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The Nature Of Life

Middle Term/ Es el mismo que nos paso en GC pero en ingles

Grupo 604
(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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Número preguntas: 40
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Heterotrophic organisms that feed on your host and cause damage? Chemoautotrophs Saprophytes Parasites.
These organisms use the energy accumulated in inorganic molecules to produce their organic nutrients Photoautotrophs Parasites Saprophytes Chemoautotrophs.
Organelle responsible for the synthesis of ATP Ribosomes Mitochondria Golgi apparatus Nucleus.
The ATP works as a molecule capable of giving energy to the cell because: It has a Monosaccharide Adenine Decomposition Break Phosphate Links Its three-dimensional structure.
Molecules that transfer energy to the electron transport chain All of the above NADH and FADH2 ATP and NADH FADH2 and ATP.
The place where light-dependent reactions occur is: Internal membrane Mitochondria Thylakoids Stroma.
Enzyme necessary for the synthesis of ATP DNA synthase ATP synthase RNA synthase ADP synthase.
In what process is chemical energy transformed, stored in the form of glucose and released oxygen in the presence of sunlight? Photosynthesis Cellular Breathing Fermentation Krebs cycle.
Where does the process of photosynthesis occur? Ribosomes Chloroplast Nucleus Mitochondria.
They are ways or processes that are responsible for synthesizing from simple molecules to more complex ones Synergism Metabolism Catabolism Anabolism.
The term OXIDATION in a molecule refers to: Lose electrons Win protons Lose protons Win electrons.
In which part of the chloroplast do the independent reactions of light take place? Internal membrane Stroma Thylakoids Mitochondria.
They are ways or processes that are responsible for breaking the different compounds by degrading them into simpler molecules: Metabolism Anabolism Catabolism Synergism.
Autotrophic organisms that use sunlight to generate their own food are called: Saprophytes Chemoautotrophs Parasites Photoautotrophs.
What is the name of the radiation responsible for the heat provided by the sun? UV rays A, B and C Infrared range Chemical energy Visible Range.
ATP is a molecule from which we obtain... Molecules Heat Energy Nutrients.
What is the wavelength not visible to the human eye that has sterilizing properties? UV rays A, B and C Infrared range Chemical energy Visible Range.
They are the sum of chemical reactions that occur within a cell, being of synthesis or degradation Metabolism Synergism Anabolism Catabolism.
What are the pigments that receive energy during photosynthesis and also give color to plants? Thylacoids and Stroma Light and CO2 Chlorophyll and carotenoids ATP and NADPH.
It is the second phase of cellular respiration, pyruvate is required, it produces CO2 and high energy molecules such as NADH and FADH2, it occurs in the mitochondrial matrix. Electron transport chain Glycogenesis Krebs cycle Glycolysis.
What factors must be present for photosynthesis to take place Acetyl CoA, CO ", and H2O Starch, CO2, and ATP O2, glucose and ADP Sunlight, H2O and CO2.
What is the main source of where we can synthesize the ATP? Foods Fat Water Protein.
What are the energy-carrying molecules that form in light-dependent reactions? RuBP and ATP CO2 and O2 PGA and Pi ATP and NADPH.
They are organisms which require oxygen to carry out their functions Chemoautotrophs Autotrophs Aerobics Photosynthetic.
By who was described the process in which the presence of O2 stops the production of ethanol. Lamarck Louis Pasteur Robert Hill.
Specialized organelle in which ATP production occurs Lysosomes Cellular membrane Mitochondria Golgi apparatus.
Name of the organisms that feed on decomposing animals. Saprophytes Parasites Chemoautotrophs Photoautotrophs.
Examples of chemical reactions of the catabolic type, except: Glucose → Starch Starch → Glucose Fatty Acids → Triacylglycerols Amino Acids → Proteins.
It is the first phase of cellular respiration, the breaking of the glucose molecule and pyruvate production occurs, it occurs in the cytosol: Krebs cycle Electron transport chain Glycogenesis Glycolysis.
It is the third phase of cellular respiration, electrons are released without energy and are accepted by oxygen molecules producing water, the greatest amount of ATP molecules is produced, it occurs in the mitochondrial membrane. Krebs cycle Electron transport chain Glycogenesis Glycoses.
It is a set of chemical reactions by which certain organic compounds are degraded by oxidation to become molecules that in the process generate energy that the cell can use for various functions. Cellular Respiration Photosynthesis Degradation Lung breathing.
Process in which the pyruvic acid formed in glycolysis is anaerobically converted into ethanol, in the first case carbon dioxide is released and in the second case NADH is oxidized and reduced to acetaldehyde. Alcoholic fermentation Catabolism Fermentation.
What carbohydrate is obtained at the end of the independent reactions of light or Calvin Cycle? Maltose Lactose Glucose.
Process in which the lactate leaves the muscle and returns to the liver, where it is transformed back into glucose. Lactic fermentation Catabolism Anabolism.
The term REDUCTION of a molecule refers to Win Protons Win Electrons Lose Protons Lose Electrons.
Structurally the ATP is composed of Thymine, sugar and 2 phosphates Guanine, Glucose and 3 phosphates Adenine, Ribose and 3 phosphates Adenine, Ribose and 2 phosphates.
Which organisms use fermentation? Anaerobes Catabolic Aerobics.
Is the general reaction of cellular respiration 2 Pyruvate + NADH → 2 Lactate + 2NAD + 6CO2 + 6H2O → Glucose + 6O2 Glucose + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy (ATP).
Biochemical process by which one substance is transformed into another Glycolysis Catabolism Fermentation.
Main source of energy of microorganisms and organisms Cellular respiration Fermentation Carbohydrates.
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