permits the setting of several reliable items on a relatively short passage short answer multiple choice cloze.
from the definitions below, which one belong to empirical validity it realates to the closeness between the score obtained from a test with the other criteria outside that test it relates to how a test looks to other people, students experts,,etc it relates to our understanding of the existing theory to construc a test.
what attiutde should a teacher adopt it students are always arriving late dont allow them to take part at any class activities dont allow him to enter to the class impose some kind of sanction.
what kind of listening activity does the example belong to . theachers get the sudents to describe the speaker on the recording the sounds of the voice will suggest sex, age, status, etc, this activity offers the possibility of success however difficult the listening passage play the listening in chunks one task only jigsaw listening.
what should teachers do when givingback homework to students ask them to put it into their folder analyze all mistakes onthe board motivate them ro read the comments.
what should teh teacher do if only one group in the class has finished the assigned activity plan extensions to the original task allow the early finishing sutdents to do what they want give them early finishing students a bread time.
which of the following statements is not correct. most shared tasks have the advantages of ........... increasing the teachers supervision and marking load encouraging the students to see each other as a learning resource requiring litle preparation by the techer.
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